Oh wow
It looks better than the original werebear skins
Nice change
No form? Why?
Always found it weird they made a “WereBear” but removed the WereCat thing.
That’s awesome, and I think that’s the perfect answer. I’m gonna have to get that bear one too! Thanks for the link Clark
Edit: wouldn’t mind a cat form similarly designed, like I’d love that!
i can’t wait for this tbh
ok wtf this makes me want to play more
I pride myself on my consistency. Reskinning the werebear was exactly what I said I’d be in favor of. I’m extremely happy for the people who have a chance to get the form they missed!
But that being said, where are the other mage tower artifact reskins? If they’re going to do one, they need to do them all.
Well, I think there’s really only one thing to say about this:
I’ve been playing Druid tanks as a main on and off again for quite some time, have owned the werebear skins for some time - never use them. glow-bear skins best TBH, easy to spot for your DPS and positioning. I wish they had made more colors for that instead of this. I get it though, the novelty of this skin makes it valuable even when it’s the inferior bear skin.
This looks like a druid demon hunter lol.
my druid can finally have a werebear form, I only played my shaman during legion, since i returned at the end of that expansion, after i left in WoD
So close. /sigh
Am I the only one who hates that ugly highlighted coloring like they put on the claws? They started putting that crap everywhere in WoD and it makes a solid piece of gear or mount etc look horrible. It’s like an attempt at a glow but it just looks like someone went around parts of it with a highlighter.
Please retire that style, Blizz.
Never been a fan of the swolebear form
Dudeeee it’s so beautiful. My tank friend is gonna lose it.
Just to be clear, you needed to have earned the initial werebear in Legion to unlock this, correct?
Oh thank goodness, they are actually tossing new skins into the tower. I was almost afraid for a bit there.
welp, guess i’m plunging back in
Yep I got the bear forms but not the neon kitty…
Nope, not locked to those who have the old one. Any tank Druid can attain this new form if they clear it.
As far as I can tell anyone can get this skin regardless.