Yeah sorry but he’s got you there, we have no other viable options like those classes do, we can’t just swap specializations. So it’s not fair to compare us to those, if anything it makes us even worse in that list because you’re saying we’re still that low on the totem pole and we can’t just swap to another DPS specialization? YIKES lol
But that’s not the point… the point is the option is there and you can still play your main or favorite class because it has a viable option to choose from, we do not have that luxury and thus when we’re doing bad it makes everything even worse.
What a toxic remark lol
It was literally me commenting on the statistics he/she/it posted. But since he/she/it is on an alt bringing this up and you aren’t - how can you begin to say it’s not viable when you’ve…not attempted to push rating?
That’s the point.
Most people did try to push rating.
Myself included - still stuck in literal donut 2300 bracket in Shuffle, where most healers can’t keep people alive over 30 seconds or the usual “oopsie no block / turtle / bubble / disperse” simulator
The very fact I’m getting higher ratings with other specs that I am worse at, which aren’t FOTM either, is speaking pages by itself
But for 3v3 people don’t wanna play with your alt spec, even if you’re performing on it
Dang noob healers.
Comes at the base character select design!
How would you buff defensives? Maybe blur DR? Nether duration? Higher dark absorb in pvp?
I think those would be okay things to target.
The overall simplest solution is to add duration to the Glimpse dmg reduction for after landing. This duration does not need to be long - perhaps an extra 3 to 4 seconds.
Netherwalk should also be usable in stuns, no doubt. Getting cheese killed in stuns is very boring.
The last thing that could be changed is how Darkness works. It could be made into an aura that surrounds the DH while providing the same effect as the current Darkness does. Basically it would work the exact same way, but instead of being dumped on the ground it would be on top of the player for its entire duration and move with the player.
While one could argue DK can also get a similar talent to make Anti Magic Zone move with them, DK is a less mobile and more “I grip you to me and hit you” instead of “I chase you” class. But I wouldn’t mind if they got a similar talent that would do that too.
I believe everybody can agree it is quite annoying to stay in an AoE defensive especially if your spec revolves around mobility. Think of all the Disc Priest domes you’ve left because it’s better to stay on target or kite damage entirely than stand still and do nothing.
Yeah there’s definite doubt here. Most things can be killed in a stun
Fury has wall
Druid has wall
Paladins have wall / bubble / bop
Mages have Blink to remove stuns / Ice block
Hunters have pet sac
Shamans have a knockback and an autoheal when u drop low
DK has IBF
SP has disperse
Warlocks have Dark pact and Wall
The only specs that truly die in stuns often are DH and Windwalker, a runner up is Arms warrior
That’s about it. But you have some slight quality of life options such as going human or orc on those 2 other specs
The best specs right now aren’t the ones with the most damage. The damage part is a coincidence for some and not even a factor for others. The best specs are the ones who have the easiest options to stay aggresive, aka CDs to trade to stay aggresive.
When’s the last time you saw a Ret paladin line damage? He doesn’t need to, between himself and the healer he can rotate CDs infinitely until his enemies are dead, same goes for BM hunter
i feel like havoc dh is actually very fun to play compared to some of the more boring/slow classes, and it’s easily one of the most fun classes to play in regular BGs imo, so the fact that it’s underperforming so much says a lot.
It is fun to play, it just doesn’t have the tools to succeed in higher rating arena games.
Over the past few years it has seen nearly zero positive changes, in S3 / S4 of DF all it basically got was a lot of damage, which is why it was meta.
But defensives have been gutted progressively over and over and compensation was never received. And while the damage is okay now, it’s not quite enough by itself.
So instead of blasting the damage through the roof, the spec can become much more balanced by receiving defensive CD updates.
It’s quite hilarious that the spec was tankier in Shadowlands compared to now by a massive margin. While every other DPS was squishier back then or at least equal to now.
Classes get new buttons. 50 lines of text in bluepost patch updates.
We simply want equal treatment, that is all. The damage is absolutely fine, but the talents / defensives and the tree itself is not great.
Did blur bug ever get fixed
If you are implying it is 100% or something, it most certainly is not.
I’ve gotten leg swept / kidney’d and straight up killed by melees through it multiple times.
Blur is not even a relevant CD anymore. Half the times you end up having to press more. Not to mention it was 43s CD in Shadowlands.
Unless it’s strictly 2 melees and you’re on stun DR, it’s not enough these days.
Is that a no
You didn’t even say what “bug” you are talking about
It giving an extra 30% dodge for free
It isn’t. Night elves have a 2% bonus to dodge, so by default Nelf DH’es have 52% with it up. But it isn’t 30% more
And the CD means very little these days.
Is there any particular reason that you try to introduce more negativity in the topic?
Dh has to be the only class that brings out this many liars saying it’s fine or good in a season that takes less than seconds to see that the stats prove it is the worst performing class (not spec but class, all lower performing specs have an alternative)
This game has this insanely unfortunate problem where people just constantly lie about stuff to promote a meta that they prefer instead of a balanced state
Haven’t even wanted to do 3s more than just playing with some insanely casual friends on discord after experiencing how unfun 2400 shuffle was on dh this season
What makes DH so bad that its this unplayable monstrosity.
Because every good DH has a wildly different opinion.