On reading quest text

I didn’t even read your post, I just got enough of a gist to figure out the objective.

Its long past time all quest dialog had actual voice acting.

Depends on the context of the quest.

I basically read none of the quest text for the Centaur in this expac because I really just didn’t like them for some reason.

Otherwise I pretty much read all of the quest text. And I’ve retained basically none of it. All of that was like 2 years ago now. It really does not make a difference to your life in the long run if you don’t.

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The whole plains zone bored me, it was just “Nagrand 7: Where’s the poop quest?”

Thank you for recommending Dialogue UI. I have been trying it out and like it much more than both the default UI and Immersion.

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I read the quest text, for my main. When it comes to alts, it depends on how much I liked the quest before. For example I reread the quest text for my orc shaman here and my orc death knight for the Orc Heritage armor quest chain because I just really enjoyed the whole experience the first time.

Ooh thank you for recommending this! Definitely been looking for something other than Immersion, I love the screenshots :slight_smile:

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I have been playing on and off for 20 years. I don’t think I’ve ever read a quest. Proud? nope. but from my perspective it’s just in my way. I don’t care why I need to go collect all this crap for you, just let me go get it.

Also, while we’re at it. How’s about you have me get all the things you need at that place in one trip instead of sending me back 3 times. Some times these quest givers aren’t very considerate towards the help. Just cause you have no place to be doesn’t me we don’t. gosh!

I read the quest text the first few times through (I have far, far too many alts), particularly if I can weave my way through one thread at a time. Sometimes the 20-some-odd quests that pile up can throw me off, ending up opening the map while flying muttering ‘wait, what was I doing in this zone again? Who am I looking for?’ The changes to quest markers has helped this immensely, through DF and now the further changes going into the pre-patch.

Dailies and weekly quests I’ll read the first round, then not so much afterwards.

I write stories myself, and I respect the time and effort others have put in to weaving these tales into quests. Do I love the seeming obsession with poop quests through the years? No, but I do at least get a laugh out of them.