Only 19 rating per win below 1200

Keep in mind that there hasn’t been a PvP director since wod, and PvP is now designed by a raid logger who doesn’t do PvP.


Fair enough… so if I compared it to Kung Fu Panda, which at least some of MoP was based on, would that have been more accurate? I still wouldn’t play an MMO of that movie… I wanted to play WoW, and MoP didn’t feel like WoW to me… that being said, not every expansion is going to feel that way…



Can also tack on the PvP community shooting itself in the foot too.
At this point, I just gave up.


Mild references to pop culture, or having some kind of pop culture reference is normal to all races, places, and things in not just WoW, but every MMO. Goblins are based on stereotyping people from New Jersey, with influences from Jersey Shore taken on the starting area. Worgen are every werewolf meme put into a race, right down to making jokes about peeing on trees. Does that mean you shouldn’t have played Cata?

No, MoP didn’t look that way to you. Actually playing it would have shown it was more WoW than SL, or most expansions. A focus and care on PvP was present. Content was rolled out at an acceptable pace. Class imbalance, and even redesigns happened in the .1 patch due to specs under performing, or being unfun. Community blogs were posted regularly by Ghostcrawler to explain developer thought processes. That’s some real love and care.

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Ive ran into so many of those guys that are Ret Pallys or sub Rogues and they just completely mop up lol.

Now you’re the one making inaccurate comparisons, specifically between species in existing lore from before MoP… Goblins were in everything WoW-related, including WC3… Worgen were in Classic and WotLK, then Cataclysm…

Pandaren – on the other hand – were only present in a few tabletop Warcraft books, and a WC3 expansion campaign… before literally an ENTIRE expansion had to be designed around shoe-horning them into mainstream WoW lore…

EDIT: There was ONE reference to Chen Stormstout in a Barrens questline during classic… ONE…

WotLK was more WoW than SL… BC was more WoW than SL… even Cata was more WoW than SL… and those three expansions, along with classic, were all more WoW than MoP and SL put together… even (gasp) WoD, Legion, and (gasp) BFA would have been more WoW than just MoP by itself… in hind-sight, I should have come back during Legion instead of during BFA, but at least I didn’t come back during WoD…

Here is where we actually get to agree on something… but this should have been the case with EVERY WoW expansion, and not just MoP…

Nothing I said is untrue though, and you’re arguing something not even in my post, or discussion. You brought up “Kung Fu Panda”. I said pop culture references are present in all places. The relevance of Pandaren, or their participation in anything does not make anything I said untrue. You’re strawmanning because you wanna argue. I’m not gonna entertain it. Stay on topic if you want an actual discussion.

You’re describing an entirely separate situation and topic, which has not even been brought up once between either of us. Did Pandaren have a place in a game prior? Yes. Are there obvious Asian influences? Yes. Does MoP seek to expand on those things? Yes, it did. If you take issue with the implementation of Pandaren and you feel they were shoehorned, then that’s a separate discussion entirely.

How would you know? You didn’t play it.

If you care about PvP, WoD was one of the best expansions for it. Again, you’re talking about things you didn’t actually play, or participate in. You’re judging things without all the information present, or experienced. That’s a bad look.

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you need to go on a win streak to boost your rating. if you are gaining such little rating means you belong there.

We live in the internet age… no, I didn’t actually experience it myself, but I have watched VIDEOS… and read forum posts… just because I wasn’t able to commit to WoW between 2012-2019, doesn’t mean I was completely disconnected from it…

It’s cute how you pretend as though you’re not the one who started / escalated / continued this tangent… and a bit sad…

You really think I care? Speak for yourself… you literally went and got triggered because I made an opinion that one expansion looked childish on the surface…

Yeah the system is totally broken atm, i got to 1800 fairly early but after the first round of ret nerfs and the range of players i was facing was fine, then i just stoped playing so i could get 220s free for conquest, i tried to get back in arenas some time after i got my bis stuff since i had nothing to lose and holy f every 2 games it was a booster game. Arenas are an extreemly unfun experience atm, i guess blizz didnt think of the consequences of removing systems like titanforging, i know ppl hate it and everyone gets on the bandwagon that it was bad, but it atleast provided casual and entry level ppl with some upgrades even if it was by sheer luck if they grinded content enough. With the changes in 9.1 arena participation will further dip since pve players that wont go over 1800 will just ignore it because the gear is kinda garbage for pve and whats left will be the glad carrys to get the max ilvl weapon and hardcore pvpers sad times ahead

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People with 220 gear do not belong at-


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It’s like you completely ignored all the other valid points everyone else was making in this thread… elitists live in their own bubble, one that Blizzard devs unfortunately happen to share, to the detriment of this game…


im not good at PvP, i used to be. im only 1400 rating and thats my skill level at this stage. There is no way i can get to 2400 in months im not arrogant enough to think that.

You should accept your skill level, accept that you need to learn and 2400 in a few months is not attainable.

Im doing M+ as well. I dont do much PvP but i hit 1400 rating and got the trinket i wanted and that was it. PvP is fine as it is. Blaming anything other than your own skill will get you no where. I know if i wanted to push 2k I would need to look up all other classes and practice, practice and practice. PvP isnt as static as PvE, you are competing with people at your level. Increase your game knowledge around PvP and you will get there. Dont get angry

Meanwhile, the 2k+ bracket is slowly deflating, making climbing an absolute headache for people who actually participate in PvP as well.

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That’s because PvP this tier is front season orientated. Alot of the players got their gear and have no reason to do rated. They are happy just doing Random BG’s or they are taking a break from the game.

The issue here isnt 2400 rating the issue is gear difference. I have never agreed with gear rewards for higher skill players. There should be some gear to progress but it should be available to all PvP players. Skill should be the only difference in PvP, not gear.

are you going for 2400 in 2s? if so, 1) very few people are 2400 in 2s right now and 2) you don’t get gladiator from 2s if that’s your goal

gladiator is 3s. if you’re currently stuck at 1200, it’s not the system holding you back

the easiest path for you to get 2400 for the tabard is to be a dh tank for rbgs and probably go horde because good luck pugging on alliance without a dedicated group to 2400

And that’s because:

And you’ll most likely stay at around 1400 rating, not because:

… but because:

I mean, I literally just more or less spelled it all out for you in one post… BUT, at least you happen to understand that:

So we can both agree, for different reasons, that PVP – more specifically, arena – is basically screwed…

I’m literally just trying to get 226 average item level, don’t care how I do it, except I hate boosters and thus refuse to get boosted… since they are rampant in arena, and to a lesser degree other content, I’m just pointing out how ridiculous it is with this topic… as others have illustrated…

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If you didn’t do PvP during wod and you got all your information from web sources, then you really don’t know what PvP in wod was like. The forum regulars hated ashran and PvP in general, and most people who lived PvP didn’t even bother to post in those many threads trashing it.

I basically did arena for 3 weeks this season and was able to get 1400. eventually if you keep on going at it you will gain skill and gain rating, Booster problem wouldnt exist if gear was same for all PvP brackets. the new system coming out only stops Pve’ers from participating in PvP. which will take down boosting a bit.