Ook em in the Dooker!

What? What?.. :musical_note:

If I were in Azeroth… hoo boy.

Come to think of it, there have got to be brothels in Stormwind and Orgrimmar right?

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In the Dooker!

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Ook in the Dooker was one of my favorite phrases. Wasn’t it also a quest in a dungeon on MoP?

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As a Hozen… ook :monkey:

*Didn’t realize this thread was necroed

Did you really need to necro this post of a man child?

Can’t believe it’s still up in the first place…

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I wish I could find me a nice gentle-domme wow playing woman to ook me in the dooker, ngl.

sighs wistfully and stares off into the sunset Someday…


Me gonna?

Oh boo, just noticed it was a necro. Shame.

This had me dying ngl.


Would have worked for my ex. lol
Would have gotten me punched in the kidneys by my current wife

Dont forget to take your knees completely out of the equation

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Gaahr… that is an exceptional hat

er… candle… hat?

either way,

oh a necro… ok well that WAS an exceptional hat


Ook in the Dooker, hehehe. Love that line. It doesn’t bother me this was resurrected. It is a funny post.

How am I only now finding out this pet exists?

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he’s SUPER cute

I was super broke at the start of bfa, so I had to get a friend to trade me a mil gold so I could buy him lol

I’m literally transferring money from my bank alt right now to go and buy him on a remote connection from work.

I love those fluffy chickens lol


"You can ook it, put ya dook into it!

I can ook it, put my dook into it!"

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In light of recent events…

Oh, the original post was Oct 2020; no wonder!

If your dooker needs some ook’n, the only Dwarf for you is Swarf… :kissing_heart:

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What about one of the many size increasing items in the game, and just grab them by the top of the head? Works for the Kyrian.

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