Ever wanna pick up a WoW chick/Dude?
“Hey whatcha gonna do for me?”
“Imma ook you in the dooker!”
Ever wanna pick up a WoW chick/Dude?
“Hey whatcha gonna do for me?”
“Imma ook you in the dooker!”
If someone tried to use that as a pick up line I’d get away from them as fast as possible for several reasons.
if i ever want to pick up a wow chick/dude i will lift with my back and use jerking, twisting motions to most efficiently carry them
What about, “You want to ook in the dook?”
I still laugh at the name Dook Ookem
Pretty sure my character asked that monkey for a blowy. What’s this game rated again?
that’s way more political commentary than i expected from a fancy chicken battle pet
To obtain the
Faberge Egg you need to have 1,000,000 gold in your inventory.
It might just work in the Goldshire Inn on Moonguard
You must not get a lot of dates.
So sexy a line.
Get down get down
Ook ook
Get down get down
In the dook, in the dook!
“This will not help me to mate!”
My first pick up line for my wife, no joke, was hey baby, you got junk in your trunk.
I don’t know how that worked.
i’ll let you ook me in the dooker anytime
I agree, but humans are strange creatures.
Ooooooh myyyyyy!