One Roleplayer's opinion to improve things in WoW - #1. Enhancing Character Creation

Hey Folks

So lately I’ve been thinking of different ways World of Warcraft could be improved now that it has meaningful competition in the MMO Marketplace. But, as I got working on my original list, I noticed it was getting pretty long to the point that it was starting to lose focus. So, instead of trying to tackle every little thing in one swing, I figured I would break it down into (hopefully) shorter, and more focused posts. Before I get really deep into my first suggestion post, I want to cover a few quick things of note.

Quick things to note

  1. As I basically said above; I will TRY to keep this post as short as possible, but no promises it will be.
  2. I’m speaking only for myself in this post as a Roleplayer while also taking feedback from Players.
  3. This is a post of suggestions for things I’d like to see added to the game, NOT demands for things I’d like to see in game. I do NOT expect Blizzard to add any these suggestions to the game, much less demand them to do so just because I posted them.
  4. While my focus is primarily on expanding options for Roleplay & Roleplayers within World of Warcraft, I am still keeping non-Roleplayers in mind. That said however, I cannot please everyone and I do not intend to try.
  5. I do NOT know WoW’s Engine limitations or other Technical limitations the game has. But, I am going to TRY to avoid suggesting anything really, really over the top (IE: No 100 Man Raids, Bosses the size of a city, and etc etc…)
  6. Yes, I know this will all take time to do. Do I expect it all in one go? No. Do I expect it at some point? It would be nice.
  7. And finally I will NOT be focusing on individual race customization or classes largely in this post, I may make some small mentions but nothing really more than that. Individual Race customization stuff is better for dedicated topics, and classes I want to cover in a another topic.

Post update

  • Just did a overhaul on the Roleplay Sheet, added a whole new section with #4, and got the revised version of my Racial Traits suggestion finally up. I pretty much almost re-made the entire post from scratch except for where I obviously didn’t need to. Pretty sure I covered everything, but with the post having so much, I may have overlooked stuff also. Will fix whatever I need to later on - if I need to fix anything at all.

And with those quick notes out of the way, lets get started.

The reason I think Character Creation needs to be improved

As the years have come and gone with new MMOs cementing their places in the market. World of Warcraft’s Character Creation system, while never being the deepest or most rich Character Creation system around, has really been showing it’s age since Mists of Pandaria in my opinion (though some may argue differ one way or another.) Currently the following MMORPGs (that I have either looked at or actually played) that do Character Creation better than World of Warcraft are-

  1. Black Desert Online - Recommended by Xelphina
  2. Blade and Soul - Recommended by Xelphina
  3. Final Fantasy 14 - Widely suggested by the WoW Community
  4. Elder Scrolls Online - Widely suggested by the WoW Community & myself
  5. Neverwinter - Suggested by myself, not sure if widely by the Community as well
  6. Age of Conan - Suggested by myself, not sure if widely by the Community as well

Of these different MMOs, the ones I actually played are Elder Scrolls Online, Neverwinter, & Age of Conan. Of those particular three, if I had to pick one for Blizzard to look at, it would be Neverwinter for sure as it offers just a little more compared to Elder Scrolls online, and a lot more compared to Age of Conan. That said however…After watching a Character Creation video regarding Black Desert Online, I would say Xelphina’s Black Desert Online suggestion would be the superior competitor to draw inspiration from should Blizzard look into any of these other MMORPGs.

Now, lets move on to the real suggestions-

#1. Loreful preset Height options for all Races

Starting off rather easy (sort of speak), All Races in WoW should have access to AT LEAST 2 different LOREFUL, PRESET (Not Body Slider), Height options. (IE: No Gnomes standing as tall as a Tauren and no Tauren standing as short as a Gnome.) The options should simply be for the start-

  • Tall
  • Average (Default size)
  • Short

Then if Blizzard later down the road desires to add options like…Very Tall & Very Short, then they have that path if they desire to take it.

Why should this be added?

Simply for further Player expression through their Character and to add a dash of that authentic fact of; not everyone is the same size.. Very simple, nothing super special.

#2. Loreful Preset Physique options for all Races

Pretty much the same thing as above. But, this time we’re talking about the general fitness of all the Races this time. Every Race should have at least 2 loreful & tasteful preset options for them such as-

  • Muscular
  • Average (Default)
  • Small
  • Large

Why should this be added?

Again, pretty much like above for the most part. Simply for further Player expression through their Character and to add a dash of that authentic fact of; not everyone is the same size. Very simple, nothing super special, and of course they can look into wider options later down the road if they like.

#3. Optional Roleplay Sheet in Character Creation & Roleplayer UI Elements

Quick Note before getting deep into this

Blizzard should take the time to carefully create a set of very clear, unmistakable, & refined guidelines for those Players choosing to use this Roleplay Sheet to follow BEFORE implementing ANYTHING in this section of the topic. Guidelines that should be befitting of the Company’s rules & the general universe of Warcraft. Where both Reported & Reporting Players can be given fair chances & treatment to correct a problem on their end, or be punished for refusing to correct said problem.

The next feature I would like to see added to Character Creation (and this is primarily aimed at Roleplayers) is a Roleplay Sheet that we can either fill out when creating our Characters before jumping into the game, or we can fill out later in game via the Character panel in a “Roleplay” tab (or just leave it all blank forever if you’re not interested in Roleplay at all.) On this “Roleplay” sheet we should have two sections to work in; Character Information & Player Information.

In the Character Information section we should have the following categories to fill out-

  1. Surname
  2. Nickname
  3. Birthplace
  4. Residence
  5. Age
  6. Hobbies - Suggested by Silverleigh
  7. Loyalties - Suggested by Silverleigh
  8. Physical Description
  9. Personality Description
  10. Character Biography

ALL OF THIS INFORMATION SHOULD BE PRIVATE TO THE INDIVIDUAL PLAYER OF THE CHARACTER and thus be hidden to all other Players outside of them. However, the Player SHOULD have the ABILITY TO SHARE ALL OR INDIVIDUAL PARTS of their Character Information sheet with other Player Character(s) that are online & choose to accept that permission. By doing things this way will provide disincentives, countermeasures, & stalling efforts against certain problematic behaviors that can take place in game or in Roleplay, such as-

  1. Metagaming - when a player uses real-life knowledge that their character wouldn’t realistically have.
  2. Improper usage of the Roleplay Sheet - When Players improperly use their Character Sheet to fill it with real life derogatory words & phrases, violent sexual content, giving out People’s personal information, and etc etc…

When a Player permits another Player’s Character the ability to see their Character’s Surname & Nickname (and if the two areas have been filled out in the Character Information section), the permitted & accepting Player should see the following information in this order when moving their cursor over the original Player’s Character.

Character Title - Character Name - Character Nickname - Character Surname - Server the Character is on if it’s not the local server

Report Roleplay Sheet Button

And finally for the Character Information section, there should be a button that allows players to report another Player’s Roleplay sheet for reviewing in the event that the reported Player’s Roleplay sheet has some rather glaring, questionable content placed inside of it.

Next the Player Information section-

In the Player Information section I would like to see the following options

  1. Roleplay Experience Level check boxes
    • Non-Roleplayer - (Default) Simply means the Player of the Character isn’t a Roleplayer and thus probably has no experience in any shape or form.
    • Beginner - Means the Player is a beginner level Roleplayer in some shape or form.
    • Experienced - Means the Player has experience Roleplaying in some shape or form.
    • Advanced - Means the Player has been Roleplaying for a very long time and is very experienced in it.
    • Mentor - Pretty much the same as Advance, but you’re willing to teach newer Players that are interested in learning how to Roleplay.

When moving your cursor over Players that have filled out this information, one of these selected options should appear in the bottom middle of the pop up box that is usually displayed, preferably behind whatever is selected for Character Status.

  1. Roleplay Style Options
    • Give plenty of different check box options to allow Players to show what their favorite styles of Roleplay are. Such as Random Roleplay, Storied Roleplay, Casual Roleplay, Combat Roleplay, and etc etc…(And of course speak with the greater World of Warcraft Roleplay Community to ensure as many bases as possible are covered.)

Players should only see this information when they Inspect another Player’s Character and look inside the “Roleplay” tab.

  1. Character Status Toggle
    • Out of Character - Should appear in Bright Red Text
    • In Character - Should appear in Bright Green Text
  • When the Character has the Non-Roleplayer Roleplay Experienced check marked, then neither of the above status should show in the example below.

When moving your cursor over Players, one of these two options should show up on the bottom right of the pop up box that is usually displayed, ahead of the Player’s Roleplay Experience Level selection.

  1. Roleplay Preferences slide bar
    Free Form - Free Form Lite - Balanced - By the Book Lite - By the Book

All this generally means is; do you like to stick to the Lore of World of Warcraft as much as possible (By the Book), do you like to get creative with the Lore or absolutely use your own substitutes for it (Free Form), or are you somewhere in the middle (Balanced and etc)?

Players should only see this information when they Inspect another Player’s Character and look inside the “Roleplay” tab.

While there is more I can think of that would be neat to have for the Roleplay sheet, I think it would be better to start with something basic, then gradually build up to something more complex if there is enough interest to justify expanding the Roleplay sheet further. Overall this concept used a mixture of features from the likes of Total RP3 & MyRolePlay, so this can be seen as a light integration request of both Addons into World of Warcraft.

Why is this all needed if Roleplayers can use addons like Total RP3 & MyRolePlay?

The objective of this suggested feature IS NOT TO REPLACE OR OUTLAW THE USAGE OF ANY ROLEPLAY ADDDONS. The objective of the Roleplay Sheet should be to provide Players an alternative option to using Roleplay Addons and that is COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY to engage in the usage of should they choose to do so.

As an individual who uses Total RP3 myself, the Roleplay Sheet would simply be a backup for the likes of me should Total RP3 or some other Roleplay addon some how no longer be an option for me to use. But, for a Roleplayer that does not like to use Roleplay Addons, they would have something they can use in game if they CHOOSE to do so.

#4. Reorganizing the Races into Base Races with expansive subrace customization support.

This was a concept put forward by Rreifren that I rather liked and added my own little additions to it while maintaining their idea. What I basically see in this suggestion is-

  1. The ability to further reduce clutter on the Character Creation screen and should more offshoot/subraces be added as playable options. The offshoot/subrace can be placed within the Base Race’s option to keep the screen clutter down still.
  2. It’s acts as a light Lore Teaching tool to show the basic roots of all the races.

If you would like to see Rreifren’s idea without my additions to it, click the Summary button below, otherwise proceed as you see fit.


So, how would this work exactly?

  1. When Players are looking to pick their desired playable race, they would first head to the very top of their screen to see all the Base Races within their respective Icons (IE: Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, Tauren, etc…)

  1. Then upon clicking one of those Base Race Icons, they would then get a drop down Box that shows all of the subraces belonging to that Base Race.


  • Dwarves ← Base Race Category
    1. Dwarf Subrace option 1: Bronzebeard Dwarfs
    2. Dwarf Subrace option 2: Wildhammer Dwarfs
    3. Dwarf Subrace option 3: Dark Iron Dwarfs

Inside of the drop down box they would see a button that has the name of the subrace in it, a Icon that represents that subrace, a Faction Icon to show which Faction that subrace is affiliated with, and a small lore snippet about them. Upon clicking on the button to choose their Subrace, they would then have a Character model of that subrace appear in the center of their screen like we do currently.

  1. Upon selecting their Character’s race, they would get a list of Racial traits on the Left side of the screen, what Class options they have access to at the bottom of the screen, and then the Customization button on the right side of the screen to begin visually customizing their Character from Gender to Hairstyle, Color, and all the other stuff we currently do that is befitting of that Subrace. (IE: Bronzebeard Dwarves would NOT have Wildhammer Dwarf visual customization options or visa versa.)

Why should this all be done?

Right now I would not consider it critical to make such a large change to the Character Creation menu. HOWEVER, should Blizzard choose to add a considerable amount more Races for Players to choose from, the Character Creation screen will begin to start getting cluttered up. If Blizzard then chooses to add more races that the playerbase wants, then the clutter will only get even more noticeable, and eventually something would have to be done to solve that clutter problem without taking anything away from players. The way to solve that would be to implament a system like Rreifren has suggested.

#5. Changes to Racial Traits & Selectable Background Traits

This is the revised version of my old Racial Trait suggestion that I had on here previously.

Currently I’m not entirely a big fan of how Racial Traits work in World of Warcraft (not talking about in terms of Balance, just speaking in general.) Some Racial Traits make perfect sense as to why those Races would have those options over other races. But, some I don’t really consider to be truly special to those races. So, what I would like to see Blizzard do is the following-

  1. Re-balance Racial Traits for EVERY Individual Race and give each Race at least 3-5 Racial Traits in Total across the board (personally, I think 4 would be the sweet spot.) As for what those Racial Traits would be, I leave that up to the Developers ultimately, and I DO NOT think Players should be able to change them.
  • Note: Racial Traits like the Worgen’s Two Forms, Vulpera’s Return to Camp, and other such traits. Should obviously not count towards this concept of 3-5 Racial Traits per-Race. They either do not offer any meaningful benefits or are mechanically vital to the usage of another racial trait and would factually break that other Racial Trait should they be removed.

  1. Offer Players at least 4 Background Trait slots that allows Players more choices to better tailor their Character to their particular desires.
    • Background Traits should be seen as a reflection of the Character’s past before starting their adventure into Azeroth & Beyond.
    • Background Traits should be broken up into different categories such as Crafting, Gathering, Utility, Trading, Training, & etc… with Players only being able to choose one Background Trait from each Category.
    • Players should also be able to choose upgradeable versions of their desired Background Traits at the cost of using up an additional Background Trait slot to do so. (IE: Instead of that Profession Background Trait costing you 1 Background Trait slot originally, it will now cost you 2 Background Trait slots because you upgraded it, thus leaving you with 2 free Background Trait Slots in total instead of 3.)

What about Characters that have already been created prior to this change?

  • Characters that have already been created prior to this change (should Blizzard implament such a change.) Should get a 1 time free usage item that allows them to change their Background Racial Traits and requires them to type in “Confirm” to finalize their choice to ensure the wrong Background Traits have not been accidentally selected.

Should Players be able to change their Background Traits whenever they want?

  • The Roleplayer in me says no, they should not be able to (excluding the obvious scenario above.) But, the General WoW player in me suspects Blizzard would let Players do it anyways. So, should Players be allowed to change their Background Traits generally whenever they want, it should be at a very steep Gold cost to dissade constantly changing one’s Background Traits.

When would Players choose these Background Traits?

  • Ouside of the one exception, Players should do this AFTER finishing the visual Customizations of their Characters and (if Blizzard adds the above Roleplay Sheet I suggested) BEFORE Players have the option to fill out their Roleplay sheet on the Character Creation screen.

Why is all of this needed?

  • If Blizzard wants to maximize the amount of Player expression they can offer Players. This would be a very nice way of doing it as it would allow Roleplayers to come up with background stories to reflect their Character’s Background Traits or visa versa, it would allow Raiders to plan around their needs, create more variety among the Player picked Characters because, ideally, largely nobody would have the exact same Background Traits.

And with that out of the way, I think I have taken Character Creation as far as I can without getting into stuff that would be better covered in dedicated topics.

Special Thanks Section

This section of the post is dedicated to those whom contributed suggestions to help improve this list as a whole be it intentionally or unintentionally.

With all that out of the way, I think this post can finally come to an end. I know this is nothing super original, but I did not want to necro any old topics even if the general discussion is as old as WoW itself is. I did what I could to keep the post as short as possible, but sometimes needing to explain things in some what greater details are required. Like I said at almost the start of the post; these are just suggestions, not demands ultimately. I do not expect Blizzard to add any of this at all, much less before or after Shadowlands just because I posted it. Till the next update to this post or the next topic I plan to cover~

Have a good one folks!


I love this. There’s a lot that could be baked into the game like this that would make wow essentially catch up to other mmos that are doing it better. It makes it more easily moderated as well, regarding character sheets, and could do away with some addons, giving players the option to even touch them.

I’m not sure about racials, since they’re already wonky to deal with, and I assume they’ll continue to be even if/when they decide to make cross-faction gameplay a thing. If we can’t do heights, maybe at least body types and surnames :S

Even before I played on an rp server, I felt that my character would experience events in certain ways and how they’d react to them. Encouraging even solely PVE/PVP players to give their characters a personality would be neat.


My understanding is these would be too labour intensive without enough return. Yes, they would add realism but I don’t think anyone outside of role-players would want to sacrifice content for them.


Having faction/race/class distinctions adds complexity, variety and flavor to the game. Yes, real-life human are very diverse, in fact our ability to adapt is our greatest strength, but these aren’t real-life humans, they are a variety of races with completely different paths of evolution, most of them involving magic in one way or another so it would not be unrealistic for them to have certain strengths across the board.

I think this would be a great idea but likely the reason they don’t already provide this is because you can use addons so there is no reason for them to spend resources on it. They might have back in the day, given they did provide dedicated PR servers so they clearly had respect for the sub-play but today, unlikely.

I don’t role-play with others but I do keep a characters sheet on all of my characters and, personally, I would skip things like eye colour, height, weight and physical description because, unlike pnp rpgs, this is a visual medium and you can see all those things. That would free up room for more non-visual personal things like pastimes (ie fishing), loyalties (ie Aldor), prejudices (ie blood elves :wink:), ect.

This would be excellent! I know of players who would like to role-play but are too intimidated and this would help.

All more excellent ideas. And so is a dedicated role-play tab.

Clearly a lot of work went into this.

:cake: and :ice_cream: for you!


Sorry for the delayed replies, ended up falling asleep not too long after posting this topic.

Thank you! There is indeed a lot WoW needs/can do to catch itself up to some of the competition in the market. Hopefully after they get general gameplay sorted enough, they can look into reallocating some funding/focus into the more immersive/Roleplay side of the game. As the saying goes; The squeaky wheel gets the grease. And thankfully or unfortunately depending how you look at it - it’s not the Roleplay side of the Community that is squeaking the loudest. But, I’m still happy you like it!

Indeed it would be neat. I met a lot of People over the years who really liked the concept of Roleplaying in WoW, but were just inherently too shy, nervous, or just had some particular reason they didn’t participate in it. But, they always had that spark of interest in it to maintain some degree of story to their Character and gave their Characters a life sort of speak. It was never made public for others to see really, but they were always happy to share it in conversation. I managed to get some of these People to actually brave the waters and they ended up delivering some of the most memorable RP encounters I ever had with this particular Character.

With the Developers starting that new Community Council and actually saying they want to invite Roleplayers to take part in it. I’m feeling a little more confident than usual in the chances of this stuff being added to the game. Not to say that the chances are high that they will be added, but I think the chances of them being added now are better than they were say…2-6 years ago? Just have to see where things go ultimately in the end. Crosses fingers hoping he gets into the Community Council. :crossed_fingers: :slight_smile:

I took this into consideration and I went ahead with removing Eye Color, Height, & Weight. But, I still think it’s good to keep Physical Description on the list as Eye color, Height, & Weight could be added to Physical description, which in turn gives the Roleplayers more flexibility in moments the visual medium cannot provide for them.

Pasttimes & prejudices I think can be covered just fine in the Character Biography. But, I will take them into consideration still. Loyalties however, that I think would be a neat addition to the list, and I will add it later today (sort of typing in a bit of a rush at the moment.)

My old RP Guild I led had a strong support culture for new Roleplayers & Players that were interested in learning how to Roleplay, but were too shy to do it at first. Not asking for such a feature as this was simply unthinkable for me, especially given my first hand experience with the value it brings. To not have it would simply be counterproductive at this point to fostering a stronger RP Community anywhere. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! This is ultimately only the tip of the iceberg for me right now. Lots more to do later on. :slight_smile:

Looking back on that part of my original post after waking up. I decided to remove it for the time being and take it back to the metaphorical drawing board for awhile. I still have my doubts that Blizzard would go forward with it even with the changes I plan to make to it. But, I still rather push the idea forward and have it fall flat on it’s face than continue to sit on it quietly for the rest of my days playing WoW.

But, for now, life calls upon me. You two have a good one!

No problem. That makes two of us :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

First, I did forget about this and you are right, it does up the odds.

Secondly, good luck getting on the council. It it clear you have the experience to understand the needs and challenges in this sphere, are willing to put real time, effort and thought into ideas, and have the ability to articulate them logically and reasonably, and that is the type of person they need in those spots, especially for such a core element of the game that is without even basic UI resources.

Thank you.

I agree about prejudices but still think pastimes would be an important to be able to quick scan in case someone want to, say, go fishing and wants someone to hang out and role-play with at the same time.

But given that I don’t group role-play, I certainly could be way off base.

Take your time. Thoughtful replies are worth waiting it.

Is there an area in the role-play section where you could also post your idea for feedback from active group role-players?

I hope you keep posting in GD to get varied perspectives (and so I see them because it it all about me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:), but I was thinking you will probably get more valuable ideas and critiques from there.

You too!

And good luck again :candle:.

As a roleplayer, I love this. As a player in general… I also love this! I understand that WoW’s engine likely can’t handle sliders for body morphing customization, so I’ve long been an advocate of just providing preset options - just like how we select different faces or any other customization option.

I also really like the suggestion of a character information section. I know it’s not necessary, but as you said in the OP… it’s better when functionality is baked into the game as opposed to relying on an addon.

As an RPer, we can use a lot of these improvements. The game’s RP features have always been in the gutter - not really offering anything server-scripted, with no discerning differences between RP servers and normal ones outside of the higher chance of meeting someone else with RP interests, which is entirely a social thing.

You should check out Blade and Soul and Black Desert’s customization. I put theirs higher than ESO and Neverwinter:

  • I don’t know too many other games that let you style the different parts of the eyes independently - iris, pupil, and sclera. You can have eyes looking elliptical, inverted, and heterochromatic all at once.
  • Adjust hair length and positioning (BDO)
  • Change the color of the base, root, and tips of your hair (BDO).

All Points Bulletin: Reloaded actually has a Photoshop-like area where you can custom design your own tattoos you can place anywhere on your body.

The thing that annoyed me about WoW is that the models aren’t accurate, having players thinking races are what they see in-game - like how Goblin females are taller than their males and Gnomes overall.

I also agree having a surname needs to be a thing. With as many active accounts with taken names on alts as this game has, coming up with someone new is becoming harder without having to turn to accented characters or something jibberish, which is a pain when it comes to whispering or inviting people.

Having an RBG/CMYK/HSB color chart/palette/wheel/sliders is just as much of a lofty goal as having sliders, but it’s another thing I wish to add to the list.

I agree on some points. I think having sliders that allow you to customize aspects of your character would be much better than having cookie cutter options? If Everquest was able to implement this almost 20 years ago, I don’t understand why Blizzard can’t do it for World of Warcraft now? The only thing I can come up with is that a certain Activision CEO likes selling cosmetics and using them as a carrot to get players to spend money.

That being said, I think the Devs were slightly ahead of you on this topic. They released a statement on MMO-Champion dated 10/27.

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So basically just implement TRP3 as a game feature and not an add-on?

1 Like

That was a nice read; being able to gradually morph a body part vs. having a fixed selection would allow for more varying differences. The same principle with changing colors with a wheel or chart. We would be able to access all 255 shades of R, G, and B, or go with HSB.

What they’re doing to the UI from the linked article would put the foundation in-place to be able to have such things.

Original post update

  • Added new suggestions to the post from Silverleigh & Xelphina
  • Added a “Special Thanks Section” to the post to give credit to those who have helped the post improve as a whole. I may have started the post, but I’m just one voice in a sea of many, and there are many voices that should be heard!
  • The Racial Traits suggestion is still under reconstruction, yesterday got rather busy so I didn’t have time to work on it really.

Now for some proper replies-

To Silverleigh

Thank you! I was joking around with some of my Friends yesterday saying; It would be just my luck I would get selected for the Community Council. But, I would be the only Roleplayer in the council and everyone else would just be “Hardcore anything that isn’t Roleplay.”

Even when my Good luck finally breaks through, it’s usually because my Bad Luck wanted to hang a hard left, then come screaming back around into the side of my face instead of the back of my head. :sob:

But, for now, just got to keep checking on the E-Mail and see if anything comes in about it.

I went ahead and added Hobbies & Loyalties to the main list. Originally I was going to go with “Leisurely Pursuits” instead of Hobbies. But, I thought that might be a little too…overkill for it’s intended use shall we say. Proper credit was of course given as well. :slight_smile:

There is no dedicated area for it. But, it doesn’t seem like it would be a problem to take a sort of…survey approach in there first, then come back here to General Discussion to post the actual suggestion posts in order to get a larger amount of feedback from the wider Community (at least those willing to give feedback anyways! :slight_smile: )

To Shyaelle

Yeah preset options would be a very good idea if WoW simply just cannot handle Body morphing. Plus on the brighter side of using presets over total body morphing, the Developers can maintain a more…grounded Character Creation system (EG: No Orcs with exceedingly massive heads and exceedingly small bodies.)

Yeah. I know Developers rather not take on more work than is needed, especially with a game like World of Warcraft. But, we Roleplayers really do need some more tools to work with, and a Roleplay Sheet would be a great first stepping stone - especially since there would, ideally. be a very low risk of our work suddenly being deleted…Looking at you TRP3 and your random desires at times to cast “Delete all of Tamz’s work”!

To Xelphina

Yup! If it wasn’t for the fact that I know there is no way Blizzard would sink a whole lot of Development time & effort exclusively into Roleplay servers. I would purely just focus on exclusively suggesting things JUST for RP servers. Not out of spite of non-Roleplayers, but to avoid conflicts of interest.

I watched some videos of Character Creation with both games and my jaw dropped. Granted, Blade and Soul didn’t look like my particular cup of tea. But, I could still appriciate the level of Character Customization they allow Players. Black Desert on the other hand, just purely made my mouth water lol. I added them to the original post as recommended games to draw inspiration from, but mainly pointed towards Black Desert online. Proper credit of course was also given to you with it.

Yeah if Blizzard could have the surname act as an extension to the Character’s name, it would free up so many names for a good, long time from now till…whenever lol. Lately I’ve been using Fantasy name generators to help get my naming gears spinning for some of my new alts. That place has been an absolute Brain savior.

The painful reminders of what is out on the market for so many different games vs. what is not in WoW currently. Big oof…But, in moderate fairness to WoW also, I’d be a little hesitant on some stuff just because of how out of place it might look in WoW. But, I could also be needlessly concerned about it also which tends to be a common trait with me. XD

To Dartt

Yeah it would be better in some ways to have the body slider over the premade options. But, if it was legit impossible for WoW to have the slider options, then the next best thing would be to have the premade options over absolutely nothing at all.

I will have to read that article the next chance I get, though I -think- I may have already read it on the World of Warcraft site (I could be wrong!) Anyways, the point of this post is mainly aimed towards the future of WoW, not so much trying to beat Blizzard (or anyone else for that matter) to the metaphorical punch. :slight_smile:

To Illiaster

Man…if TRP3 was just fully implamented into WoW and got that proper Blizzard polishing put to it from A to Z…Oh my god…that would be the best thing ever added to the game since the addition of Transmogs to me.


Oooh… I like hobbies better. I am going to change that in my own file!

But I would do hobbies and loyalties separately.

Unnecessary but thank you.

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I actually don’t really want Blizzard to do their own version of TRP because I don’t want them policing my profile. Iunno, I’m weird like that.

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Yes please. Especially all the other additions. I want to roleplay on a warlock, but the races I’d want to be are mostly jacked. I want to be an out-of-shape, pudgy human warlock.

I know it’d be work, but I can dream.

Interesting. I don’t know if this is a “roleplay” customization but since you added height in there, something all players can see regardless of seeking it out or not, I think spell animation customizations would be amazing.

It reminds me of Destiny 2 with Finisher animations. The ability itself always does the same thing, but how it looks changes and some are rarer than others.

I would love to be able to find or work towards like, a new Frost Strike animation. I’m sure our caster friends out there would like to be able to switch up say which hand fires their fireballs or what gesture is made when locks are charging up a chaos bolt.

The Essences of BFA suggest blizz already has the power to do this too, since the legendary rank 4 essence was just an aesthetic change and some of them were SO cool looking.

I don’t consider that weird personally. One of the great killers to storytelling would be hyper protective, censorious behavior that aims to curtail elements within a story under the guise of “Protecting People’s sensibilities.” As the old saying goes; you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. But, this is also why Communication is so important between Roleplayers and being able to respect each other’s boundaries.

:slight_smile: :+1:

TLDR = we want to paste a resume on our face so we don’t have to talk to anybody. They can just read about us and keep moving, just like fumbling through endless job applications.

Meanwhile the person who gets hired is the one you may have met and talked to before.

Anything that slows social interaction is bad. This is why AS A ROLE PLAYER I am against role playing addons. They don’t help you, folks. You just need to get out there and mingle.

WHAT DO YOU THINK “non-role players” will enter into their RP profile?

Let me tell you.

Complete utter filth, and if it’s a field that Blizzard is offering… THAT MEANS Blizzard will have to watch over it. Ultimately you are asking them to hire more staff to do this moderator work, and the more fields you have… for MORE WORDS… the more filth people will be entering into them.

InB4: “Just give it to the RP realms.” That’s maybe even worse. Have you been to Goldshire lately? THANK YOU RP ADDONS FOR TURNING ME OFF FROM EVER USING RP ADDONS!

There is one too many things all the games with a good character creator have that WoW doesnt that would take precedence into making WoW a better game.

Those games are not better in immersion because they have such character creation styles, it is the opposite, they have well cared character creation structures because they are better in immersion.

Most games which are known “not only for their character creation” were good at other things before they had such character creation power, or come from a game that didnt in the past.

The problem with WoW is that it was “a top something” when it released, and since then, have improved little compared to all games that evolved themselves or from other games as old as wow.

Guild Wars 2 is the one that remained “old fashioned” if compared to others evolving at the same time, but still, compared to GW1, it has a much better character creation, and compared to WoW, even more so. Still, it has evolved in many other ways rather than only better character creation.

If wow had a superb character creation, people would be saying what they in the forum of some games, even one of the cited in the OP: You create your character, then the game doesnt make up for such a work when you are using this character.

Many things in WoW needed to be better in order to have a powerful character creation that allowed you the uniqueness of top MMOs of now.

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I really like the Rp sheet and surname/nickname idea. I’ve wanted surnames in wow ever since I learned other games allow them.

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