OOTL - Why are people hating on Covenants?

I’m apparently in factions 2,3,5,6… and a bit of 4 but I don’t really try…

Pray tell… who is it designed for? Because right now for the life of me I can’t figure it out. It’s clearly not designed for RPers… there is no loss of character on death, there is no hardcore mode. It’s clearly not designed for casuals there are too many systems. It’s clearly not designed for minmaxers Ion said so. It’s clearly not designed for e-sports because they can’t balance things.

So please enlighten me as to who is the target market for this game… because last I checked the market for a casual MMO was supposed to be: People.

So making design decisions that make the game less suitable for: People seems down right daft to me.


People don’t hate the idea of Covenants. Everybody seemingly likes it. What people don’t like are the player-power ties, as it is bound to be imbalanced. I too am hyped for Shadowlands but I don’t want to restrict myself just because I prefer Kyrian over Necrolords.


What baffles me more are the RP’ers saying they want to keep the covenant restrictions because it “brings it back to an RPG” and how they “don’t care about the abilities and 1% differences.”

So why would they have a problem with the abilities being open for all if they don’t care about the abilities? It seems more to me like they just want to screw over a group of the playerbase because they got called bad or something.

I don’t like to take sides in anything, and I absolutely despise these people going out saying “I’M WITH ION” or “I’M WITH PREACH!”

They’re both right. The only thing anyone wants is a fun game. So why in the world are we settling for something that spoils the fun for a group of the playerbase and appeals to people who just don’t care?


Because most of them aren’t in it for the rp outside of about one person I’ve talked to they pretty much all eventually admit they just want to punish people who dare to want to min max.


I’m trying to figure out why the Devs seem to be making a game with no target market.

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My main concern is people will make choices based on the abilities as presented. Blizzard will then make severe changes (buffs/nerfs) rendering your decision mute.

It’s going to get ugly. But don’t worry in 9.2.5 they will allow people to more easily change things around.


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They aren’t wrong though. If classes were complete on launch there would be no reason for the layers upon layers of systems.


Talk about being so off-the-mark that you’re not even in the same universe…

I don’t think they have until 9.2.5 in all honesty, first impressions are a mean beast and have nearly killed multiple expansions now. MoP and Legion both suffered from this. If they intend to gain, and not lose, subscribers long term they’ll need to figure out something that doesn’t drive players away.

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I didn’t say it was easy really, just it’s a lot easier. with the right addons it basicly turns the game into simon says. Just repeat what you are told and profit.

“The diffrence wont be worth looking at”

HAHAHAHAHA, Wait you were serious? HAHAHAHAHA.

It really doesn’t my dude. Blizz designs far more complex fights because of the existence of dbm and big wigs.

exactly, and they do that because those addons make the fights easier. Try to do them without those addons. Tell me it doesn’t make it easier to use them.

You cant do it without them, Because Blizzard Balances with the idea of Using them.

Just like they will balance on everyone using the optimal covenant. You know why? Because if they dont, than people with the correct covenant will faceroll the content.

Do you understand now why you will be denied and how stupid this is? There is ZERO way to balance this.

If they balance for people using Subpar Covenant, that using the better one will create a EZ mode, and people will require that Covenant to face roll.

If they balance around the Optimal Covenant, then people will require it to complete the raid or dungeon at all.

IF they balance it around mixed, people will still require the best to cover up for mistakes and human error.

In no way, is this sytem not going to triple down on Exclusion. You complain about Raider IO, now you will have to have The right Class, a Good IO, AND the right Covenant.

This assumption “Everyone has to pick so they will make an exception” Maybe if your a tank or healer, if your a DPS, JUST LOL.

Not what they said, they are trying to design shadowlands in a way which you do not need to be a meta slave to do content. Will this make the game easier? Maybe, but only to those that choose to make it that way by being slaves to the meta.

That is not possible is the point your missing.

I also VERY much doubt that Ion the founder of “Elitist Jerks” the first HC min Maxing group in this game, is going to make it easier. Thats just LOL. The game is balanced around the 1% not around the baddies. You live in a fantasy land.

You cannot YOU Will not, remove Min Maxing, or Community issues like “Gating” ever. Nor should you.

If your not a good player, you need to work on yourself to get better so your not excluded not try to force people to take you anyway. The ladder is NEVER anything but Toxic and just creates even more community unrest.

And yet they said the covenants are being designed the way they are because they do not wish everything to be min/maxed. They are wanting people to realize the game can be done with any spec or class. That these choices only make the game easier, you do not need them.

And yet, Ion already said he will be picking the best covenant for his class.

Wake up dude. This hurts the casuals more than it ever will the Ion and Co. Ion literally has 4 shamans, He will have 1 in each Covenant, he will be fed gear to whatever toon he needs to play.

HE is the very people you claim to hate and claim this hurts.

He is the one that pushed Min Maxing into existence, that is what got him the Job at Blizzard.

You live in a Fantasy land, where this hurts the 1%. This hurts the 50% that are pugging and just trying to play the game in multi areas of content, that do not have guilds to split run feed them gear. Or carry their PVP covenant having player through PVE.

And sometimes the people who are intelligent realize when a bell needs un rung, this is why we see things like pathfinder, and the removal of master loot being a thing.