OOFERS. Dragonflight KSM season 1 mount

I was thinking bout this the other day…totally side tracking, but I would be cool with a +10 reward. I mean we have +15, and +20, both being an increment of 5, so +10 would be cool. Like just a baby reward…like this non flying mount, or a title, or pet…just something.

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“Season 1 mount” you say, like we won’t be getting recolors of this for the rest of the expac.


This is what happens when you let reward inflation happen (through various reasons) in the game. Ksm means nothing and so should the mount reward.

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rewards now scale to +18, Blizzard really trying to kill its best mode because a bunch of 7 months after the fact aotc heroes couldn’t kill bosses and blamed having to do mythic + for higher ilvl rewards for their problem smh


I just saw that…I thought it was just gear…ksm isn’t +18 is it now? I actually might struggle lmao. I comfortably push 15-16 in pugs. Maybe a 17 here and there…18’s i don’t think I’ve ever timed

EDIT: I should say, I only read the title. Title made it sound like it was gear

That’s the impact of Dragon riding mechanic, there’s few flying mounts on this new expansion.

I get that, which already kinda sucks, bc there is nothing more I love than summoning random favorite mounts…but I just think, for future or past expansions where you can still fly, I would like to use my ksm flying mount. I think if I am going to bother pushing, I should at least be able to fly with my reward

But make a dragonflying skin like they did with PvP and they are set. Keep the mount since the model is fine, but it’s rewarded from anything else.


True, actually both a mount skin and a mount, Glad will have both

I think its neat.

I’m far more worried about some of the other stuff we’re hearing.

I think it’s looks kind of cool.

However, the running animation doesn’t look finished, or maybe it’s not adjusted for the size of the mount, I’m not sure but it feels awkward when running around on it. It also has a generic /mountspecial, which is kind of disappointing.

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This is Blizzard’s answer to how to push more into raiding by giving raiders the better looking mount, and giving m+ just a reused asset.

Just slap an half attempt and call it fixed.


Feel like maybe that’s bc its basically a kodo mount. The kodos move really weird, and unnaturally, and this thing looks like it would move very similar

its a re-color of the jaina mount that they didn’t even bother giving a new animation for.

Oh my god you’re right! That’s horrible!

Blizzard has always given PVP time sensitive, unique rewards, versus PVE that gets shafted.

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Actually it’s a slightly upgraded version of the Jaina mount since the Jaina mount uses the wrong seating position for that type of mount, but blizz never bothered fixing it or retroactively applying the fix from the SL KSM mounts to the Jaina mount even though they use the same model. Why? No one knows.

Fun fact: In the ZM campaign, Jaina rides that mount and uses the correct mount position. But for whatever reason, the player models don’t.


but the mount is super lazy regardless.


That… looks awful :face_vomiting:

It can’t even fly? Lmao

…but in terms of the looks/aesthetics factor, just terrible terrible


I never got a chance to get the Jaina mount. But I think the ksm “version” is cooler. Although the jaina one is awesome, it a giant water elemental so what’s not to love? But the shadowlands ksm mount just looks cooler imo. It’s an awesome, giant, death void thingy. The coolers are cool, the back piece is pretty epic, and even though it has the same animation, doesn’t really matter since it looks pretty fitting