Only r1s should be allowed to claim for nerfs

Ahh you must be talking about kamoo :laughing:

I think only warlocks should have a say in balance. Specifically demo locks, they are the fair and knowledgeable players in the game.


I think mortal needs to take a break from the game, he’s not in good health.

:rofl: :rofl:


Key word being consider.

The problem with this topic is that people often conflate high level perspective with smooth learning experience at the floor.

The reason you should balance around the highest level is that you cover your balancing bases for everything below that level. The main issue however is that you have to make sure the onboarding / learning experience is leveled and not obfuscated.

If you dont do this, you often end up with scenarios where either higher skilled players become oppressive with options that are intended for less experienced players while creating a stagnant / shallow high level playing environment.

The strongest players will always pick the strongest option, regardless of the accessibility ease (or lackthereof) said option entials, this is why you never balance power around how easy or hard something is to play. Fighting game design has been wrestling with this for decades. If you take into consideration lower level players in regards to balancing, you risk shutting yourself out of a design space where you can make more technical or complex options thrive at the highest level, and / or affording highly skilled players of your game to do far better with far less effort.

Balance your game around what the options are capable of at full execution and control, then do your due diligence with reassuring your lower level player space has a fun and compelling learning experience.

Less experienced players’ feedback needs to be properly parsed, not taken at face value. When someone at the lower experience spectrum complains about something, figure out why they feel that way at the core, but do not balance around said complaints.


Thank you. Thats much more informed than my generalization. I just wanted to emphasize both as the OP is clearly bring exclusive.

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dude i can’t believe the ww who incapped me had the audacity to immediately legsweep me as soon as i trinketed it and then proceeded to drop me with every cd known to man
what could i have possibly have done to avoid this tragic fate
ww clearly busted cus my healer couldn’t outheal 300k in under 4s from the other side of the pillar


dude really out here screaming at the paladin devs like they’re listening, and being angry because ‘he didn’t ask for aegis buffs’

ive honestly run out of funny ways to describe the size of this man’s ego

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I only semi agree with this. R1s only experience highly organized pvp. There’s a reason why most seasons the 1400-1600 bracket is undergeared peeps, 1600-1800 are struggling CC players (new RMP players etc), 1800-2k are all melee cleaves, and 2k+ you start to see more casters.

I feel classes should BOTH be balanced around what is inching out ahead at the top level, but also what is too punishing at the average level. If the skill floor for a class is extremely low, but the power potential is extremely high, then that class is going to absolutely dominate the low-mid ratings where the majority of players fall.

I hate to say it, but league makes good adjustments with that in mind. Like instead of blanket nerfs, they tend to nerf things that will bring down the plebstomp ability of some things without hurting how it functions at the highest level. That’s what blizz should aim for.

The reason why DHs/DKs/etc. are so oppressive right now is because they have a skill floor that’s literally at the earth’s core, yet at that floor they have the same power potential as a much higher rated CC based spec.

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Bad take, reminds me of low IQ pro athletes that think nobody should have an opinion cause they arent pro athletes. Except worse cause at least pro athletes arent fat nerds.


There’s a massive problem, though. R1 players play in a way and experience the game through a lens that 99.9% of the WoW population does not. Balancing everything around that level of play does a massive disservice to the rest of the game, which may throw things entirely out of whack for most players.


Because most people don’t play with the safety net of a 2nd healer while relying on cheese/dampening to overwhelm their way to victory.


he’s calling it a triple dps comp now

Damn if we have mutual friends that must mean I am too :crazy_face:

Wait like REAL triple dps? Or 2 Dps and a Prot pally that’s running in there and doing the work of 2 dps and a healer all in one? 5v3s ain’t fun ya know.

of course it’s not real triple dps lmfao
2xdps+prot pal
mortalx’s ego is only matched by his delusional outlook on reality


Gotta disagree with you here. Rank ones crying about Prot in Shadowlands got it nerfed on a random monday. Skilled players input is valuable, but they don’t always have the best opinions.

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R1s are definitely just as capable of fried takes and dont always have good insightful opinions.

Like op.


could anyone imagine if Crusader’s opinions were given massive weight due to this inbred prot paladin’s deep fried take?


You mean like how Cdew has cried about average tier specs and constantly downplayed anything he touches then when he shows up at blizzcon he starts class stacking and laughs as he got his competition so nerfed so he could cheese his wins?

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I have a 2018 R1 parking in my Garage So I’m good.

You don’t need to be a chef to recognize a turd in your soup.