OOTL - Why are people hating on Covenants?

You just cant see logic.

You will when Shadowlands launchs, and then it will be too late.

Let me say this again, Ion and the Rest of the 1% DO NOT CARE. They will be fed gear on a new toon immediately! They DO NOT CARE. Its us that are going to suffer.

Also Pathfinder and the removal of Master looting have been pretty unanimously regarded as terrible changes, to this day. Not sure how you are going to use changes that litteraly cost the game more players, and has it now the lowest subscriber numbers in history as a postive.

The bell is going to be unrung alright, the servers are going to be deleted, very quickly at this rate. If this goes through wow will not survive past Shadowlands.

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You are cute, you think Ion really cares about the 1%? He cares about the $$. He has dollar signs in his eyes and a bonus to chase. Money which he can get if he keeps the sub base up. How do you suppose is the best method of getting the biggest amount of players to remain subbed longer? Catering to the 1% That do their little race and then fade away. Or catering to the average player that remains so long as there is content for them to do? Content which has historically ended early for them due to artificial barrier put in place.


Imagine being THIS out of touch.

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The sub rate is at an all time low. HE is not doing his job, he is failing miserably…

Which is why during the preach interview, he is obviously terrified. You can tell, he is scared to death of this system in Slands. Guaranteed, this is his last chance. He is on the verge of being fired, 100%.

Which is because of the previous way of doing things. Making min/max king and gatekeeping.

False, the subs went down, when they started putting the systems to defeat min maxxing.

You obviously do not live in the real world.

YOU WILL NEVER, EVER Stop Min Maxing or Gatekeeping EVER.

You know how you stop it? You GET GUD KID.


Oh you are one of those, so cute. The world changes around you and you close your eyes and scream trying to pretend it isn’t happening. It’ll be okay, change is good.

The world is not changing bud. You are just under the delusion that it is.

It hasn’t changed in 1000s of years, and its not going to now lol.

Its okay that you are a bad player that achieves nothing. I accept you. I am not going to carry you through content when you refuse to better yourself however, no matter how much kicking or screaming you do, or someone tries to make me.

Sure the world hasn’t changed, we all walk around talking to eachother face to face, often with a series of grunts. If we love someone we just beat them over the head with a club and take them into our cave. Man good, woman good. Woman cook, man hunt. beats chest Me know, this not change, you listen.

Ironically they could design the fights to be mechanically complex without actually needing DBM. But they’ve become so used to DBM filling their gap in design that they lean into it. Instead of telegraphing with an animation “THIS IS A BIG CAST YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF” they just let DBM blow an air horn at you. It’s quite sad actually if you think about it.

That said… I do think they should design the fights, even mythic to be done without DBM. If the fight isn’t doable (even with all the mechanical complexity) then they probably need to adjust animations or ground effects to make things clearer. DBM realistically should just be timers for people that really want to know what’s coming 3 mechanics ahead.

Blizzard literally makes the fights around them existing. They refuse to do telegraphs like ff14 and just rely on dbm/big wigs to tell people how to deal with their non telegraphed abilities. It’s actually super annoying.


It is just the typical pre-expansion negativity. Every expansion X feature will be the end of WoW. Somehow WoW survives each and every time.

Covenants themselves are fine. People are struggling with the powers connected to them.

Draining subs to absymmal barely even beating other MMOs is Surviving each time?

More like WOW is holding on by a thread, and anything in SLands threatens to cut it.

Keep Schilling, until your the only player left :slight_smile:


Blizzard has a history of nerfing OP builds into the ground. If you fail to select the OP build or the build is then nerfed by Blizzard. Switching covenants has a significant penalty.

There are two MMOs currently accepted as the alpha and that is FFXIV and WoW. So say what you want about their subs compared to the glory days. These two games are doing just fine and no where near dying.

FF14 has 79k active players… Its not “Near Dying” its dead.

AOC has more people that have Kickstarted with over 250 dollars than WOW has Subbed, in the US. Sleep on AOC with stupid stuff in SLs, and wow will die to it. Th writing is on the wall, Wow Content Creators have started doing AOC interviews, the same CCs that have always said “there will never be a wow killer”.

There still wont be. Blizzard is killing WOW, AOC is just picking up the pieces.

The instant gratification crowd’s inability to deal with consequences.

Instant Gratification? Or Not being able to play the game? BIG difference buddy.

Nothing about any of this has ANYTHING to do with Instant Gratification.

Where you even pulled instant gratification is beyond me. Isnt that the causal crowd that seems to be “Supporting Covenants”?

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AoC is at least two years out if not more. Nothing is dying to AoC in the near future.