On my new demon hunter stan i cant start the artifact questline because i boosted

on my new demon hunter stan i cant start the artifact questline because i boosted. the guy doesnt appear in dalaran for me on my newly created boosted character stan

Try doing the legion returns quest line or up to the point where u can skip the broken shore quest.


Get the add-on BTWQuests and it’s Legion module to see if there are any pre-requisite you’re missing. Also note that using a boost will lock you out of Legion instances for 24 hours from the time you used the boost.

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i did this one, i dont understand this

it doesn’t start in Dalaran.


i found what i was missing. it was actually really not obvious to me, but now that i found it, i feel stupid.

first i had to go to org or stormwind, and go to the hero board and select legion as my quest. this gives me a quest to witness the moving of dalaran. i did that and then all of a sudden the quest giver shows up for the artifact.