One month in, legion still not properly scaled

I said this two weeks before it was released.
Playing on the PTR alone was enough to figure it out.
How Alpha and Beta players playtested for any length of time and missed problems that were this big…well…I wont say what Im thinking.


That one month delay was a PR stunt…


Nope. Because it’s been part of the game for over a decade.

I leveled up to be stronger. I leveled past old content. They gave us legacy for a reason. They gave us Timewalking for a reason, as well.

You have no good argument here.


I am not here to argue, simply to address a concern about legacy scaling. Currently, the game has a system in which I am describing therefore Ion and the Dev team agree that this is the system that players will be dealing with for the rest of Shadowlands! Folks can disagree, but the reality is here to stay and the sooner they can accept it the sooner they can go and get all the transmogs and mounts they want!


and it was supposed to be ‘the same’ anyway.
If I could solo it prepatch, post patch was supposed to be exactly the same.
And it wasnt…and still isnt.
I could farm Legion raids at least on normal on characters prepatch that get snuffed even now.


that poster is a joke. Just ignore them. I did.


Which is arguing against us.

And it’s a system that’s bad and broken and needs changed.

Moving on.


No, you’re just trolling. As someone else has said your bootlicking and brown nosing Blizzard is pathetic.

Game could have a bug that deletes characters permanently and you’d be here saying its part of Ion and the dev teams vision!


For now I’m considering this a case of Hanlon’s Razor and assume incompetence rather than belligerence. I think they just don’t know what the heck they are doing with squishing and scaling. I remember how bad the 6.0 launch was with the first ilvl squish, it was several months before old content was properly farmable again. It seems that by BFA they got ilvl squishes under control, but this is the first level squish.


If something was a bug, it would be addressed. This scaling was addressed and is here to stay, so this is a feature not a bug! In my opinion, the scaling is perfect!

In all my years of playing, I have not disliked a person on the forums until you showed up.


‘Dont fix something if it isn’t broken’

Blizzard : I wish i could read.

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Yeah, this is not surprising at all.

You must be super desperate to get that green MVP status.


if everyone ignores him he will stop. He just likes attention at this point.


Sorry but this is a personal issue, not my issue! All I said was how the system works currently, and that there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s OK for folks to have different opinions, nothing wrong with that!

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The scaling is perfect, lmao
no…its not. just go play ESO for a while if you want to see FAR better world scaling.
granted WoW scaling was done after the fact and theyre still working out the kinks…but it is FAR from acceptable let alone ‘perfect’.

The fact that my sub 90ilvl druid can stomp the guts out of the same stuff my currently 164ilvl druid of the same exact spec and keybind setup tells me that no…scaling isnt ‘perfect’…its not even ‘good’ at this point.


This is going to be fixed one way or the other. They are still changing things “behind the scenes” with no hotfix notes, proving they are aware there are issues. It’s likely they just don’t want to admit anything is wrong.

If they don’t fix it the easy way, it’ll be the hard way, and they will be forced to once there are massive numbers of unsubs like there were with the WOD flying debacle.


What makes it even worst and pisses the hell out of me is that before I level up to 60 I had it easier to clear legion stuff, now I get stomped if I try mythic difficulty, don’t even make a dent on bosses :confused: like what the hell not only they don’t do it easier it got way worst than before


I actually agree with her. There are a lot of s***** trolls on these forums that annoy me.

But you…

You a whole new level of s**** troll…


I know greens that would very much dislike him.