Only 3 Havoc Demon Hunters getting Gladiator this season

2 minutes between viable burst windows that are easy to shutdown, low survivability, no root breaks.
The different opinions come from the class being bad in different ways

pick a class that fits a similar role, it is nearly worse than the class you compare it to in every way

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So just the DR, not the CC portion? Not sure how they’d code that, maybe add a separate buff?

Hard disagree. I don’t think a damage immunity should ever be useable in stuns.

Do you think this would be a buff or a nerf? I guess it’d work pretty similarly, but be just as susceptible to stuff like grip/knocks etc.

That’s not the point of what I was saying but okay
 I guess my opinion is invalid unless I’m high rated and me feeling like the class was ignored and not getting the attention it needs is also wrong :+1: my apologies, I won’t ever have an opinion again until I push rating. That way maybe you’ll take me more seriously and feel that my feelings are valid :bowing_man:

Don’t even bother, there’s so much hate for our class anymore it’s not even worth your time talking to these idiots.

Huh? The entire point attempting to be made in this thread is the lack of DHs getting glad. I didn’t attack your rating, didn’t say you weren’t a glad. I asked why you’re here saying it’s not viable when ( based on games played ) you haven’t attempted to push for
glad. No need to get defensive :+1: :bowing_man:

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Didn’t realize eye beam was a 2 min cd.

Or that fel eruption and chaos nova was a 2 min cd.

Play with an hpal then.

Okay, fire mage.

Fire mage is leagues worse than DH.

I was just qing my DH in a 2.3 shuffle in greens and felt perfectly fine. Forcing major cds reliably every eye beam fel erupt and really didn’t die WHILE being trained. Maybe it’s just an l2p issue? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ofc the spec is weaker than whats the best in the game. There’s just no comparing any melee to rogues/ferals/fury/enh. Doesn’t just mean it’s this invalidated spec that has absolutely no playability. Anyone who complains that DHs are unplayable should probably go watch an mvq vod or 4.


just going to reply with h ttps://

2.3 games in greens? didn’t know default shuffle mmr was 2.3 (you have 2 shuffles played on dh at a 50% winrate), or that you literally haven’t played any other categories

got it though, you are a cringe dh hater, I’ll make sure to make the mental note that Raisin = Liar


You must be new here. Yes that is a good assessment.

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yeah I am lol, I wish I stayed new and never entered this cursed place

If you feel like you’re being baited it’s best to not engage. There’s no point in engaging with someone who doesn’t want a fair exchange.

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Yeah, 2.3 in greens sounded like complete BS to me lmao.

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Oh way to twist it :smirk: defensive? I’m just making fun lol. I could really care less about all that stuff, I never felt DH was as bad as some make it out to be, but it’s most definitely not good. I’m not sure what details you want me to clarify for you lol. But I feel personally it felt bad when my class has had barely any changes since BETA while other classes get QoL, reworks, buffs ect. And we get “auto attack buff, 10% more damage” blah blah. It’s just tiring and frustrating, we’re not fine, we could use some attention too :grinning:

Imagine saying yikes and toxic in 2025. Lmfao. Biden isn’t president anymore.

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Eeeeehm, no! Well, depending on the lobby/enemy 3s team it could be slightly better or more worse! But WW is pretty much on DH level based on success on high ratings. Just take a look at the NA 3s ladder:

Spec count 2400 count 1000 per mille
WW 8 1665 4.8
DH 6 1077 5.57


Fury 63 3009 20.94
Outlaw 25 529 47.26

So keep WW out of that list, its as awful as DH and should NEVER be listed with Fury or Outlaw ever!! I also don’t get your point about defense.

DH is the least killed DPS in shuffle and 3s on 2100+ rating based on that list. Even below Shadow and WW! Yes, you can get killed in a stun when you overextend too much and/or don’t respect enemy setup opportunities, but that is as it should be, isn’t it?

Its not that they should buff DH, they should nerf a few outliers like Outlaw, Assa, Fury, BM, Ele and maybe a few more. Also isn’t it their damage, its their toolkit that needs to be addressed. Outlaw brings too much CC for their damage. Fury is too bursty especially for their MS. Stuff like that needs to be tuned!

It’s not that DH is bad, it’s that DH players want it BROKEN. Got it.

No lol this is an easy buff, it literally allows u to keep attacking and moving while having the Darkness effect on you

And if you are playing with the only spec that is as squishy as you are (Moonkin), you can choose not to play the talent so you can dump it on the ground as before for your teammate

It wouldn’t be susceptible to anything, basically pretend Darkness would be a defensive version of Immolation aura, a self buff for the duration with a radius working around you

Eye Beam is not “big burst”, it’s good damage like a mini-go, similar to getting Warbreaker off CD on Warrior or any other 40-45 second CD in the game.

DH currently kills in Shuffle only if you reach 2nd Metamorphosis, because you get your Demonsurges then + dampening is very high. But in 3v3 people are more coordinated and could easily CC you + it is not enough to confirm a kill as healing is still very high at 3 minutes into the game.

Fel Eruption and Chaos Nova are not burst CD’s. They’re both 3 second stuns. Nobody cares about trinketing those because they are not long enough to kill anybody.

Chaos Nova is only a 5 second stun if you hit 1 target, and this includes pets. You will never realistically have a 5 second stun into any class with trash pets or people stacking. It is also dispellable, meaning it is usually the most viable for healers.

In short, it is a worse Pala Hoj with bonus requirements or a worse Leg Sweep

WW is not as awful as DH, simply because you have much better survivalbility.

Statistically it may also be tied to popularity, but it is a stretch to say it is worse than DH

WW has very solid defensive cooldowns, and Conduit of the Celestials is a 90 second CD (like The Hunt) but does 4x more damage than it.

Between Fists Parry, Port, Disarm, Wall, Diffuse and Karma you have a lot of buttons that you can cycle to survive.

Those buttons are also much lower cooldown than DH defensives. When you have 3 buttons that are 90 second CD as defensives along with a pretty much permanent outplay condition vs Melees (Fists), it’s a different story

Even Ring of Peace still denies so much things in the game

I would go as far as to say that you have so many tools to live on Windwalker, that you have to do a lot of missplay to get killed by anything outside of a Rogue / Feral stun

That got nerfed in case you aren’t up to date. And like I said, the ladder speaks for itself. DH is performing on 3s NA ladder at 2400+ better than WW. Success is all that matters, anything else is pointless!

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Always funny, how DHs forget that they have better CC and especially the stuns are not only a great CC for offense, but also kinda a defensive CD.

Also shouldn’t we forget, that you can dispel your healer and got a CC immunity on a short CD which is great to avoid getting stunned for example. In case against double melees you have the best defense ingame: Flyhack. But for some reason, barely any DH is picking it. Probably because they don’t have to?! :slight_smile:

Well on average DH has a little bit more uptime than WW does

You take the reconnecting of DH but you also remove the fact that WW have 2 ways to remove roots

Look mate I am not saying WW is in a great spot either, it just has different kinds of problems leading to less gameplay - WW has uptime issues on a lot of specs

Way back up I even said myself it’s the spec I defaulted after I felt like I am getting no progress with DH

Got my 2.4 in Shuffle pre-blackout kick / Karma nerf, but it wasn’t easy by any means

Holy and Ret paladin in particular just makes your existence worthless as a Windwalker

But that is a topic for another thread, I am fully on board with you when it comes to WW problems

There’s just no point to have to point out who is the “King of the trash”

I started playing mine a bit last night, did a few random BGs and some TW dungeons to level. I’ve always enjoyed the playstyle, just wish it had
more buttons? Idk, seems like I’m always looking for a button to mash :woman_shrugging: I have been seeing more lately ( mind you, I really only do BGs / BGB ) so that’s always a good sign.