One again asking for your support..increase preservation spell range

In typical fashion hunter stands in narnia, shadow priest is in kalimdor and you can’t even see the boomkin on the map… and we gonna throw some crap on the ground every gcd (last boss azure vault, tyr, academy, halls… sense a pattern there) to make sure you can’t even attempt to hover shoot and just kill yourself in process. All of this makes preservation not fun to play; it’s not question of healing hps but just design of class doesn’t work with encounters/class combos. Please match spell range so it at least matches other healers.


Copy paste from old thread on this that still applies:

"Blizzard’s stubbornness and pet project stupidity is truly astonishing, as is their apparent need to claim complexity where it doesn’t exist.

If the problem is the range…then fix the range. You set the standard at 40 yards years ago…so use it like you should have in the first place. A 10 year old could figure this out. Use some common sense."

Once they get married to an idea, no matter how terrible it is, players will be saddled with it for an incredible amout of time (see rune of power).

There were hundreds, literally hundreds of posts during beta on why this was an awful thing for a healer specifically, and yet…here we are. And why? No clue. No one has answered that. Blizzard hasn’t even attempted to justify it themselves.

When someone drops to 17% health and has to be emergency healed, or needs a dispel, or an external, they need it NOW, not after you get an “out of range” error and find their location in a quagmire of visual clutter and move closer to them (assuming of course some mechanic or another isnt hindering you).

I find pres mechanics and tools a lot of fun (the littany of unjustified nerfs to time anomaly notwithstanding) so ill just wait and see how it fares with hero trees for now.


I’m in the camp of not wanting range changes, but to each their own. The DPS specs especially function very well currently.

Any increased range option should come in the form of a choice node between hover and extra range, though. That, or selecting the talent for 40 yds should make hover a 2-3 minute cd.

The specs have performed well the entire expansion, and people that have adjusted to the playstyle we have and enjoy it shouldn’t be punished.

That said, the hero trees bring an absurd amount of extra mobility to a toolkit that already has a ton, so hopefully that will help the players that are struggling more with the range.

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It’s similar to the tanks having varying ranges on their interrupts. At surface level, we hope to ourselves, “well this balanced around as part of their overall spec power,” when it is really not. See VDH and BDK with ranged silences and also more utility than Prot War that only has melee interrupt.

I feel like preservation was sold in a similar line of thought that it is more mobile than other healers so shorter range will not hinder as much and they will be overall better within their range. This is just flatly wrong. There are many scenarios that hover and verdant embrace (or even new 4pc LF proc) just will not solve and these are situations that other healers aren’t even contemplating. Pres is also not so far away the most dominant melee group healer that it deserves shortened range.

Anyone that states that the range is no big deal and it’s a L2P issue, you probably haven’t either played hard enough content or you haven’t played other healers. Blizzard sycophants result in bad design. There are much more creative ways to create healer flavor than by shortening spell range.

If you enjoy shortened range, I hope they remove all dispel abilities from Priest, or all non-HOT healing from Druid, or maybe make arcane mage have to look the opposite way of the target to cast a spell (aiming behind only). This would add considerable flavor in the same way as shortened preservation evoker range.

Blizzard probably doesn’t read forum posts from any peasant not on the community council forums, but I hope they abandon this shortened range.

You haven’t played any hard content… You cap out in mid dungeons and aotc. Why are you gatekeeping others opinions?

The person above you plays harder content and is fine with/likes evoker range, why are you trying to invalidate opinions based on what people do in the game?

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Range is an L2P issue.

I’m fully aware that evoker would be stronger with more range.

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Buddy the highest key he has healed was a 17 towards the end of last season. The highest this season he healed is a 2. You make my point even better than I can. Thank you for your assistance.

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I like the short range…for Devastation. Its interesting to play around, and encourages positioning.

Preservation definitely needs some form of range extension. If not baked in, then as a talent choice in the tree. For a dungeon vs raid build. Personally would like to see something where temporal anomaly spreads echo to more people and/or dream breath turns into a long range ‘line’ breath vs a ‘cone’ breath

I mean I don’t play pres except to fill in meme content when needed, and I specifically mentioned that range doesn’t need changes for DPS, though besides cleanse I felt like the range was fine personally on pres. :dracthyr_shrug:

At any rate, I’m certainly not doing bleeding edge content, nor are you.

Not sure why I’m even being dragged into this, but you’re certainly not in a place to tell people they’re not doing difficult content when you aren’t either.

dps only needs to be in range of boss… as healer I need to be in range of 4 … and no the spec has not preformed well… some of us are trying really hard to make it work but there’s glaring holes in design of it.

Yes, it has. Show me evidence to the contrary.

To be fair, pres has recorded kills in mythic raid before many other heal specs, and you’re only running normals, where everything performed very well.

If someone’s in here talking about why the spec isn’t able to heal 14+ keys this season, that’s a conversation worth having.

If something is “hard” to play in normal, it’s not ever because of design, full stop. That’s a skill issue

Judging by how a pres evoker is the next highest rated class in line for mythic plus compared to all the other classes, I don’t think being second is a huge issue.

A class will be first, a class will be last, should we add range to whoever is last in perpetuity until they become not last?

we talking about preservation here?? raider is shows it dead last in all levels??

If the range on living flame, verdant embrace, echo, spiritbloom, reversion, and dispell were extended to standard healer range, would preservation be immediately S+ tier and head and shoulders above all other healers? I don’t think so. If they wouldn’t immediately become the only healer, why is it a bad idea to extend the range to regular range? I still haven’t seen a single answer to this question.

Lol what? This is laughably flawed logic.

If fury warrior doesn’t become the ONLY DPS because we gave it 15 more yards of range, we should just do it, right?

Whether something becomes broken or not after a buff isn’t the measuring stick we should be using to decide to make major design changes.

Adding range gives a spec an immediate power spike that would either be met with nerfed throughput or nerfed mobility. The must likely scenario for evoker would be mobility.

This is why I’ve suggested a choice node between hover and 40 yd range. If you really want that extra range, you’d be willing to give up hover.

They already buffed preservations range once, and it hasn’t been obsolete by any means for the expansion.


yes preservation.
Thanks to sole evoker Aerithx, Pres is #2 for score (class wise.)

that’s one way looking at it… you’re #1 in being last! …umm yah sure we

Not sure you’re reading that correctly.

I’m personally fine with the shortened range. I healed 18’s last tier on my alt at like >470. It is 100% not a range issue and is 100% a learn to play issue, if you personally can’t manage to catch ranged with your heals then don’t bring too many. If you sit behind your one ranged you can just shoot your temporal anomaly across them into melee and heal everything. Alternatively evokers have access to echo which can heal at 105% effectiveness when you place it on them. Dont change the spec on a fundamental level just because you can’t deal with it.

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If fury had half melee range of every other melee and had to stand in the mob to hit it, that would be a fair comparison. Extending preservation’s range to NORMAL healer range is not comparable to making fury ranged.

Would extending the range put them even in the top 2 for raid healing? If it’s no, then it’s just healing with one arm (wing) tied behind your back for “flavor.”

I don’t understand why you are even so opinionated on preservation healing range. You randomly heal on rare occasions and push much further on dev in all content. Why do you want preservation to have shorter range so much to keep replying? I actually heal in M+, heroic raid, solo shuffle, and arena on preservation evoker specifically. I want this to be fixed. I don’t want blizzard to just think people that play preservation consistently actually like this. Same to the guy above that healed a 17 one time on an alt. You barely play the spec and make bold claims about how they are good for the game. Go ask for ring of power back.