Once upon a time WoW had roaming PVE dangers

This must be someone who at level x has never wandered around in a zone for level x+3. That “Miss Miss Miss Miss” thing.

I was away from the game during most of BofA, all of SL, and most of DF, and when I went to finish Explorer in SL, I was corpse running a lot.

As far as max-level goes, Timeless Isle had plenty of I’ve-studied-on-killin’-you difficulty at the top unless you were in heroic+ raid gear.

OP is just … I don’t want to say dumb. How about “wrong.”

Nah, modern gamers are way more skilled today. This mindset of making the bulk of the game easy isn’t working for MMOs anymore.

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Nailed it.

Early WoW managed to both give rewards every few minutes AND be dangerous. Because we were poor and weak, a hunk of meat and a few coppers felt rewarding. A green piece of armor was an awesome reward. And you’d farm to get cloth like crazy and be overjoyed to have more bag space. So everything felt rewarding . . .BUT it was dangerous out there.

Those elite werewolves in silverpine forest were a nightmare. They always snuck up on you and smacked you when you were low health already.

its a bit hard to achieve what you are asking when the player base can simply fly over it and ignore it. thoses feeling you are looking for only exist in classic because the way you roam in the world were different. also your player power isnt the same, people use to die to pigs, now days people roam the land like gods and only world boss are a threat.

This is the best way anyone has described what lurking dangers were really like back in the day. Now, the Mage Tower and even Torghast—both of these, in my honest opinion, are content that can be fun. Torghast could be if it’s fixed and reintegrated as evergreen content, something alongside the Mage Tower for elitists to farm and get unique and special rewards that they have rightfully earned. Hardcore content exists for the people that enjoy it, no doubt. But what needs to be added back are Gatekeepers & Role/Stat checks in the open world.

Not things that are forced, but have these things randomly roam around a zone, like elite mobs requiring parties or guild groups or rare elites that serve as Role/Stat checks. Should anything be forced? Well, I believe it makes you better at the game—having difficulty and failing a few times helps you improve. But in today’s age of hand-holding, make it optional. They can roam along long paths through zones or areas off the beaten path, catching unexpected wanderers. This way, if you want to skip it, you can just avoid it and go on your merry way.

@Yasraena-kelthuzad, I really respect your viewpoint, and I would very much appreciate your opinion on my own post regarding revitalizing guilds in World of Warcraft. Here’s the link: Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft.

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I guess you’d have the upside of just slapping some new parts on from whatever “donor” happens by. Honestly you’re selling me on playing my forsaken warlock more.

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Dude stitches is the hero we all need.

I do miss that and things like the felreaver.

You’re mad because the game no longer forces people to group. It seems to me that the only type of person that would need grouping to be forced would be someone who doesn’t get invited to groups. Fix your attitude or skill. Or both.

They retried it with Classic and doued their subs and had higher retention. So…

Haha, you, my friend, completely missed the point of this topic. A lot of the stuff we’re talking about here was content that players encountered randomly or had the option to skip if they really wanted to. People are so focused on the idea that “it’s forced, it’s forced…” when, in reality, that has never been the case. We have PvP content and rewards for PvP players, solo content and rewards for solo players, and Hardcore PvE/PvP Solo/Guild content and rewards for those who enjoy that style of play.

What’s been missing is unique and new content for casual and midcore guild/group players. Adding back dangerous NPCs could easily be avoided or even soloed by skilled players, but that’s not the point. For those who enjoy playing with friends, don’t remove the default challenges that would normally require a group effort or even a stat check that demands knowing your class well. Don’t take these away just because solo players see them as “I want the reward, but I see this as a block to that reward, so remove it because I don’t like it.”

Removing content for that reason limits options, and all good RPGs, especially MMORPGs, should have more content, not less. Different types of content are always better because nobody plays the same way. I miss zones that were level-locked so much—it added to that sense of danger in the world. Sigh.

ACTUALLY had more to do with acess… hey lets make a zone you have to be in to progress but you have to walk or only use ground mounts with an areal loaded with pinch points and bottle necks oh and wqe will make sure to get you 2 to 3 shot if you come close to the wrong bottle neck at the wrong time… when everything else about the zone is a cake walk…