This is the best way anyone has described what lurking dangers were really like back in the day. Now, the Mage Tower and even Torghast—both of these, in my honest opinion, are content that can be fun. Torghast could be if it’s fixed and reintegrated as evergreen content, something alongside the Mage Tower for elitists to farm and get unique and special rewards that they have rightfully earned. Hardcore content exists for the people that enjoy it, no doubt. But what needs to be added back are Gatekeepers & Role/Stat checks in the open world.
Not things that are forced, but have these things randomly roam around a zone, like elite mobs requiring parties or guild groups or rare elites that serve as Role/Stat checks. Should anything be forced? Well, I believe it makes you better at the game—having difficulty and failing a few times helps you improve. But in today’s age of hand-holding, make it optional. They can roam along long paths through zones or areas off the beaten path, catching unexpected wanderers. This way, if you want to skip it, you can just avoid it and go on your merry way.
@Yasraena-kelthuzad, I really respect your viewpoint, and I would very much appreciate your opinion on my own post regarding revitalizing guilds in World of Warcraft. Here’s the link: Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft.