Once wrath is over

Nope, once wotlk ends, it’s WoW’s end for me and I’ll retire from Blizz.


I give my tank shadowmourne and that will be good. In all honesty people will leave if they don’t give us era in which case classic vanilla forever.

I’ll never touch it again unless it’s hosted with a permanent crusade or wrath patch. Classic desperately needs changes, most of which are in the expansions. If they don’t want to do that then I’ll be in northrend with everyone else. There are things I like about classic but the negatives SIGNIFICANTLY outweigh any positives. But since all the fixes and improvements got kicked down the road to crusade (or even wrath), now a classic rehost was/is doomed to never get any of them.

Nope, once was enough for me.

no, but I would play cata again.

I don’t think so, I found vanilla to be a slog and unless they sold tokens and boosts in the game I do not have any interest in doing that again.

The raids are boring so the only fun is in doing it extremely fast and cheesy, but doing speedruns costs a lot of gold - especially classic due to being able to stack so many consumables.

I’d probably do TBC again, it’s still one of my favourite expacs…but really I’m kinda looking forward to a possible cata/MoP classic

I am hoping Blizz stops at Wrath and just lets servers stay there. Would play Cata and MOP

I actually think Classic+ won’t be as popular as we think. People don’t have the time anymore to “waste” time on a game that hasn’t been figured out yet.

But then again, I’m assuming this Classic+ will have significant time sinks.

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It depends on how they handle it. I don’t have high hopes but would love to be pleasantly surprised.


For some it fills in gaps when group play not so much an option.

Few a few reasons, networking among them and a big one, I like west coast US servers. I play from japan. west coast I get great ping (for me) . 120 ish. For me this is nice. I have seen worse. Much worse. 120 is blazing for me lol OCE and east coast the ping shoots up fast. Retail or tbcc.

its not my internets. its route costs. west coast has the best. OCE should be but…its not. way that goes.

during the week I can be more “solo” as I catch off shifts for the servers (atiesh and grob tbcc, wra and mg retail).

I do more group non queued stuff on the weekends. I can wake up early sat and sun and see more people. Or I see the west coast night owls if I hammer out my weekend taskers to be done by lunch. On weekends I can see cali primetime easier the tl;dr.

No. Done it from scratch twice besides Vanilla the First, and it always ends up the same way. Hyper-efficient meta groups pushing everything to optimize the fun out of the game for everyone, and destroying the economy.

It’s just not entertainment any more at that point.

Yes probably.

They should make changes to the game to keep it interesting, and then continue where they left off after the final patch (1.12?).

I made a post about this in another forum

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“We might screw you over, we might not. We’ll see. Just go ahead and invest your first 90 days into the realm and then trust us :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Essentially: Trust Blizzard not to make a terrible decision. Yeah no thanks.

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I would come back, but they would have to wait for people to really miss it for it to be successful again. They’d have to do a better job of regulating boosts and bots, change the awful ranking system and be smarter about the releases. SoM was derailed by the illogical. It was as if it was specifically created to appease streamer trends. They did fast releases when the majority didn’t want it. They did SoI which really only interested a fraction of the population and only for a few months. The solution to boosting was almost fine, but they botched the exp situation for players who still technically had reason to run the dungeons because they had eligible quests in them.

Spend less time listening to the tryhards and streamers and spend more time actually looking at the real results. Anyone with half a brain could tell that the ranking system was wildly unhealthy.

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Isn’t that every iteration of the game though?

For once, you are correct.

Fair enough lol

This conversation has come up within our guild. Many different opinions about post WotLK especially since the question remains will Cata Classic be released? IMO, I consider everything Cata and forward to be Retail. Where does the line get drawn to separate Classic from Retail?
There are a number of good ideas and not so good ideas here. A fresh start would be nice but the difficulty for guilds doing a fresh start would be going through that Raid size change again. To enable a smooth transition of a fresh restart while keeping current guilds together, Vanilla raids would be more feasible to be adjusted to 25 mans.
Regarding other ‘changes’ mentioned in this post (class, race changes etc…)my feelings are a bit mixed.

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I hope they continue all the way to legion and than burn the project and than go the classic + route.

Nope… Will play Cata if it comes out, but after that I am done with Classic. Hope they fix retail by then…