One player has done the impossible

Jaguar-Whisperwind has made it to the rank 1 spot in solo shuffle for NA, and in the process achieved 2400+ rating :open_mouth:



CHAD :slight_smile:

Congratz :slight_smile:


Blizzard clearly didnā€™t cap MMR enough. I pray they do a rollback soon.


Hes a feral druid ! playing a broken easy mode afk spec. Doesnā€™t count !


That is a pretty big achievement! Definitely congrats for all the hard work they put in to get there. Congrats :smile:

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Why are you linking me a post from a year ago? Thereā€™s very clearly a cap on MMR in shuffle my dude.


The monkeys that keep reposting that blue post are technically correct, at least in that there isnā€™t a hard cap, but they are also being disingenuous,

because having static rating thresholds for rewards used in conjunction with an inflation level/factor/coefficient, without actively or dynamically adjusting the inflation level/factor/coefficient to account for variances in player participation, is in effect, capping rating/mmr [e.g., even though players can exceed the boundaries of the rating range we are all ultimately funneled into, it requires exceptionally high win or loss rates].

In other words, if shuffle has less inflation than 3v3, despite shuffle having a significantly higher participation rate, then in effect, shuffle rating is hard (or at the very least soft) capped [e.g., at a certain point, Iā€™m sure that 5-1s and 6-0s would result in 0 cr/mmr gain, and/or that 4-2s would result in significant cr/mmr loss].

So yeah, the toaster brains that keep reposting that blue post about ā€œno capā€ arenā€™t technically wrong, but theyā€™re also incapable of critical thinking if they donā€™t know what people actually mean when they say that mmr is capped.

Itā€™s all just semantics. Saying that there is no cap, and then following that with ā€œbutā€ is arguably an admission that there is a cap of sorts, and aside from not calling it a cap, the ā€œlack of inflationā€ most heavily applied to shuffle is effectively a cap, said cap being made worse due to the consequent lower population/participation that results from shuffle having the most heavily applied ā€œlack of inflationā€ (or hardest path to achieve rewards) [e.g., if you made inflation in one bracket more punishing than another, then you have in effect capped the mmr of the less inflated bracket].

Even the blue post itself is intentionally deceitful and vague. If it wasnā€™t, there would be no need to say ā€œbut ā€¦ā€ after saying there is no cap to mmr [e.g., there is a saying that still holds true today, I donā€™t remember it exactly, but it more or less says that the word ā€œbutā€ negates whatever was said before it].

Gaslighting at its finest. I donā€™t expect anything less from Blizzard these days :slight_smile: I also donā€™t expect anything less from the people/sheep that keep blindly reposting that blue post as if itā€™s some infallible gospel from a godly entity.

Best thing to do is just play for fun. If you canā€™t have fun without getting the rewards, itā€™s probably time to reconsider why you are participating in wow pvp in the first place [e.g., are pixels/nfts really worth the aggravation if youā€™re not at least somewhat enjoying the process/grind?].

Lastly, try to find humor in the fact that the people that keep reposting that blue post are incapable of articulating an explanation as to why shuffle mmr is so low compared to 3s despite shuffle having way more participation.

The gaslighting attempts to blame blitz are hilarious btw, as if that addresses the fact that there are still more people participating in shuffle than 3s [e.g., Iā€™m not even attacking 3s, as I think it would be just as if not more popular than shuffle if it had a solo queue button].

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Wait is there more than 1 player at the rank1 spot? Oo

Iā€™m pretty sure they put a hard 5k cap on MMR around cata, cuz people were doing stuffs.

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