Once wrath is over

Would you play vanilla again?

List reasons why or why not, explain what kind of changes would have to happen or not happen in order for you to play.


Nah. Too slow and grindy, most of the people who claimed they wanted to relive the slow-paced leveling process hired a mage to boost them through that crap as soon as they could.

You can’t go home again, it was a nice nostalgia trip but not worth a third attempt.

Of course if they come up with something interesting in terms of Classic+ then my idiot-self will probably be right there.


I’d play cata cuz cata is better than wotlk.

Wotlk is really over hyped cuz we didn’t do Naxx back then, after 4 months of Naxx in classic it pretty much lessens how good wotlk is.

We get Naxx and Ony again along with 3 raids that have 1 boss.

Wotlk really only has ulduar and icc going for it.


It’s nice to see someone provide a realistic interpretation of wrath that isn’t all roses and rainbows.

The reality is that wrath was plagued by content draughts and complaining from the playerbase about a lack of content.

I am all for cata, I think it gets a bad wrap, especially considering most peoples complaints about it revolve around the old world being changed which ironically they never actually go there anymore so I don’t know why they care.

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I enjoyed cata and would play it again, though i seriously doubt blizz will release it.

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Personally I think there is a large probability of blizzard doing a cata and mop classic.

I wouldn’t play through Vanilla again unless substantial changes were made. Examples are:

Complete overhaul of talents and class balance
Resilience added to ranking up gear
Overhaul of itemization from raid gear
Racial Balance for PvP purposes
Faster leveling via drastic xp multiplier

These are just a few of the changes that would to be made to the vanilla iteration of the game for it to be playable for me. If it remained the same as it was originally, I’d skip it til TBC.


Wrath originally was really long (almost 2 years), we won’t have that same issue in WOTLK classic. But yeah Phase 1 and 3 (TOC) will be meh. But I agree Id rather get cata then play Classic again (if we have classic 2.0 id be down for that). SOM kind of shows that a large population would not want to do classic again.

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I think the nice part about Classic is you know what is coming up and the content is quickly released. I think that won’t be the case with classic 2.0


Cataclysm’s biggest issue was the content drought they had like 6 months in between new content back then I think a classic version of that will fix it.

A classic version will give it 3 to 4 months for each unlock.

And firelands was amazing


I would play Vanilla again if they balanced classes and specs.


Would not play vanilla again. I will support cata to get to mop though


If they keep going with Classic I’ll play them because I missed Cata, MoP, and WoD. But I’m skeptical I will enjoy them as much as Vanilla and TBC, don’t know about Wrath yet because I missed that one too.

I’d only play a highly Classic+ version of vanilla and TBC, BUT considering they’re still making absolutely brain dead decisions on their third Classic offering, I don’t think they’d have the skills or awareness necessary to make good-sense Classic+ (look at SOM)

So, if by some miracle they decided to attempt to be skilled in their chosen careers and Classic+ was shaping up to be a good product, then sure I’d play again from the start.

Do I think that’ll happen? Nah lol. There’s two clues that they’re still massively out of touch with the community: Transfers to a fresh realm after 90 days (literally who in their right mind would do this?) and removing LFD from Wrath (and somehow thinking some modified version of the garbage system from retail is even remotely a replacement)

The fact that they still succeed in failing this hard and we’re this far in to Classic just shows me they’re not the type of people who know how to make a decent Classic+ offering. It’s a pipe dream.


I would play it but its going to need a new set of rules to shake it up. Something like everything is BoE, time locked progression, double talent points, or improved QoL features from day one would be enough to bring me back for another run.

i would play classic+
with class rebalance, systems overhail , new unreleased content…

that being said … that wont happen so ill just quit wow (this time for good) once arthas is gone

If we can even make it through Wrath before going to pservers or other MMOs like FF14…

Couldn’t justify a third attempt at Blizz trying to do as little as possible while squeezing as much money as they can from a whale sanctuary…all while listening to Brian Birmingham lie to our faces all over again.

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I don’t think I would play vanilla again but I’m always a sucker for fresh. I just don’t think I’d want to get sweaty and do the vanilla end game again though. I think since they did no changes in the first go around it would be awesome to see some sort of classic+ where they build on old content and make changes. I’d like to see an iteration of classic where they can continue building in the vanilla world instead of releasing new expac after new expac. In a sense the building would an expac in itself but you’d still have all the fundamentals stay the same.

They released a statement clarifying stating that the SOONEST transfers would be available to fresh realms would be 90 days. Not necessarily that it WILL be 90 days.

Would I play through Vanilla again?

Probably. But not right away.

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