Only 2 tanks and 2 healers listed in LFG at primetime on Grobb

And you still fail to understand that if they were interested in running the dungeon you would already know, blizzard added a very convenient tool in game to let you easily see who is interested.


When you go to the store get what you need and then see the candy and drinks available at the checkout section do you never even consider getting one? Some people may not be interested initiallly but decide they want it when it is presented right in front of them.

Some people may not initially be interested in doing a dungeon, but when presented with the option of a ready to go group, they might change their mind about how they want to spend their time.

What I don’t do at the store is ask random people if they will sell me candy. I also don’t ask someone who is obviously just there shopping if they can go the register and check me out.

It sounds like you do though…


How you jump to these conclusions baffles me.

Then again, you need to push your agenda and will say whatever you can to push it, even if its absolute nonsense.

You’re the one proposing asking random people for things they have given no indication they are interested in doing to do them.

I was merely following your analogy.


Even chess has changed over time. I think it’s easy to say no changes and probably the safest route. I don’t think Wotlk Classic would have been as good if they didn’t buff Ulduar (or even Naxx). And mega servers/layering weren’t a thing back in Wrath so yes I’m all up for we never let those happen. But they happened.

No, my analogy was people deciding they wanted something that they had not previously wanted when it was presented right in front of them.

You changed it to asking random people to be the casheer and demanding they act as an employee.

You don’t even understand your own analogy…

Your analogy is actually worse than what I made it out to be, in your analogy the people you are bothering aren’t even people they are merely objects you can use.

That does explain why you don’t even understand you are bothering them.


Rdf is on its way anyway.

They already know people aren’t running dungeons, the community council meeting showed them that.

Their LFG tool failed and RDF is better.

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I’ve got something like 25 lockboxes (on Grobb-Alliance) that need opening.

They said they are still thinking about it. I don’t think it will come as quick as people think but definitely if they do Cata it will be there.

The analogy was about being presented an option you had before (candy and drinks as you enter the store) chosing not to go with any of those options, but then as you are leaving the store and ready to pay, you decide to now yse those options because it was presented to you as you were going to pay and leave.

Aka you had the option to sign up with lfg, didnt, but someone gave you the option to do the dungeon through whisper and then the person may change their mind and chose to do a dungeon.

But keep twisting what i say to fit your agenda. Its worked so well at getting you rdf in the game so far right?

She brought up 3.3.

I’m assuming they won’t admit they were wrong and rdf is a bet positive for the game and bring it in earlier.

We can assume it’s coming in 3.3 because that’s what was hinted at in the community council interview.

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Any agenda is irrelevant, blizzard chose money over rdf.

Have you seen d4???

It’s what blizzard does, they always choose financial gain over positive player experiences.


yea the last patch if we dont count ruby sanctum, might as well be Cata.

Yes, 48ish percent of wrath which includes ICC is essentially “Just Cata.”

At least you’re fully accepting being a troll now.

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Ruby sanctum is not a full raid comparable to other patchs. Most people will have quit by its release if they do the same release as the original.

Major Content wise it was 25%. But you want to ig ore content drought completely and only look at raw time.

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