Pretty disappointed…
Looks like something that would be gotten from a very early quest reward.
hopefully it gets a unique mount-up animation, and some ambient sounds that make it a quality ride!
other than that, it’s a nice creature imo
It doesn’t move like a kodo at all. The animation doesn’t look finished/adjusted, it just kind of… hops awkwardly.
My face: mixed with . That was well…something? I can’t tell if I should laugh, be disgusted, or confused
That’s… Horrible… lol
why can’t we get a drake we can put armor on - like the pvp guys? it’s dragonflight
how are they gonna give a reward without the mount having some level of dragon riding? bad reward just for that alone imo
this is more of a Vicious saddle creature imo
The animation looks unfinished but damn that mount looks sick I don’t care what anyone else says.
Although I don’t like the blue as much. Hoping later in the expansion we get either a red or purple recolor.
It looks like its using the saber 2.0 animation from the jelly cat.
The only way I will like this mount is if there will be a purple and pink version
It’s a fine mount, but for a ksm reward in a flying expac when raiding and PVP get a dragonflying skin? it’s a ripoff and insult. Have it be a drop from a rare, reward, or something. But it’s not a great reward for ksm.
I like it.
This expansion already has enough dragon mounts, I’m glad it isn’t just another you throw onto the pile. It looks unique and cool to me.
The mount has rickets. These things happen
Oh man, I can’t wait to get 3 more reskins of this turd LOL
I agree there are already a lot of dragons. I just won’t a bigger wow factor. I want to look at it, and be proud I put the work in. This guys looks like a mount you spend 20k and nothing too special. But yes, I’m not saying a dragon mount is exactly what I want
I am, you’ll basically never use this.
It can be “washed” into the other idk 6-7 dragon riding mounts rather than the hundreds of ground mounts.
Ya’ll crazy, that mount looks super cool. If it came in a grayish tone or earth tones I’d be all over it. Way better than some silly swirling death tornado thingy.
the tornadoes are way cooler.
mainly cuz they’re unique skins that don’t have anything that looks like them imo
PvP gets a normal glad mount and a DR skin.
Suck it PvE nerds. This will be the only W PvP gets all xpac, since tuning is all but non existent for 98% of the xpac
Aren’t they reskins of the Shaman class mount?