Indeed, I am curious as well, is a tall gnome taller than a short dwarf?
This would make creating a character time consuming as hell. And very few rp so I don’t see these changes really being necessary
I do have shoes on, thus I should at least get half the service.
just use trp if you want to be legolas and not a void elf. like thats what its for literally
The only aspect that would extend Character Creation time would be choosing the Background Traits and going through the Base Races/Subraces. The Roleplay Sheet would ideally be optional to fill out in Character Creation or when in game.
It seems like a waste of resources tbh
Suggestions 1, 2, 3, & 5 are all geared towards creating greater Player attachment to their Characters, especially for those more casual players who are less interested in mechanics & min-maxing. When a Player is more invested in their Character, their attachment to that Character will grow, which in turn means they will have a stronger emotional attachment to their Account which incentivizes them to continue to pay for their subscriptions (especially in a market where there are Free to Play options that tend to offer more in the way of features compared to World of Warcraft.)
Suggestion 4 I can see the argument for not shooting for right now, but it does show that there is a path Blizzard could take if they wish to offer more playable races in the future while cutting down on screen clutter.
Ultimately this all up to Blizzard, they’re just suggestions. If they deem all of that a waste of resources…Well, that is their call.
May I throw my hat in for this? As a fellow Roleplayer, anything that let’s me customize my character is top notch; even something as basic as SWTOR’s character creation makes me happy!
We also should consider player housing, since the new management is coming into Blizzard, I really hope they decide on this.
Been a long, long time since I’ve seen SWTOR’s Character Creation system, I will have to look into it later tonight. As for stuff like Player Housing, Guild Housing, and other such related forms of player controlled Shelters of a sort - an absolute must! The more Blizzard provides for Players to grow attached to, the more People keep justifying those sub costs.
I know people who are vehemently against Player Housing, some even say that Tmog was the death of WoW.
Housing may not save WoW, but it will give professions something to do, AND it will basically let people have a whole new thing.
I know people in games with player housing, actually become interior decorators for people for gold. It’s a good revenue and is basically a good alternative to those who cannot (and probably don’t want to) game the AH.
Wow is a PVE game the real content is m+ and raiding and it requires min maxing. It makes sense that you want your character to be the most viable. I’ve had this toon since 2005 I don’t need extra options to make it more obvious. All the things you desire will take time away from raiding and m+
That’s one of the things some players see as one of WoW’s problems - is that the devs put an imbalanced focus on just dungeons and raids when WoW is supposed to be a PvE world MMO, not a PvE dungeon-hub MMO. Skimming thru GD, it is one of the reasons why some players left - they barely see any enjoyable world content outside of those activities.
Additionally, to elaborate on what Faldorian said in #30, devs here underestimate the weight RPers can carry a game. When some dungeoners/raiders may unsub until the next content patch after they’re bored of running or content has dried up, RPers will continue to log in and socialize, RP, participate in holiday events, collect mogs & other aesthetics, etc… - that’s sub money in Blizz’s pockets, and at the end of the day, they’re a business. So although using time/resources to add another dungeon or raid will entertain PvE end-gamers, it won’t get those lost players back who enjoy the game for side-stuff.
WoW is a MMORPG which stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.
Nowhere in there is PvE. But you can see what is in there: Role-Player. Which is what this will support.
No, it makes sense for you to want your character to be the viable because you see m+ and raiding as the ‘real content’.
But not everyone is elitist and other people have a different view of the game and play it in a different way with different objectives in mind.
There are all sorts of playstyles; yours is not the only valid one.
So what?
If Blizzard doesn’t start paying serious attention to those other playstyles, they are going to continue to bleed subs to other games who do, which means a loss of revenue and therefore resources, so your M+ and raiding scene is going to be cut anyway because there are not enough hardcore players to support the game on their own.
At the least, they need the role-players, who are strong enough in population to still warrant their own servers, who stay subbed during content droughts because they can make their own fun, who will buy a store mount and/or pet simply because it sparks their imagination and purchase tokens for gold for runs to collect mogs and mounts because those items further express the role one of their character is playing.
I am not saying raiding isn’t vitally important to the game, after all it is the crown of the game. (M+ is a different story). I am saying there are other aspects that are equally important.
And they have been neglected long enough.
The majority of people do 5 mans and rounds over rp. I log on for m+ and weekly raiding and sometimes old raid farming. Otherwise I don’t get on.
Citation needed.
And please make sure it is monthly and spans over at least a one recent year’s period and includes both those with a preference and those who do both at will.
Otherwise, you are just talking out your behind.
So what?
You are not representative of every player so what you personally do in-game is irrelevant.
I’m sure it’s an unpopular opinion, but I want the option to wear all armor types Tier sets and whatnot can be class specific, but if I want my warrior to sport leather, why stop me? We can run around naked now and wear pajama armor so I don’t see the issue.
You can wear any kind of armor(as warrior)But your stats will suffer as Will performance
I see a lot more time spent on 5 mans and raiding over rp it’s a small fraction that rp vs anything else
Noooo - you see yourself and the tiny handful of people you’ve grouped or socialized with spend more time in 5-mans and raiding.
On top of that, you only approach this as if people only do one or the other. Do you know how many do multiple aspects of a game? Raid and RP? PvP and RP but not raiding? I met people who love dungeons but hate raids. I meet those who like neither and just stick to leveling alts and world content. I doubt Blizz even knows the numbers because it isn’t like we have a checklist next to our names/accounts telling everyone what we do. They just make the content and we enjoy what we like.
So unless you interviewed the entire player base of one million+ players, took a poll, and have the numbers to share, throwing the word “majority” doesn’t hold any ground, as anyone can just pull words out of the air and call the majority of something.
The majority of the people I see raid and RP and express their discontent there isn’t enough customization. See what I did there?
- World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online ROLE-PLAYING Game), it accomedates more than just PvE stuff, and currently its top heavy with overly focused PvE content - more precisely: Dungeons & Raiding. Something that has been & currently still is, annoying large segments of the larger World of Warcraft Community (IE: Not just a certain percentage of Roleplayers) and its causing People to seek greener pastures elsewhere (which should concern you as someone who clings so hard to Raiding & M+. But, I guess Blizzard will break on this first before you do, which is fine because they’re the ones that need to Break anyways.)
- A Character’s viability is based upon what that individual Player wants to do with it. News flash - you don’t HAVE to min-max for everything in this game and there are players who don’t care about min-maxing so long as they’re having fun still. Happy you have your something for your playstyle, but it’s not needed for everything in the game.
- I’ve had this Character since Vanilla World of Warcraft as well, what of it? What were you trying to prove here?
- You have an irrational fear of Raiding & Mystic+ being massively impacted by the original post suggestions and here is why (in no particular order)-
- Suggestions 1 & 2: are aimed at everyone pretty much, not just Roleplayers, and Blizzard could use the Character Customization budget to do that if they wanted to (aka Raiding & Mystic+ would most likely not be harmed in any way for it. Even if it took a hit, guess what? Raiders & Mystic+ People are not the only People in this game and I imagine a certain percentage of them would love more Character customization as well.)
- Suggestion 4: benefits everyone generally speaking, though it’s more of a necessity in the future should the Developers add more playable races (and requesting new playable races is still very popular and in demand.) It would prevent Character Creation screen clutter.
How do Roleplayers solely benefit from this?
- Suggestion 5: benefits everyone, not just Roleplayers as it re-balances traits (I hear non-Roleplayers like balance) and grants players different Background Traits for their Characters they can choose from - You’re a Raider, you value min-maxing, do you NOT want to be even more min-maxed on your own terms?
- Suggestion 3: the one & ONLY thing on the original suggestion post that is almost exclusively beneficial to Roleplayers (and even then you could argue that non-Roleplayers could potentially find uses for it as well) - Amounts to nothing more than a suggestion to Blizzard to do the following-
- Make it so Players have the OPTION to fill out a Roleplay Sheet on the Character Creation screen if they CHOOSE to do so (something that would amount to more of putting a cherry on top of the cake than anything else really.) Otherwise they can fill it out IN GAME WHENEVER they want - IF THEY EVEN -CHOOSE- TO FILL IT OUT AT ALL.
- Add a Roleplay Tab on the Character Panel (which has plenty of room for more tabs & buttons) that allows Players to access their Roleplay Sheet.
- The Roleplay Sheet would be almost exclusively nothing but-
→ Labelled Text Boxes
→ Labelled Drop Boxes
→ Labelled Check Boxes
→ Labelled Slide Bar
- Attach various viewing permission options to the Sheet itself (something that Blizzard is more than capable of doing as they’ve basically already done it before, have the tools to do it, and just has to make this fit a single feature on the Character Panel screen.)
And that is it - nothing major. Your beloved Raids & Mystic+ take far greater effort & resources to create than Suggestion 3 would. They could -probably- just pass Suggestion 3 off to a bored Intern with nothing better to do at the time.
If THAT magically managed to break Development of Raiding & Mystic+, then Blizzard has bigger problems to concern themselves with.
To wrap this post up…I do NOT understand where the logic is in this stubbornness of yours…I understand WHAT YOU’RE SAYING. But, right now it just comes off as -
“Only we Raiders & Mystic+ People matter! Nobody else! Just us! CATER EXCLUSIVELY TO US AND US ALONE! FORGET EVERYONE ELSE!”
If that is truly your mindset and Blizzard does continue to prioritize development towards YOUR PLAYSTYLE while forsaking everyone else. You won’t have to worry about Blizzard taking away any development support from Raids & Mystic+, because you will be worried about Blizzard deeming it no longer within their financial interests to maintain World of Warcraft any further. Primarily after they bled so many Subscribers because of sheer unwillingness to do anything except primarily focus on catering to People of YOUR playstyle…But hey, at least nothing would have taken anything away from Raiding & Mystic+ at that point right?..
So, I will end this post with what started it-
Suggestions 1, 2, 3, & 5 are all geared towards creating greater Player attachment to their Characters, especially for those more casual players who are less interested in mechanics & min-maxing. When a Player is more invested in their Character, their attachment to that Character will grow, which in turn means they will have a stronger emotional attachment to their Account which incentivizes them to continue to pay for their subscriptions (especially in a market where there are Free to Play options that tend to offer more in the way of features compared to World of Warcraft.)
Suggestion 4 I can see the argument for not shooting for right now, but it does show that there is a path Blizzard could take if they wish to offer more playable races in the future while cutting down on screen clutter.
Ultimately this all up to Blizzard, they’re just suggestions. If they deem all of that a waste of resources…Well, that is their call.