Once sharding is allowed in Classic..

And the numerous times that “the people making the game” have lied to us in the past, when they said one thing while doing the exact opposite, don’t count?

Sharding IS making it different, BTW.

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that has never actually happened though. blizzard have always been transparent with patch notes and changes they make.

It most certainly HAS happened. That has been shown numerous times in all of the various sharding threads.

You can ignore the evidence and refuse to see it, but you cannot make it go away.

Always transparent with patch notes? How many times has Blizzard implemented stealth nerfs that were only acknowledged once Blizzard got caught?

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im sorry mate but if you are jaded and hate blizzard, maybe blizzard games are not for you.

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okay, like some proof of that then.

It’s not that I hate Blizzard.

It;s that their history has shown they CANNOT be trusted to keep their word. Does that mean that they will always break their word? No, but history has shown that they do break their word far more often then they keep it.

they defiantly keep their word more than they break it, but im still waiting on any evidence of them breaking their word.

I’ll not do your research for you. There are plenty of threads regarding sharding with that evidence linked. You could google CRZ’s current zones for some links to the fiasco regarding CRZ’s going from “only in past expansion content and not current content to everywhere at all times”.

Try googling Ordos legendary cloak to see the furor surrounding that fiasco. When they were removing the legendary cloak questline at the start of WOD, Blizzard gave their word that players who had not obtained the legendary cloak from MOP would be able to reach Ordos without it, only to break that word and only allow those who had completed that questline access to Ordos.

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so you have no evidence to back up your claim. its not doing my research for me its doing your own research to back up your claims and not just believing everything you read on some forum.

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you are making claims without supporting evidence which is dishonest.

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The evidence had been presented numerous times already in the multitude of sharding threads. It is readily available to anyone who puts forth a modicum of effort to finding it.

i will not spoon feed that evidence to you.

If I tell you the speed limit on the New Jersey turnpike is 65 MPH for most of its length, but I do not provide a photograph of a speed limit sign or a link to a website, am I being dishonest? No.

the evidence has not been presented at all, you have just told various tales which is complete here say.

Ignoring the facts will not make those facts magically disappear.

There is a thread on the GD front page about the legendary cloak quest chain from MOP and the fact that players who did not complete that quest chain cannot access Ordos, despite Blizzard’s assurances that after MOP the legendary cloak requirement to access Ordos would be lifted.

I guess Blizzard breaking their word on that never happened, though.

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i guess not since you cant link any tangible proof.

No, no they haven’t. Maybe read up on crz/sharding and RP realms and what happened to them via STEALTH changes not found out until they tried doing some RP events.

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They won’t need crz if they go with high enough population caps (or in this case non capped servers) that they have to worry about sharding.

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Supporting evidence and claims have been made plenty of times in the old forums.

In the case of rp servers they said they were not going to shard the non new xpac areas when in reality they did and supposedly fixed the issue last july. Which by they way was an issue with rp servers since sharding was released. It did not just occur because of an unseen patch glitch or something

There are more issues like this also but being on my phone i am not about repost a bunch of information you could easily find

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it’s not about “a little” or even “stiff” competition, it’s about several thousand players crammed into a single instance of the valley of trials trying to get their share of, what, 14 boars? It’ll be up to 3 hours to do the first quest if you’re unlucky, and there’s not exactly alternate content at level 1 to do instead. Even if they group up into perfect sets of 5 before starting and play socially, that’s a crippling launch disaster by any metric other than those set by the nochangers on these forums.

I think the biggest issue is that people just don’t quite grasp what these numbers are likely to be.

A quick google search suggests about 1.3 million people played on Nost. Some of those will have subs but a lot more likely won’t, and a vast majority will want to try out a classic experience under blizzard’s blessing. So that’s about a million “new” people already. Around 3 million play BFA right now, at least 2/3’s if not more will be curious enough try it out or actively want to play it. Whether they’re tourists or become permanent, that’ll be 2 million more. Then there’s the crowd that left it behind completely, when WoW started to get worse. This is the hardest number to guess, but the game peaked around 10 million, half of which are unaccounted for so far. if half of THOSE come back, it’s around 2.5 million. New players will trickle in for the hype, so I’m bookmarking it at a max of 6 million people across the first month, with half that jumping onboard for day 1.

so. 3 million people, split by 6 zones, is 500K. Split again by sever count…Blizz has yet to put a number on this but people aren’t really guessing high numbers. Maybe a grand total of around 30. This brings us to an average of around 1600 people. Not per SERVER, per ZONE. These zones will be overcrowded as hell without sharding, and the only other option is to set up a huge number of servers that will inevitably become graveyards quite fast, and force the much more painful server merges on us.

No, sharding is the right way to go.


Those of us that played on ND during launch do know.
ND hit 12K peak…no sharding either.
Just tweek the spawn time which Blizzard has done.

It is truly awesome to see so many people running around.


Just chiming in to say that, while I’m not a fan of sharding, I also don’t like to see huge numbers of people in a zone.

For me, it’s an immersion-breaker.

“Ah, brave adventurer, only you can save us by [whatever]!”

You mean, except for the 53 other people doing the exact same thing?

I like being alone in a zone, with the exception of a few casual encounters. It doesn’t feel like an adventure if I have to wait in line. More like Disneyland, or the mall.

So while I hope that sharding is used as minimally as possible (the crowds at the opening of Ahn Q’iraj are indispensable), I’m going to wait a week or two for the initial wave to pass by, and enjoy questing in the wide empty world.

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