Only 19 rating per win below 1200

Name a popular esport game that has this many roadblocks to just be able to participate.

I can also point out how said esports also have a vastly more rewarding system to entice people to keep pushing, as well as having far more accessible cosmetics.

The system is broken.
Participation is about to tank next season.


Overwatch requires level 25 to join comp, that’s ~40 hours.
DotA requieres 100 matches to join comp, that’s at least 50 hours.

Wait how would it make it easier? Theyd be forced to play other 2400 players?

Either way theres an easy fix here thats possible

On a fresh account yeah, but you don’t have to level to 25 every season. Leveling in OW serves as a learning period so it’s not comparable at all.

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Mop, best time I ever had in arenas

You still need the five ranking games per role or 10 for anything goes or whatever it’s called.

It’s also an FPS.
And they don’t have real rewards attached to CR. I can get the golden weapons just spamming lower ranked games across the course of multiple seasons.

So also not comparable.

But hey, if I could grind 2k games all day to get the enchant/mount, I’d actually likely play more. No loss for me!

If I’m a 2100 player who wants Gladiator, I can just continually play against 2400 players to boost my CR/MMR up, instead of dealing with facing counter comps at 1900 sometimes that could in theory tank my MMR.

It’d make boosting players a lot easier since you don’t have that risk anymore.

That wasn’t the point:

One vs:

Upgrading Legendaries
Actual Gearing
CR requirements for Gearing

Nice try, though.

Also, Overwatch doesn’t have it so 25% of their population has a harder time playing too. Everybody’s pooled in one place, so we’ll count factions as a roadblock as well at this point considering how bad it’s getting.


True, but that doesn’t matter as you’re literally playing the competitive game mode. There isn’t a pve grind or any other barrier at that point. The original placement matches gauge your skill and place you accordingly while you play the game. Placements during following seasons place you +/- 200 points from where you were the previous season, and again, placements are competitive mode.

Lol true. At this point the arena community is so jaded and “glad means nothing anymore” so why not. We put in a couple thousand games this season and it’s been a slog, hoping for a better season 2.


It always makes me laugh when they complain that x and y doesn’t mean anything, or that anybody can just have it, but the moment you point out they’re saying this and that perhaps opening the system up to one that suits an MMORPG better - aka: grinds, with it being significantly easier at higher CRs, and actually impossible if you don’t do rated at all - they get mad.

But hey, 20k followers for WoW esports is a really good number compared to other actual PvP games.

Honestly just feels like people just want to be able to sell carries. I don’t blame em’ though. This season was juicy for gold making. Can’t disrupt that.


Blizzard should do a better job at explaining how MMR works to new players.

There’s way too many players who are confused about CR gains because they’re only focused on WL ratio as opposed to MMR.

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Inst this the mmr?
You both ar ein 1200 mmr.
If the dude was like 1600mmr you wouldnt lose rating if he wins but you would win a lot more if you win.

Honestly for the most part this is all that’s left. A few hardcore diehard wow pvpers and people that boost or are willing to buy boosts. Everyone else kinda left. I can say safely that I pvpd less in SL than any previous expansion.

Kudos to you for having the energy to argue with GD though :joy:


World of Forumcraft PVP best PVP!

my last arena game was in 2008 i think.

Indeed. Even unrated PvP.

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