there’s lots of mounts that use existing skeletons - that’s not a problem at all, but these don’t look like the shaman mount or the Jaina water elemental imo.
they’re way nicer with the back armor, have a few different ambient sounds & lore fitting the reward
the shaman mount doesn’t look like the tornadoes lol
omg GD forums
it should be a dragon or something that can use the dragonriding technique for sure, and if not, they need to add a new mount reward to a higher level of M+ (All +25’s or something similar)
to me those two look a bit different lol, especially in game…but ok, you got me, next to each other the skeleton does make it look a bit more similar.
either way - the proposed M+ mount for DF looks way too much like a WOD rhino, in comparison to the carnivorous tornadoes (which nobody has complained about looking too similar to anything else).
having a reused skeleton is not a problem - but the skin being too familiar is
It’s the difference in what’s showing versus what isn’t and how having colors in some spots changes the look of the animation. The tornado animation on the body of the Tempest isn’t visible on the body of the Deathwalker. The base of the Deathwalker has a more visible voidy/swirly animation to it, whereas on the Tempest it just looks like some air trails swirling around. Most of the color on the arms is removed from the Deathwalker versus the Tempest too.
The same can be said for the Tidestorm, because they filled the body out entirely to give it a different look. Plus the fish swimming around inside of it is the best thing ever, personally.
It’s slightly bad, I’m mostly just peeved I skipped almost all this expansion and missed out on the death elemental mounts. Kind of cruddy the soul eaters were strictly pvp only as well.
That is a horrible KSM mount. You can say what you want about this seasons mount but at least they are cool looking. That…Doesn’t look good at all. Try again Blizzard.
Or, or hear me out here: Beta is beta and nothing is final until live?
The 500 mount reward was changed after it was datamined sooooooo i mean calm down and lets see? Because as my opening said, Beta is beta and place holders are put all over the place.