How do devs work for paladin?

I’m gonna gonna complain for the buffs to aegis of light but I didn’t report any of that as needing a buff and there were way more important things for prot paladin that needed a fix and tuning before aegis of light. Where do they get that data and why don’t they ask the top players for help instead of doing it in a corner ? Like obviously someone who spends 3-4 hours a day playing one spec at the top 0.1% of the best players in the game is gonna figure out everything that is bugged and not working as intended, so why not ask us !?? Just wondering why all my bug reports for the past year have been ignored and under the radar and never get fixed and we end an expansion with still bugs into it and I wouldn’t want that for Dragonflight to happen as it’s supposed to be one step in the right direction.

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Paladin does not have a serious, dedicated developer, it’s the only explanation for the IoL change at the end of BFA.

You’re thinking about paladin as if there is a developer. You need to look at paladin as a class developed by a single person, who only works on paladin after all other tasks are complete (and just wants to go home), OR, paladin is developed by an assortment of developers who only work on paladin after all other tasks are complete, and these people, of course, really, just want to go home.

Take the paladin blackpill and the design/direction of the class in the post-Legion era begins to make “sense”.


I dont want to have such negative toughts about their work environment and management, this would be awful game design administration if it was actually the case.

I don’t want to be negative either, but Blizzard has admitted that they have worked on different aspects of the game, ran out of time, and didn’t want to push it out. Take WoD as the most prominent example, and now look at the paladin class and ask if we have received the same level of care and work as the druid class.

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I have always loved the Paladin but would like it to get some proper care. I went and checked the BlizzTracker and the last post we got from a Dev was back in 2019…
Now I checked most classes and the majority of them had many posts back in June (some have had none so we are not the least loved)

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Plus, if you look at the dedicated Paladin development thread, there hasn’t been a Blue post since like…2019

Perhaps you should look into the current development thread?

This should be absolutely no defense for the devs, I hate how they handled this development cycle. But to say the last bluepost was in 2019 is just false information.


I agree, most people I know would literally rather play season 3/4 paladin than df paladin due to the design decisions of the devs. I’ve got a post on how to fix paladins and it took me all of 10 minutes to think up. Like just actually need somebody at blizzard to do their job.

Well they don’t actually read what’s in that thread because I’ve reported bugs into it and that was 2 months ago during beta and still no fixes.

its not like beta bugs for the last 3 xpacs didn’t make it to the X.1 or later patches.

also it took what 3 months of spam reporting bugs to get ret paladin conduits fixed at the start of shadowlands.
It’ll get done eventually just enjoy the open beta of dragonflight.

Like some soulbinds power never got fixed after 2 years and I don’t want that to happen again. I’ve found bugs that made some spells just broken and unusable but because they aren’t made overpowered blizzard ignored them. They only will fix what makes the spell too strong not what makes it too weak.