OOOF! Blizzard clarified on MoP Remix, NO legendary quest chain/challenge mode sets

I don’t think this is accurate. Besides, there are new unique rewards for the event, so it’s so sounding pretty incredible.

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Along with people complaining they just don’t have enough time since this is supposed to be time-limited event with a dash of people complaining of being forced to do PvP since one of the steps involved having to do a BG.

But at least Blizz has finally provided a way to get to Ordos for those who missed out on the original quest chain. And will probably have to bring back once and awhile for those who miss it this time around.

Event honestly sounds like it’s going to be positively stuffed with rewards, but then it’s an entire expansion so it makes sense. I’m just wondering how long it’s going to be available, since I don’t remember seeing a timeframe for it.


recolors arent really unique if that’s all it changes… the design is the same just a different bucket on paint on them…

from what I’ve seen on wowhead it’s mostly recolors on mounts which is something that I’ve seen since BFA/SL… it’s mostly fomo driven the event…

I think this is supposed to be a pre expansion event, so I’m assuming it will last a few months or more. Which, that’s completely fine by me, lol.

Yeah, no challenge mode? Into the trash.


I mean they never said cm was coming back in the preview

But they never said the recolored sets that exist wouldn’t be earnable

But nobody knows what monkey paws are and zuma just reads 3 words and assumes everything else

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It’s disappointing but I kind of get it because then they have to create sets for DH and Evokers.

Nah, just don’t make them sets


I’m not stressing, but some people myself included would like an opportunity to achieve those rewards. Why try and stop that?

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I mean. What were people expecting about the cape when the main thing you upgrade is a cape?

Thanks for proving my point since that doesn’t mention challenge modes lol

He literally gave the worst possible answers to all the questions that were asked. I hope the people who tried to defend this “event” as something other than Chromie Time Mists change their tune when they read that post.


Can all classes be apart of this or nah?

The art team is no longer capable of making sets like that anyway.


No challenge mode gameplay and no challenge mode recolors. Just a recolor of a trading post mog of an incomplete set.

So sad.


No challenge modes is a real bummer. They had additional mechanics added on to the bosses and I had a lot of fun running challenge modes throughout the expansion. Can’t say im not a little biased in wanting another stab at retaining Flameweaver or Scarlet commander, but I earnestly just would have liked to do challenge modes even if they didnt have any exceptional rewards tied to them. Wellp, still Panda classic in a year I suppose.


Good, less competition. This may come as a surprise but not everyone likes everything.

Bevause its impossible to recreate same challenge