On the subject of Void Elves

There have been some questionable races in WoW.

The Forsaken, we the undead snack on the bodies of those we defeat, and we like to play with chemical weapons.

The Zandalari: they occasional get a “take over the world” bug in their bonnet, and want to take over stuff.

Both are Horde races that were accepted cause they needed a home.

Which brings me to the Void Elves and a question that has to be answered.

Where does the Horde draw the line, when do we say “oh hell no, that is just crazy sauce. Pack up your things and go!”

Well, that would be the Void Elves. Those Blood Elves who made a deal with the devil and have decided to play with questionable things.

When the Forsaken went to the Alliance for help after they were freed. We got a screw you from the Alliance. When the Tauren needed help from the Night Elves to help combat the Grimtotem threat, another screw you.

But Void Elves…sure no problem, here have a seat in the comfy chair, may I get you a refreshing beverage!?

I have never understood how the Alliance was able to welcome the Void Elves into the circle. And how the hell have the Lightforged Draenei and the Void Elves not killed each other yet.

What kind of a world do we live in, where the Horde was like “wait, hold on a second, this is gonna be bad!” And the Alliance is all like “Void Elves, sure, you embody everything we don’t, but come on in, the water is fine?”

I know this has been done to death, stick and all. But man, I need answers.

And don’t give me that “We trust Windrunner, so we trust Void Elves” crap. Alleria has voices in her head telling her to kill people. She half way to the funny farm.


The void elves didn’t approach the Alliance. Alleria approached them, after having discussed the idea with Anduin, and invited them to join the Alliance; which they accepted - after she saved their lives.


They didn’t make a deal. They were lured into a trap that nearly got them all killed— and that wasn’t by choice.

Because Alleria.

And yet she hasn’t done anything that would make the Alliance or her own husband not trust her.

I’m not saying their storyline is good. They’re very much shoehorned. But this complaint doesn’t hold much water to me.

The Belfs kicked out the Velfs out of fear for the Sunwell. The Horde didn’t have anything to do with it.


The void elves don’t view the Void as evil though. Dangerous, but like any other power source it’s neutral and about how you use it. They didn’t bind themselves to the Old Gods or anything. They also had no choice in the matter and were forcibly infused.

Both factions already have warlocks on their sides and death knights too. Public opinion isn’t overly fond, but they’re still accepted. And the void elves have proven to be exceptionally helpful and willing to be supportive. They aren’t best friends with the lightforged and they don’t have to be.

The forsaken were distrusted because everyone was traumatized by the Scourge and had a well earned dislike for undead. The night elves didn’t help the tauren because the Twilight’s Hammer, framing the Horde for it, just brutally assaulted a peace meeting between them.


Blizz didnt want to do High Elfs for the Alliance, so they did this

Blizz didnt want to do High Elfs for the Alliance, so they did this

Blizz didnt want to do High Elfs for the Alliance, so they did this

Blizz didnt want to do High Elfs for the Alliance, so they did this


Big difference in using the void for shadow magic (shadow priests) and being infused with it.

Honestly, if this Shadowlands expac is fo’ reals-- I can see how they could link it back to the Void Elves.

And it was really because of Alleria they got into the Alliance. No other reason. If Alleria hadn’t had stepped in on their behalf after saving their backsides, the Alliance would have never extended an invitation to Join.


There’s been much headcanon as Garithos could’ve attacked the Forsaken and Fandral attacked the Blood elves away from the alliance but it’s been an issue of the team forgetting to expand on these older concepts.

The Void elves are still an odd concept but so far as they’re goals are similar to high elves-- Silvermoon politics and relationship with the alliance.

High Elves have always been dev’s trophy wife. So they give Alliance Void Elves instead.

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Void elfs are kinda similar to the Demon Hunters

Instead of Fel its Void

Void elves are only in the alliance so the devs could laugh at us and say, here are your high elves


Void Elves are awesome, but their lore is terrible.


People keep saying this, but it’s perplexing considering how much cooler and more superior Void elves are to High elves.

Sorry you people didn’t get another cliche, vanilla elf race.


It’s cause they are hot. That’s also the reason they won’t let Orcs or Forsaken in. The War Crimes and Being Dead are just an excuse. Secretly it was about conventional attractiveness the whole time.

You know what we be even cooler than void elves? High elves that had a void form like Alleria. Thats what Im upset about. Thats what we should have gotten. Best of both worlds.


Hey I resent that. I’m now taking over this thread. Look at me :eyes: Look at me :eyes:

I’m the captain now.


This is only because a well known paladin was banging a she-elf and said she-elf can do void stuff so void elves followed her. So the Paladin whomst is banging said she-elf told the King that “Hey i know this she-elf pretty well and she has the exiled elves. Let’s take em in”

This is the hill I will die on, even as a primarily horde player.

Void Elves were stupid. Zero lore presence, there were only like 40 of them (I think they even say they are few in number during unlock quest chain). They were kicked out of Silvermoon because their presence was corrupting the sunwell. Not that they were intentionally doing it, just that their very presence was anathema to the light of the sunwell. And I bet in another few years they will rival human/night elf as most played alliance race.

We are currently fighting against the Old Gods, who were created by the void lords, who are the manifestation of the void. The current faction leader of the void elves is hearing whispers to kill a bunch of other characters. That’s not sketchy. We do know (now) it’s coming from the old gods because of Ebonhorn and Wrathion hearing whispers.

Yup, this is all ok and makes complete sense.

You know what would have been better if you wanted alliance to have a “pretty” elf race? Just have given them high elves. That are 1) actually around and in greater numbers than the void elves, and 2) actually have some lore presence rather than being shoe-horned in, by unlocking them through exalted with a faction that has absolutely nothing to do with them.


Sorry man, there are no answers that’ll pass a logic test. It’s complete codswallop however you look at it.

Blizzard wanted to give the pretty elf model to the alliance so they would stop complaining but did not want to give them high elfs because that would make the alliance too happy.

They pre-destroyed the possible fun.