On the Mage Trading Post Outfit

First thing first, thank you, to the Devs out there, who made sure a Blood Elven version of this set made it into the game. The red and green is beautiful, and you just made so many players happy.

That having been said, I want to address the other two color variants.

Also disclaimer here, yes, I am aware nothing is final until released, just bringing it up now rather than later.


Clearly, we’re looking at a Void Elf variant here, which is a nice addition. That having been said, I would have two requests. Firstly, tone the gold back to more of a bronze to match the Heritage Armor.

Secondly and more importantly, those green flames on the orbs have to go. What would be really cool, would be to see that Void Walker black hole visual effect around them. It would be a much better match for the void aesthetic.


No doubt this is meant to be the High Elven aesthetic version of the set, the one we were shown when class sets were first announced. Back then, it looked great as is, but now? Now we’re seeing a difference that shouldn’t be there.

Why the green flames on the orbs?

Just like with the Void Elves, this doesn’t really look all that great, or thematic to the race it’s aesthetic is clearly drawn from. That said, while the original reveal showed us a white/blue kind of flame, in this case, I’d go so far as to say having no visual effect on them is even all that necessary. Speaking for myself I’d rather see the blue/white we got in the original artwork for them, but the key thing is, the green flames have to go.

Picture below for reference.

Thank you for your time, here’s hoping we can get these small changes in.


Ew, the original photo didn’t show the green fel fire on the blue set. I hate that. I was all excited to get it for my frost mage and now I guess I won’t be wasting my tenders on it. Shame.


Black flames would look cool too :eyes:


The version I saw had blue flames for the helf, green for the belf, and purple for the velf. I think since things are still being datamined, we don’t have the correct versions. I wish the velf version would be able to be used on my lock or spriest, it would be perfect!

But after the belves only getting the 4 hair colors that humans got, I am gonna reserve my outrage until we see an actual post by Blizz.

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Would love it if that were the case, but right now, WoWhead’s showing us green flames for all three, and it just doesn’t look all that great in my opinion. Looks fine on the red set, of course.

Well, going to have to save my tenders

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Does it not match? It looks like it would match. But yeah if it doesn’t it should.

Since my void elf is a warlock I’d be thrilled with the green fire on the orbs. But I’m not a monster. It would be better if it were more universal. I like your idea.

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Shame the shaman set is for trolls. Mage looks sweet though.

Eh, the hunter one is also for trolls or tauren. I’ve actually not really been looking forward to most of the ‘class sets’ But since I do play helf/velf, this looks great!

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The problem is, this is a Mage-Exclusive Set so… your Void Elf Warlock won’t be able to use it.


I wish you all the luck that they might see this, but I can’t see them acting on this.

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Oh yeah. Crap!

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I can agree it’s a bit lousy that Warlocks can’t use this set too. Kael’thas always felt like he straddled the line between Mage and Warlock pretty well back in WC3, where his outfit became so iconic to him.

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It already looks like what you’re requesting for the orbs is the intended effect for the set.


Thanks for the image. I wonder why WoWHead has all of them with green flames? So odd. Well, the purple flames for the Void Elf set isn’t bad, but I hope they can still scale the gold back to match their heritage armor.


And for those who don’t care to open a twitter link:


I don’t care for half-done sets and hunter set is ugly as usual.



I do hope they give ALL cloth wearers that blood elf version…

My blood elf warlock is still very annoyed that they removed the glyph of verdant spheres. Her Kael’thas look-alike cosplay was totally destroyed.

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That purple set looks more warlock than void themed

The green fel fire is definitely warlock

Edit: We’ll Nevermind. I just saw another pick and the purple set has purple orbs. They fit much better

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I like the sets, but I don’t understand why they make class set so race inspired. The mage one has the blood elf symbol on the belt, that looks weird on a human, troll or other race mage.

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Honestly this mage armor should’ve been the Blood Elf heritage armor. Its obviously Kael’thas inspired