OOTL - Why are people hating on Covenants?

There IS a benefit. Players don’t have to grind out 12 soul binds across 4 covenants, and having to max renown across 4 covenants. Each. And Every. Patch.

And if this IS possible, then it will be DEMANDED to get into groups. You will be expected to grind out Venthyr to get you M+ soulbinds. You will have to grab other covenants tools so you can swap them out inbetweeen fights. If you want to do Arena’s? Now you have to grind out everything Arenas needs.

Whereas, with the current system coming, you don’t get to/ have to grind, you make do with what you’ve got, and do the best with that.

There WILL be other players attempting then chosen content with similarly suboptimal builds, and thus you can all group together.

So don’t apply to the group that wants Venthyr for M+. Or what ever a class’s raid covenant is. Apply to the group that matches where in the meta you are.

Fantasy land. NO one is going to take someone that Isnt the right Covenant, NO matter what their Covenant is.

Especially now that M+ only drops 1 piece.

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The point is that the number of denials will still increase, not go down.

Cov choice is only going to affect people pushing high keys, which generally aren’t pugged.

The people thinking they’ll get accepted into pugs more because of the cov system never understood why they were getting rejected in the first place.

Hint: It’s because you’re queuing as DPS alongside 50 others.

This is your problem right here. WoW is not an esport at least not the live servers. Players can try to turn it into one but it seems Blizzard is pushing back against it.

Blizzard is the one that made is trying to make Esports… On Live Servers. And you cant say “Ya but they regretted it and gave up trying to make Arena an Esport” when they are doing it again with MDI.

No they do not regret making arena and M+ an esport… they just seem to not want that level of competition in the live version of the game. Locking covenants will auto keep people from being able to perform at the highest level in all but 1 of the end games. On those special M+ servers and Arena servers you can pick whatever covenant you want for the content you are specifically doing. On live you have to pick one that you will be stuck with for all forms of content that you do.

Seeing as you get invited to Qualifiers by Live performance they DO Want live to be an esport.

From another thread, but this honestly needs to be in all of them.

Yall want to tell us again how you wont be denied?

People will get denied early and Blizzard will nerf it early. I would expect covenants to be changing positions from best to worst every single 9.x patch.

No, your problem is not understanding people approach their hobbies differently.

Not everyone will choose to be mediocre at something they put a lot of time into.


pretty much, A lot of people don’t really look at the long haul. Blizzard is. They are trying to build a MMo with multiple expansions for as long as it can. They are designing it pretending it will last forever. 20 years from now it will be another 10 buttons ontop of the 8. They are wanting to address a problem before it becomes a problem. Players only see it from the now and how it feels not if it’s good for the game in the long haul.

To add to that, if they choose to make these passives instead of actives. That adds to the power creep. Although maybe the answer could be a borrowed power system that lasts 2 expansions instead of one. But at that point you have to hope everyone likes that system. The way it’s set up if you hate it, just wait until end of expansion and you are good.

My understanding means nothing. I am not the one who will be applying random buffs and nerfs to covenants as the expansion progresses. Everyone knows it is not IF but WHEN the covenants get buffed/nerfed and the former best choice is no longer the best choice. What will the players do? Change up to stay the best covenant even though soulbinds/conduits would be reset and for likely a few weeks they would be trying to catch up to just where they were in the previous covenant in terms of anima and conduit levels? I do not think the game will make it worth changing each 9.x patch because catch-up time would be too much.

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Sounds like the best choice would be to just accept that your choice just isn’t the best choice for that time. It’s not that big of a deal.

I dislike it because it’s borrowed power. I’m sick of it & it got old during BFA. With that said I have no idea what spells DK’s are getting, or what any of the covenants offer since I rather wait to experience when it goes live instead of knowing about it months in advance… I do have mine picked out whether it’s the cookie cutter one every one jumps on that’s to be determined.

Rofl just no.

This is a multiplayer game. Not a single player rpg. The consequences in multiplayer games are not meant to be semi permanent outside class selection. I enjoy optimzing my characters for the content I am doing why is that a bad thing? It never has been before it’s always been a gold cost never a time gated bs grind.

This is legitimately worse than the artifact system. I could switch artifacts at any time and maintain progress now I lose my progress when I swap and I have to do an arbitrary grind.

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No the best choice would be for blizz to stop listening to to people who want to punish min maxers and make it like the artifact system where you can only work on one at a time but can switch back and forth at will.

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:frowning_face: :man_facepalming:
That may be the case for a few but it’s not the majority. Please stop playing a victim. Not many people care about min/maxers enough to want to punish them.