On the Upcoming Lore Book

I mean, given how Shadowlands outright retconned ‘The Bibles of Lore’ via Chronicles by pulling a cop-out BS excuse stating “It was just the perspective of the titans” (and peed off a LOT of people) — Wouldn’t be surprised if this is their play moving forward to cosmology ‘lore’ books & similar writings from now on.

You could also speculate they didn’t want to tell them for the info to spill out faster to the other cosmic forces that might seek to dominate or use the world soul / titan of Azeroth to their own ends, thus kept as much need-to-know-basis on info as possible. :thinking:

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The book is prefaced with “this is not canon. We don’t want to be held to any standards of lore.”


They’re fleecing you. Do none of you remember when Sylvanas Windrunner lied to herself in her own gottdamn head movies?!


I guess they had to make the point cross that the narrator could have biases and prejudices. That’s an unreliable narrator so the lore found within this book could be ‘from a certain point of view,’ but, it also seems like a pushback against the criticism of the previous books.

I know we’ve had disagreements in the past, however I actually agree with you on this 100%

The fact they not only do it with past lore-books, but are continuing it with current & future ‘lore’ books just feels rather cheap. Not to mention disrespectful to the consumer of their products. :triumph:

Would feel more productive putting our money in the fireplace for warmth than wasting it on lies – That may become even cheaper lies, as time passes on. :unamused:


I can’t wait to see them retcon the retcons of earlier retcons, as seems to be the case with every new lore book;


Im going to buy this book and you cant stop me.

I could be wrong, but I think he was warning you – more than actually demanding you. lol


Unfortunately I have no power to stop dumb decision making.


I’m buying it just to add it to my collection. I like collecting these kind of books.

I’m not going to buy this one, in hindsight the other pseudo-lore books are just collecting dust on my bookshelf. Once you read them once there’s really no reason to revisit them.

I will likely get it, just because I like books like this. Or heck, I like books in general. I am a librarian, after all. Even if they do mostly collect dust. People waste money on worse things, I suppose.

I actually welcome them being upfront about lore books being basically in game lore and not out of game de facto text books. Those never made sense for a live service game where things constantly evolve. They make more sense for something like an TTRPG.


ANOTHER LORE BOOK? Is this one gonna be retconned too?
Though I don’t know what I’m complaining about, I never bought the Chronicles!


There needs to be a balance. Some things need to be established “this is how it is” black and white facts. Others can be mysteries or open to interpretation. A story can have both. We need more of the former and less of the latter or many people are not going to care about the lore or buy these books.


While it should, at this point I dont think thats going to happen. I literally just accept the new book is the new lore, what else can anyone do?


Do what I do. Buy it as a collectible. It’s how I justify buying them :blush:


While new lore is canon even if the writers retcon it every day, does that mean you’ll always buy the books?

I kind of don’t see the point in spending time reading something they could not even be bothered to fact check. Maybe everyone in the book is lying and this is just more pointless clutter. When I spend time reading about a fictional universe, I want that information to actually be useful in that universe, I’m bombarded with enough misinformation in real life to desire it in a fictional world.


And I buy multiple copies as well. Have to get the paper back,have to get the hard back, the special edition and then of course copies of those just encase any get lost or damage. And if any get lost or damaged i buy copies of those again so i always have a back up.

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Yeah. I buy them as collectibles. And rarely is the lore completely retconned. The only time I can recall where blizz rewrote the lore on something was the Draenei, and that was just to make them playable

Historically, blizzard actually only rarely outright retcons—They are far more apt to recontextualize. Which is its own bucket of fun.