There is something clearly wrong with the new pvp balances. I am constantly getting one shot as a mage. Its unavoidable when the cds are ready. And to top it off we can not 1 shot anyone ? Does blizzard devs even play any classes other than human paladins?
Mage is one of the worst PvP classes in SoD, just re-roll or play Retail, Cata, or Era for actual PvP that isn’t a broken dumpsterfire. They will never fix it.
did it happen to be by a hunter or boomkin? both imo need nerfs but it wont happen nor does it matter till PvP is worth doing.
Most crippling thing for me has been the PvP trinket on a five minute timer still, there’s almost no counterplay. For a lot of classes you may as well go make a sandwich if you’re clipped by a stun.
This coming from a warlock… you were getting hard camped in the field of strife by my boy kylebrojin your opinion on pvp is irrelevant.
haha hey bro kyle here, thanks for the free honor in field of strife the other day. you and your succubus are no match for me. maybe put some pvp gear on. heh whata bum easy +500 for me +0 for you.
i assure you you not once killed and camped me 1v1…post screen shots or it didnt happen…did you kill me multiple times? yup…were you alone and/or was i at full HP with a pet…next time tell your pals to respect the 1v1.
At least you post on your main and arent a pansy like most alliance. I respect that, if that counts for anything.
See you on the battlefield
hey youre such a bum, you cant even seduce correctly. +500 honor from you bud while you get nothing.
Hercules Hercules. Grats /clap
You are my hero. Remember to screen shot it next time though.
See you on the battlefield /kiss
Heh typical bum behavior. your S keying after your death coils is top notch. cry more. get pvp gear.
best hunter on the server right here. Dare i say even all of SoD? Very impressed for such a skilled class. Hats off good sir. Ill be sure to avoid you so i dont get “camped” again
yeah dunce ill make sure to put ya in a youtube short next time. kyle just top notch. sick MC gear.
why thank you…i worked hard for it. I could tell you to check Warlock BiS PvP gear but ill just let you keep talking/typing since you are a know it all.
You truly are my hero…anytime I see you i will /bow before you as you are my superior.
PS no idea why you are getting all defensive just because i said Hunter needs nerf…its clearly why you play one…lack of skill made up for by broken class
Anywho, i know when I am out matched and out of my league. All Hail King Kyle /bow
Damn you lost to Kyle brojin? That’s everyone’s first stepping stone…
Kylebrojin plays wow from his dads yacht, drives a green Ferrari with aquamarine headlights, license plate “Brozila”. A bum like Aboarcalypse stands no chaance brah lmao
heh, bum im literallly laughing from my dads yacht right now. soakin up the sun while slappin your girls butt. bum warlock saying other classes is rich (not the money kind like my dad bro).
heh bum, ive killed you countless times in the field of strife and in ogrimar keep lipping off and you might have to be itroduced to my friend saurfang. you wont like him when his eyes turn red.
heh bum you must be upset, meanwhile we laugh at you on our yachts while hot spotting the wifi to kill you in the field of strife.
They do not play the game. They are using spreadsheets.
Don’t know what’s going on here but sounds like 2 nerds jerking eachother off.