Once again asking for Era to get repeatable turn ins for World Buffs

Can you link your spreadsheet where you logged every complaint ever made in Vanilla and Classic and show us where it actually ranks on the complaint list because people whined pretty much about everything, including the pvp update itself. Can you point me to the thread and its author so I can thank them for getting the game changed? Otherwise, it just comes off as you pulling your talking points out of you know where.

Vanilla is its own thing, the complaining about pvp in Classic was because BG pvp became a toxic, sweaty premade RMT driving metafest complete with mafia brackets and blatant cheating. Ill refer you to the blue post about it:

So yeah, its no wonder people complained but again, it wasn’t because people simply asked for something like the OP in this thread is doing. Furthermore, they just complained, no solutions were offered by players that were adopted by Blizz. Blizzard had to intervene to save us from ourselves. Era’s population started rising, we saw some bracket activity here and they didnt want their prized fun server to get overrun with the same nonsense. That’s why it was changed.

It had nothing to do with a fan request being adopted and implemented by Blizzard because they thought it was a terrific idea.

Its nowhere near the same thing - its not even the same kind of content - its pve. Players aren’t driving development in the way you would have us believe.

Making Era more accessible fundamentally changes the game. I get that’s really difficult for some people to grasp but there it is, whether you want to accept it or not.

Before Classic launched and perhaps for a little bit afterwards the whole point was to get away from all the accessibility and QoL. Lets also keep in mind Vanilla was already a casual MMORPG. It really doesn’t need a ‘talk do this npc once a month for your free buff’.