Ongoing harassment

I’ve reported a certain druid on Thrall…a LOT…because EVERY time I try to work on getting the Crimson Dredwing Pup in Revendreth, they are there. Weekdays, Weeknights, Weekends…there is NO time I can find to quietly kill mobs, in hopes of the pet, without them being there.

And I wouldn’t normally mind, since this MMO is not my personal playground, but THEY think THEY are entitled to ALL the mobs, ALL the time. Within a minute of their seeing me killing mobs, they start with the “HEY!!!” and, “GO AWAY!!!” and "YOU’RE RUINING MY FARMING!!!

It is targeted harassment.

And they don’t do it once, they do it over, and over, until I leave in frustration and anger. I’ve tried to remind them that everyone is getting loot. Even after all the mistreatment, I’ve still always dragged mobs to them, to ensure they benefit from my tags…except, admittedly, for a couple minutes today, after they whined at me for the zillionth time .

I’m just so over this. I’m JUST trying to do the SAME thing THEY are, Except I go out of my way to be considerate, while they endlessly berate me for playing a game I paid for, in the way in which is was designed. Which I have also pointed out, with no success.

The bats are insta-respawn, so no one is ever waiting. I go out of my way to be friendly, and work with them (in hopes of making - if not a friend - peace), to no avail. I have repeatedly offered grouping, which they always ignored in favor of “GO AWAY!!!” and the like, until the other day, where they surprisingly joined. Unfortunately, they did it to make it easier to harass me with their non-stop complaints over how I’m “ruining their farming.”

I’ve reminded them it’s an MMO, and there is no “calling dibs.” I’ve pointed out that they’re not missing out on any loot. I’ve tried reassuring them that I’m just trying to get ONE pet, because I’m a collector, and once I get it, I’ll never be back. They just keep saying I’m “ruining their farming.” Like, dude, you are not just ruining my farming, you’re ruining THE ENTIRE GAME for me.

I’ve gone so far as to suggest that maybe they aren’t suited for an MMO with their poor attitude. Because, it’s true.

I block them, and they emote at me and “say” to try to get me to leave, instead. But it NEVER ends until I leave, and I’m stressed the entire time I’m there - it’s not a matter of IF but WHEN they will next berate me, even though THEY are the only one doing something wrong or rude.

They even threatened to report me for botting, when I clearly wasn’t. They could see my two alts were nearly always passively on follow, and the added time it takes me to stop to loot (since it’s manually x 3) should make it apparent I’m not cheating or acting against ToS. Which means they were extorting me, and threatening to get me banned under false pretenses.

What’s sad is that I regularly try to HELP other players in game; handing out health stones, tossing heals on injured players (even this jerk), running over to tank/dps mobs for someone in trouble; offering to group with people, to try to help them finish their quest faster. THAT, to me, is what an MMO should be all about. If you hate people, why not stick to single player games? So it’s particularly stressful to be subjected to unabridged hostility like this.

Can someone PLEASE do something? Again, this is an ongoing pattern of behavior. Again, it’s been reported a number of times. I have three 60s. They’ve all been bothered by this player (I have three accounts). You can check them for my reports, although most are probably from my druid and warlock. I tend to use the “cheating” report system, since Blizzard goes out of its way to make harassments reports difficult to place efficiently.

I hope you’ll finally actually do something, although I expect you’ll just tell me not to communicate with the person, when that DOES NOT HELP. Your company, much like society, has a nasty habit of dumping the blame, and the onus of mitigating a terrible situation, on the victim.

“Ignore” just means this player uses other means to bother me, with a deliberate goal of chasing me off. The only thing that will help is if I either never go to that part of Revendreth, which is patently unfair, or if they are shown real consequences for their abusive actions.

If you won’t do something against this horrible person, at least ask devs to raise the drop rate for the pet, so I can FINALLY get it and never go back to that spot. I have killed over 1000 bats in total, over many visits. Since I (manually) triple box, that means over 3000 chances at the pet with zero success.

Sorry, but I refuse to pay tens of thousands in gold for the pet, simply because BLIZZARD refuses to address an abusive player - one who thinks owning a license and subscription for the game means they LITERALLY OWN THE ENTIRE GAME.

What there doing is a jerk move but not realy acctionable they have every right to be there and farm the mobs as well as you to farm it for a mob only thing i can suggest is just ignore it sooner or later they will get bored of it and stop doing it.


Darth is correct. What the other player is doing can certainly be construed as a “jerk move” by some, but isn’t against rules.

You can place the player on ignore, and go about your business. The player standing near you or playing in the same area, or competing for the same mobs, isn’t against any rules at all. Even if they are competing hard to tag every one.

I hate to be blunt, but when a mob spawns, you two are equal. No one has a right to it more than the other. Fastest player “wins.”

Anyone can claim to be a “victim” of anything. Society isn’t going to side with the victim 100% of the time just because they claim to have been victimized. Me, I look at things objectively, no matter how much someone is complaining about how they’ve been victimized.


One facet here that may be a thing - if they’re circumventing your ignore, that is actionable. Unfortunately, you being kind - which I absolutely commend you for, even if they’re ignorant of it - and trying to reason with them will need to stop if you want to push this forward.

One of the biggest things is to absolutely not communicate with the person being a nuisance. Put them on ignore across the board. You have asked them to stop, you’ve even been genereous with your tags. From this point on, do not communicate with them, do not pay them any mind at all no matter what emote or whatever it is they’re doing. Place them on ignore on all of your accounts, any of your characters you take out there. Do your thing.

Now, if they create other characters to still whisper you, or get other players to? Report the heck out of that, being sure to note the on-going harassment and the steps you’ve taken to rectify the situation on your end. One of the big things people do not realize is that when they talk to their harassers, even if it’s to ask them to stop beyond that initial warning, it creates a willing diaglog that lessens their case. But Blizzard does take this sort of thing seriously when the proper way of things is followed.

I do wish you every bit of luck, both with this fool and with your farming!

And one more note, that unfortunately there are no GMs here on this forum, as it’s one for players to assist other players. I would advise you to open a ticket, outlying what you’ve done to try and stop the harassment and what the player has done despite your efforts, just so you’ve got a ticket reference number to keep that can be referenced at a later time. Posting here does not equate a ticket, since no GM will see this, I’m sad to say.


Putting them on ignore is basically your option here. You both being in the same area at the same time is a natural part of the game and blizzard can’t enforce them being friendly to you.

Emoting at you probably doesn’t violate the rules unfortunately. You should be able to turn off emotes entirely I believe, maybe that is something you can do temporarily while they’re near you.

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it’s not the farming, I explicitly stated that. There’s plenty of bats to go around, especially since my Guardian Druid can moonfire to tag mobs so easily.

It’s the constant, “GO AWAY!” etc. I brought up how they are ALWAYS there, because it means it’s impossible for me to farm without them being there to be mad about it and therefore harass me.

THAT is the harassment.

I’m not asking them to be friendly. I’m just putting out all the ways I’ve tried to be a reasonable adult to their selfish, anti-social, petulant, abusing child.

I want them not to harass me verbally, which they manage, even being on ignore.

I read far enough to know this is not harassment.

Shard out. Turn Warmode on/off

There are options.

Jerk move? Fo sho
Harassment? Not even close.


Absolutely 100% false blizzard will intervene on harrassment/ongoing harrassment but once again its a 2 ways street you cant respond to them at all even to tell them off and ignore them report them every time as long as you can prove 100% that ur not incouraging them blizzard will intervene. And outside the game if it has to be reported to the police blizzard is legaly obligated to intervene but wont step in untill requested.


I lived it, sorry, they DO NOT.

This is not at all how it works. If you ignore a character, the entire account is placed on ignore for the character that you ignored them on. The only thing you would have to do is make sure every character on YOUR account has them on ignore. Ignores are account wide on the side that you are ignoring. It has been like that for years now.

If they are circumventing that by creating new characters on another account or somehow getting around it some other way that would be something that would need to be reported.

No it isn’t, you can’t “get into someone’s face” in this game. If you have placed them on ignore like you claim you shouldn’t be able to see them saying anything to you. I’m sorry but contrary to your very personal attack on a fellow player saying that they are amoral there really is nothing against the rules that this person is doing. You have tool placed in the game by Blizzard to take care of the situation you are facing. You literally simply have to ignore the person.


If someone was stalking you outside of the game that is NOT a Blizzard situation, nor is it their responsibility to take care of it. No one can learn where you live or even who you are in real life through Blizzard. That is information that you would have had to give them, or that they got outside of the game. If someone was harassing you outside of the game the proper thing to do would be call the police, NOT a video game company.


That’s when it’s time to get the police involved. Blizzard will work with law enforcement for these situations.

Ignore the character, do NOT engage, and report any attempts to bypass the ignore feature. Blizzard will take action, though you won’t necessarily hear any results of those actions.


Im gona end this on this note and i encourage everyone else to stop were not getting anywere.

The one thing that were all neglecting to mention is that absolutely nothing is gona be done posting here there no GMS no one that handles harrassment sitiuation on the forums the only proper recourse is a harrassment/ongoing harrassment ticket.


They started stalking me in game. I met them in WoW. They were allowed to continue playing and contacting me, by circumventing ignore, in WoW.

Like, duh I didn’t expect Blizzard to go all FBI on them, but the person had NOTHING done to them, so far as I could tell. And just when I thought I could relax, they’d make a character and whisper me out of nowhere. And once again, Blizz was all, “just ignore them.”

Welcome to customer support not customer service we offer a player to player support forum with blue moderation that dont act as GMS handle tickets or contact the developer.


This isn’t a contact point for GMs, nothing will come of posting here because you want something done. More to the point, fighting about it on the CS forum isn’t going to get what you want because you said so.


Place then in ignore and you wont see them say anything.

I’m sorry not by Blizzards definition. Once again you can place them in ignore and be blissfully ignorant of anything they say.

So we are slinging now? It’s OK. I know you are frustrated. I promise you ignore will make all this go away and they will have no choice but to accept it as you will be blissfully ignorant of their verbal trash.


You won’t know. Any action done will be between that player and Blizzard.

Not only that, you should also file an “Ongoing Harassment” ticket EVERY TIME they bypass the ignore.


I just wanted to add I don’t know if this is actually how it works, despite the blizzard documentation stating it works this way. I had several known characters on ignore on each of my characters, but one of their characters that did a realm change twice (knocking that particular character from my ignore list), was still able to contact me despite my blocking other characters on the same account. I had looked at the armory to ensure which characters were on the same account based on achievement points. That particular concern was not addressed in my ticket when I asked, but it’s possible it was a bug. I tend to put every character I possibly can within my knowledge on ignore as a result. Regardless, I felt confident that my situation would be taken seriously after following up with the GM and the issue stopped shortly after.