Blizzard confirmed that individual skill has no bearing

On your rank up… Is there any threads discussing this? How is this not a big deal? In OW1 your personal performance actually had an impact on your ability to rank up. They’ve said it no longer does. Huge issue IMO.


Only in ranks below diamond.


ok? That makes sense. Definitely better than not having individual performance effect your rank.

Performance based SR was always exaggerated outside of fresh accounts. Nothing has changed, realistically.

Gonna be completely honest I don’t understand how this is a response to what I said :joy:

Ah. That explains why.

I simply disagree, I think people are going wild with misinterpreting Blizzard’s statements that contradict themsleves to begin with. And even if it is “entirely” different befitting a sequel, despite no MMR reset (hint hint), it does not tangibly alter the way you climb.

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They have stated individual performance has no bearing. I can not be more clear. It’s a complete 180 from OW1s rank up experience.

“it does not tangibly alter the way you climb.” This is wrong, completely.

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I don’t think performance based SR in OW1 was really responsible for all that much either. You had to win games to rank up, you always have.

Does this make sense? No not really, but I’m not sure they could come up with a system that takes statistics into account given the diverse way there is to approach problems in this game and that all of those approaches don’t show up the same on statistics.

It would very likely get abused and/or lead to unhealthy playstyles in game to try and pad statistics. I agree on the face of it the system should work better but I’m not sure that’s realistically possible.

The difference was negligible. I am not sure what is difficult to grasp about it.

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If stats aren’t a gauge for performance, what is? I understand the nuances of battle, and I agree some stats are meaningless. If you died 15 times and I died 6. I think I did a better job than you.

“The difference was negligible. I am not sure what is difficult to grasp about it.”

In your opinion, which is wrong. I have no desire to discuss the topic with a 37k poster though. Your opinion is bottom of the barrel as far as I’m concerned.

The reason you do not desire discussing it is because you are competent enough to understand that you cannot support your own conclusion which does make you a cut above the rest, not going to lie. I respect that, at least.

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I can not support my own conclusion? Having trouble understanding that. I’m not here to just argue. I think there is a legitimate issue. My conclusion is that there should be some type of personal performance calculated into the rank up experience. At higher ranks I completely understand that wins > all.

yea, it is well known that people who actually spend their time reading the dev notes, and having actually built matchmakers are well known to not understand the system more than people who just appear on the forums and say "

Without taking a moment to understand what they are telling you…

Yep, I am sure you can not.

But. lets try to lay it out for you.

Skill based will push your MMR around a little, but ultimately you need to win games to get any real distance, and since your MMR is higher from the skill based changes, you are less likely to do so.

So it is self limiting, and was more of a problem than it was worth for the devs.

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i could be remembering this wrong but i think they technically only said your stats dont impact your sr/mmr gains.

that sounds like “personal performance doesnt matter”, but what if the idea of personal performance was something else like the 'on fire" system thats still in game.

your stats themselves dont matter, but maybe if you get 5 kills back to back and you are “on fire” in the background that improves your overall gains.

this is all obviously a guess and so you should take it with the largest grain of salt.

but even if theres absolutely no performance bonus, you still win based on your own skill.

for the mmr to go up so fast there certainly has to be SOMETHING that is telling them your performance is really good for your rank. i dont think they are lying though about the stats, but whatever it is that determines this is secondary to you winning match.

Hey, RobotWizard, your opinion is top of the barrel as far as I am concerned.

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Exactly, that is the point, wins were a better predictor of someone’s skill than raw stats were.

Modern ways to using win/losses from matchmakers lands someone at their MMR really quickly, and doesn’t need the tweaking from stats, which really was the only reason they used them in the first place.

Thanks, it may be a barrel at the back of a warehouse which no one goes, but thanks all the same :slight_smile:

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Blizard has already stated themselves that they botched it. Guess I’ll just wait until they make changes instead of debating 47k posters.

I tried to get you to explain this: “you cannot support your own conclusion”.
You’d rather circle jerk your fellow 30k+ poser.

I guess you didn’t read what they said, since they were NOT saying the removal of the skill based MMR was the problem, but that roles should be compared with each other more in the matchmaker.

You can go read their notes if you like.

Or, you can learn something about how matchmakers work, and understand the change they are making themselves.

Or just do what you are doing now.

I’d personally recommend reading their post again, and seeing which part they said was a problem, and what they are fixing because of it.

I know exactly what they said. Maybe you should go reread it. Or maybe just continue padding your post count.

I have, many times, and it is has been talked about on the forums quite a lot.

You don’t get a post count like this by actually caring about post counts, but by taking part in conversations and talking though what each thing is about.

You know, with other people who have read it, many times as well, and fully understanding what is going on.

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