One Shots in PVP

I don’t PvP, but I can confirm that, because Shadowbolt has a travel time, I can cast it and then drop Curse of Shadow on a target in PvP, and the curse hits it at the same time. The travel time on some spells makes them hit at the same time as instant effect spells.

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Intents * and purposes :slight_smile:

Could be a good stack of talents. My shaman has one talent to make critical hits do triple instead of double damage, and another instant spell talent that makes a spell crit at no cost, and another talent that gives my melee attacks 9% chance of critical hit for 10 seconds after I get a spell critical hit… some other talents to boost spell damage. I imagine mages walking around in a set of gear boosting a particular type of magic damage would be worse than that. Not sure how high the other classes can stack their damaging abilities.

Also think twinks dwielding crusader-enchanted weapons at low levels might cut people down like grass if the mage with all +arcane damage or whatever gear doesn’t see them coming. :slight_smile:

All this too. Shaman might be lightning bolt at 36 yards, another lightning bolt when you’re 18 yards, and an earth shock hitting the same time as that 2nd lightning bolt. And maybe you get zinged by shaman’s lightning shield and maybe a fire nova totem goes off and maybe there’s crits in there somewhere…

My druid used to do like that too - shoot a travelling spell then drop the sky on you Just as the travelling spell hit, and some talents helping those.

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Not true at all, I have critted all 5 swings + soc Crit so 6 hits that hit instantly for 5k+ damage. While somewhat rare, it can be done.

I have 1 shotted every class.

All the best to OEC Alliance trying to one shot me hahahahaah hasn’t happen yet though a lot of rogues and hunters have tried.

if you’re getting 1 shot by those classes as a druid im inclined to believe its a l2p issue, not a game issue

This is incorrect. Your shaman talent makes crits deal double damage instead of 150% damage.

Spell crits normally deal 150% damage, unless you have a talent for it. The damage bonus is 50%. Improving the damage bonus (50%) by 100% doubles it, making it a 100% damage bonus, for a total of 200%, or double damage.

In my experience I get 1 Shot by mages much more frequently than any other class. However I’m fine with the 1 shots. What drives me crazy is when I get hit with counterspell and being a paladin every single ability I have is from the same spell school so I literally have zero abilities for 10 seconds.

In AV last week I got killed and when I went to the spirit healer the timer to rez was 1 second. A mage counterspelled me almost the same exact second I died, and when I rezzed I was still locked out of my spells, and couldn’t even summon my mount. Lol


Better 1-2 shotting than immortal healers.


I found a video feed of you playing BGs.


Some people are definitely going into WSG when they shouldn’t be, sorry mage but 2300 unbuffed health is not going to be helpful. Also see a lot of people not gearing properly for PVP, using armor types below what they can use is going to get you killed. I’ve taken a lot of damage before but have yet to be globaled with 4.3k health unbuffed.

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Bareform perhaps, dangerous territory indeed

The faster TTK is why vanilla pvp is so much more fun, especially in the early levels in STV.
This is why I hate TBC, while it does have some really fun PVE stuff, the number bloat just kills pvp entirely for me


Have you tried NOT wearing all that cloth, that’s on your BIS list, in pvp?

In general, take everything those PVE guides tell you and throw them in the trash for pvp. They’ll just get you killed.


Mostly this.

Are you sure?

My mage is basically a glass cannon but I have never been 1 shot and I pvp a lot.

I have been 2-shot a number of times and it looked like a 1-shot but combat logs showed 2 big crit hits.

I also have more survivability than I expected with the gear I have atm.

And on the flip side I hit like a truck, if I get 3 crits with by fireball+fire blast+blast wave, move opponents are dead. Yes yes, fire is not ‘meta’ but it is what I like to play and I seem to do really well so why not! Plus later I know I get the pyroblast off crits and then, well, I get to start doing evil laughter! MUHGHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

you are a druid lol… you beat every class 1v1 no problem. just l2p.

Lmfao, get rekt noob

the patch they used is why it was pretty much the last patch before tbc that private server players use.

we are pretty much playing private server wow.