On the topic of BTags: It's good, only to rat out the sock puppets

When one person claims I am one person controlling a legion of alts, when I could easily say the same of them, is a point of contention on the forums.

There needs to be more accountability on the forums. Especially those who don’t want the game to revive.


I don’t know how people “sock-puppet” actually, the character select seems to be broken. On my computer, I can’t even change from my classic character to any retail character because they haven’t shown up for a month. I only get to be this gnome on the ipad which I have to hold portrait mode because if I hold it landscape, it will take me to some random website whenever I click in the middle of the screen.


Everyone seems to want in on this topic. I doubt it would make much of a difference. As long as we can all hide behind an avatar of any kind you will get whatever it is that bothers you on the forum.

Get use to it, Btags wont fix it


It’s broken for me on Desktop too, you aren’t alone.


I honestly don’t see Blizz taking the time to implement them.

Not if they already revamped the forums recently for mobile.

Maybe in another 12 months.

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However, while not a complete fix, would be a step in the right direction to know who is properly who like on other Blizzard games.

BTag: Toon@Realm

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One great thing is at least my character isn’t a blue and grey box anymore! And she was never a pink bubblegum outline either. (But who knows, the night is young!)


A placeholder cube?

Remembered those from the Cataclysm Alpha/Beta cycle, still in BFA in Tol’Dagor.

Reference: Kill Sand Queen, head up past the sewers to where a bunch of Vulpera are. Have them toss “coins” aka the Placeholder Cubes at you.

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I have zero problems with them adding a system to allow us to identify alts.

I have every issue with putting our full battletag.

Myself and many others have explained over and over how easily exploitable creating a new account is to harass someone once you have their battletag. And I have experienced this in the past when I posted mine publicly.

Putting the battletag next to our character name, with some of the numbers obscured (Like if my btag was Maizou#12345, have it say Maizou#12XXX instead of 12345) would be fine. But I am vehemently opposed to full battletags being listed. It just opens people up to harassment.

And to be 100% frank, to the people who will reply, I do not care if you think people won’t abuse it to harass people - I know from personal experience they will. You can believe whatever you want, I’ll stick to the cold hard fact of personal experience.


Something like that, yeah. I’m not against the notion of being able to identify who is who.

I will use my Evoker as an example.

Oofystraza has Aundlend as an apprentice.

This is how it works on the other forums. It goes by Battlenet name not Battletag.

So I’d be Awkward, not Awkward#1942


Except when you click through to someone’s profile.

Example, on the first thread on the Overwatch GD forum: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/blizzard-confirmed-that-individual-skill-has-no-bearing/782021 (Sorry to the random person I am linking to lol)

His battletag is MACE. Which is great. However, what you probably didn’t see is if you click on his name and go to his profile (or even just hover over the name and look at the URL), his battletag is revealed to you in the URL - MACE#1800.


Which makes sense on OW forums, because their armoury itself is tied to the battletag (or at least it was before it broke everything) and that’s how battletags work in most of Blizzards ecosystem.

It’s not secret private data that is supposed to be shared between you and a few others like RealID is.


Probably might run dry on likes in this thread.

The other Blizzard Forums also have mods who do their job properly and have probably 1% of the amount of massive trolls, if not less, than WoW.




good one

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But the sock puppet thing is very rare and most of the time when someone accuses someone else of doing this, they are wrong. A blue post said so.

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They need to moderate the forums, not sit back, watch some malicious troll wreak havoc with stupid human games, laugh at players, and only take action long after the damage is done.


The people that want Battletags are people that let other people get to them in discussions and when that happens they feel the need to find some fault on the other persons end in some way. It is only after the fact that they investigate to try to find similarities to the person sock puppeting which does happen. All this battletag talk just because someone maybe sock puppeting? Really? You let people get to you that much that you want to further engage in arguments that have nothing to do with the game but the persons actions. Seems a bit weird to me that people care this much about what other people maybe doing on the forums instead of playing WoW.


I mean you hit decline…and or block…
I mean its simpler than what we have now, somebody can create More alts than you have ignores on the system now