I agree with the irony, but the Highborne also believed that using magic was an essential part to their culture to which Malfurion disagreed unless it was druidic (Or that allowed by Tyrande such as Priestal - Though Arcane was forbade in the given criteria); as for the exiling of using ‘dangerous magic!’ I felt that was a bit hypocritical and didn’t quite make sense. If anything they should had utilised their study to see how they can make the Sunwell resistant to Void - and overall strengthen their people. But alas like Umbric said and I agree, Rommath was short sighted.
i wouldn’t say it’s a mistake, aside from reckless usage of it - But the exiling itself would be deemed as a mistake by my standards.
I think Void Elves are cooler too, I also think people who spam the forums about playable Alliance high elves should stop hijacking this thread.
I spam about San’lyn actually if your refering to me.
Those are cooler too!
Seriously Void Elves were the thing I never knew I wanted. We just need their story, meet their characters. You know, and not wait a year for it.
Yeah. Void Elves are dope, I like their appearance, I like their flashy racials, I like their accent and Voice Emotes. I even like their Hunter Pet, I didn’t think I would but then I realized that they fixed what I used to hate about that Lizard model: the fact you could tell how old it was, but the Void filter fixes that problem. I called mine Sithis
They have nice hair too… I’m stuck on the Goku/Legolas scale.
They are missing my favourite Blood Elf hair:The short one that covers one eye. But they have a LONG ONE THAT COVERS ONE EYE OMG!
I called him Sithis so now I’m attached
Like from Skyrim? That’s dope.
Yes, yes it is.
I read an interesting article (written in January) a couple months ago, where it was mentioned that the Void elves’ sudden introduction was Intended to be jarring. Here is someone we’re used to seeing as an adversary, presented as an ally. It lends a unique air to the entire thing; as well as that of all the allied races currently availible, they are the Only one that people didn’t really get to know before their launch. This sets the precedence of anything interesting being a potential outcome.
In the lore, I like to think of it as that we were so sideswiped by the events of the last patch that we just distractedly went along with it. After seeing a huge flaming giant soaring over the skybox and get pulled back to nowhere–the demon infested planet of Argus vanished from the skybox, and the triumphant return of the conquering army (and meeting the Lightforged), for a short window of time we probably wouldn’t have been surprised at anything.
(In a way, this is almost supported ingame if you squint at it. A velf was made into the elite mob that pats and keeps watch for stealtehd rogues in SW. Imagine that job interview. “Got any special skills?” /reaches through portal to nowhere and takes coffee off the guys desk “Sweet. Welcome aboard.”)
As for the lightforged, my best guess is that it could have something to do with them knowing the void was used in the netherlight crucible, perhaps? But its not really addressed. They have such a military discipline that they probably just followed the lead of the top brass and kept their opinions on the down low, though ready to use their powers if need be.
In the article I mentioned earlier, it was said that lorewise the velves were mistrusted and maligned by the wider alliance culture because every other example of void-anything has been a disaster. That may be the canonical answer.
Maybe part of why they were allowed in is because if we had not, then we’d have eventually had to face them as adversaries as they tried to carve out their own place in the world. Leaving them out there with the whole horde after them and nowhere to turn to would have been more likely to result in some twilight cult scenario.
I nearly forgot–since i mentioned it a couple times, here’s that article.