17/17 Immortal +3D
[H] We’re a semi hardcore raiding guild made up of competent who simply aim to see end game content. By focusing on things like morale and transparency, we’ve managed to create a great sense of comradery while also quickly making our mark as a raiding guild on the server.
Wednesday & Thursday 8:30st-11:30st
High demand: Boomkin & Enhance
Will consider: Ret
We’ll be focused on 25man content & pushing hardmodes (we’ll still do 10mans on off nights). We expect people to know their class and role at an above average level. We’ll be aiming for 25m HM progression/25m achievements.
Loot Simply SR2 MS/OS +1. Open to changing loot system to LC/thatsmybis over time. Msg me in disc @ Riyuu#9111 or Riyuu in-game if you have any questions!