There have been some questionable races in WoW.
The Forsaken, we the undead snack on the bodies of those we defeat, and we like to play with chemical weapons.
The Zandalari: they occasional get a “take over the world” bug in their bonnet, and want to take over stuff.
Both are Horde races that were accepted cause they needed a home.
Which brings me to the Void Elves and a question that has to be answered.
Where does the Horde draw the line, when do we say “oh hell no, that is just crazy sauce. Pack up your things and go!”
Well, that would be the Void Elves. Those Blood Elves who made a deal with the devil and have decided to play with questionable things.
When the Forsaken went to the Alliance for help after they were freed. We got a screw you from the Alliance. When the Tauren needed help from the Night Elves to help combat the Grimtotem threat, another screw you.
But Void Elves…sure no problem, here have a seat in the comfy chair, may I get you a refreshing beverage!?
I have never understood how the Alliance was able to welcome the Void Elves into the circle. And how the hell have the Lightforged Draenei and the Void Elves not killed each other yet.
What kind of a world do we live in, where the Horde was like “wait, hold on a second, this is gonna be bad!” And the Alliance is all like “Void Elves, sure, you embody everything we don’t, but come on in, the water is fine?”
I know this has been done to death, stick and all. But man, I need answers.
And don’t give me that “We trust Windrunner, so we trust Void Elves” crap. Alleria has voices in her head telling her to kill people. She half way to the funny farm.