I heard rumors this morning, but what?
I love your shaman’s name.
Edit. Sorry, thought that was your character screen OP. Didn’t watch the video because I am still trapped at work.
Dude, check out the Customer Service forums. People are flipping out.
Ah so this wasn’t just a him issue, this happened to everyone on the server?
hehe I had NO idea till I saw his video pop up in my feed.
And we wonder why we might not have that prepatch release date? Someone is busy fixing this mess.
Blizzard throwing out “weeks” as a possible ETA hasn’t helped things.
The CS staff are in for a very rough time.
Oh I feel for the players AND the devs and CS team.
I know the fear of getting a call at midnight or next day after I signed off something to go to production after QA to find something that went horribly wrong.
Imagine losing over 1 million gold because of Blizzards mistake. Sheeesh I’d be so pissed.
Hopefully everyone’s account gets restored back to the way they were before.
“You” is a cool name.
madseason you say? thats a name i havent heard in awhile. what a good band i miss layne staley
Khadgar server got merged, and chaos has ensued.
People have been posting bugged accounts for a while now.
I worked events for years, and I would live in sheer terror of waking up to an email that amounted to “this whole thing is effed” so, my sympathies go out to that team working to fix this.
Everyone else, they’ll fix it, chill out.
Actually, as I understand it the problem is that it DIDNT merge, thus chaos ensured. The server merge was not completed successfully the first time around.
Almost feels like you try to merge 2 databases only to find its not merging but duplicating and all the backup systems try to do their best to reconcile the data mismatch and before the engineer notices the log scrolling past him he spills his coffee and yells OH &^#@!!
Holy run on sentence Batman!!
I thought this was another what happened “to” Khadgar thread since he’s been hiding in his library all of BFA. I need to stop skimming when reading apparently.
Yeppers, folks on Khadgar have got to be unhappy campers right now.
Lol! I thought the exact same thing!
I love this totally reassuring, non-panic inducing message lmao. I feel for Blizz for having to deal with this obvious accident, but saying “it could take weeks” really doesn’t seems like a super poor choice of words.
Edit from Vrakthris: As I was responding to a specific user who used that timeframe I wanted to be honest and use the timeframes they stated. I don’t believe it will be weeks, likely a few days, but I can’t say for certain as I’m not familiar with the system or, you know, a system engineer or programmer. ~Vrakthris.
The sign in front of the developer’s conference room is one never ending LUA error text.
I too know this fear.
I hate those phone calls. That drop in your stomach as you try to remember every single commit and piece of code merged into prod before end of day.
Dark nights, man, those are dark nights.