One of my favorite parts of classic was taken away

Is it?

Is it crazy or is that hyperbolic?

Do we have any idea how much “average” is?

And, what is the context? Is it among everyone who plays WoW? Is it among those who play at max level? Is it among those who raid, or those who don’t?

Is it average during a pandemic? Does that make a difference?

“Crazy” or “Insane” don’t really seem to be appropriate word choices here, but do seem (imo at least) to be your personal judgement on others.

idk. Are you claiming that working adults who only have 5-6 hours/day at home are the average WoW player? Would you also call that crazy? (curious)

Hmm. I suppose if you personally fit into a particular category, you may believe that you are representative of the majority.

I’m not sure what an average player profile might look like for WoW, or really if there is one. There may be multiple “averages” as there are many playstyles and many people who play.

I would say something like this:

"I consider myself to be a fairly casual player, who plays anywhere from around 4 to 6 hours a day. Sometimes I only play for 2 hours, sometimes not at all. Sometimes, I’ll have a 12 hour day (though, that’s very rare, and was mostly while leveling).

I don’t think this change will particularly affect me personally."

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Meh. I don’t know why everyone’s complaining. Who the hell runs 30 dungeons per DAY.

and if you do… this is a favor. Go outside and smell fresh air once in a while.

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Why would a botter restrict themselves to only selling gold on one realm? They could make just as much selling gold on multiple realms. 30 instances on one, then 30 on the next, and so on. All this does is affect real players.

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it said per day, try schedule boost runs in none raiding day

Lol, show me the stats :scroll:

Fake news.

That’s your projection on how you think others should play.

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Fixed hahaha

Boosting your friends in Stockades in an afternoon isn’t really Vanilla behavior either.

This is not how MMORPGs work. If boosting exists at all you are at a disadvantage if you don’t use it.

How? It doesnt matter how you reach 60.

There is a cost associated to having an alt in WoW Classic. In Vanilla committing to a second character was a major decision. If you wanted to switch mains you’d have to sink a month of hardcore playing into it before you even reached 60.

Boosting helps people who want to play alternative classes. The weight of the class choice is, thus, reduced. One of the cumbersome quirks of Vanilla that, collectively, are the reason we are playing this game in the first place, gone just like that.

By the way, I have a mage alt. Instead of doing lashers and resetting I now do the whole dungeon, which is much more fun and challenging. I was being forced into lame gameplay because there was no cap to instance resets.

so what you’re saying is, it makes the game too fun and less time consuming drudgery, therefore shouldnt be allowed?

weird flex, but ok

I’ve done this for my guildies. I don’t so much anymore because people would take advantage and I’d run a bunch of new guildies and they’d get near 60 then leave, felt like I was being used. I still love aoeing things and helping guildies from time to time if its an alt and I know them though.

I kinda feel like this takes away from all the world. The best part about classic when leveling is to roam the world. The boosting has made the leveling world feel dead imo.

If the levelling world is dead, everyone who enjoys the levelling process suffers, and in turn feel forced to use boosting services in order to enjoy their alt. Being boosted isn’t fun, while the levelling aspect of Classic is one of the few aspects of it that are unanimously praised.

Why? You can quest to level 60 solo without ever stepping foot in an instance. You can also make your own instance groups with friends.

It doesn’t matter if you, “feel” like you have to pay for boosts. Even with the limit, boosts are still going to happen and there still won’t be people populating the server to do dungeons at level with. It’s just not how it works - past the initial rush to 60, there just aren’t enough new players and characters in the world to do the dungeons with. The reason boosts are so prolific is because it takes people from the zones out in the world - who also wouldn’t interact with you much.

The leveling of Classic is great, once or twice. Past that it’s the same slog and it’s the same thing again.

Yeah, this is what I don’t get. People seem to think this will stop boosting… It does NOTHING to stop boosting, you can still boost, just only for 6 hours a day. Most mages don’t hit that anyways, how does this change anything? It just screws over shorter dungeon farms like SGC and MCP etc… It will have no effect whatsoever, I saw so many mages selling carries today, maybe you’ll find less carries late at night, but you’re not finding a group late at night anyways.
It doesn’t fix anything, it just limits individuals who play for longer periods in a 24 hour window. so for instance, if you can only play on weekends, your dungeons are now limited. What does that accomplish?

You’re not supposed to spam dungeons to level up. There’s a whole world outside to explore.

Why do you think they call it World of Warcraft, and not World of DungeonCraft? :stuck_out_tongue: