One of my guildmates made a really handy Google Doc Spreadsheet

for finding appropriate instances at any level range for both factions, but I can’t post links on the forum.

Is there any way that I could post the link without being told “You can’t post links”?
Like, is there someone I could email and have one of the Mods/CMs/a CSR post it for me?

Post it inside the code blocks


If you earn Trust Level 3, one of the perks is being able to post a clickable link.

But it looks like you’re Trust Level2 currently. In which case if you use the ` key on your keyboard (usually to the left of 1 in the top row) on both sides of the link and it will let you post it.

Your friends link should end up looking like it’s in a grey box like at the start of this sentence :wink:

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I don’t follow.

like so?

Edit #2:


Type the link address.

Highlight the link address.

Above the text box should be icons to modify the text - Bold, Italic, etc.
One of those is the code symbol - </>.

With the link text highlighted, click the code symbol. That should allow it to be posted.

It will look something like this

Thanks guys!
Funny thing is, I know HTML and C++ but I couldn’t figure out the forums!

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This thread might be of service

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