On the Mythic Raiding convo - mythic lockouts must change

To find replacements now, you need to find someone willing to give up their whole weekly lockout just to join a group that may well be in early prog on a boss with zero chance of any kills that week. Almost nobody is willing to do that.

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More people than you think are.

From: https://www.wowhead.com/news/towelliee-interview-on-the-war-within-mythic-affixes-augmentation-raid-buffs-338861

The last few bosses were very difficult. What can we expect from The War Within?
Andrew DeSousa said:
We have the audience that gets there first and we really want them to be engaged and it to be exciting, but we also have to consider everybody else. I don’t have anything concrete as far as a plan, but this is a serious topic that we’re talking about pretty often internally.

Sounds like not much is changing Mythic raid wise to start, but maybe at some point? Again like he said, nothing concrete here.

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at least is being considered, not like “we are not planing any chnages” the wording says they are trying to figure it out.

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