OMG, premades

This stuff just writes itself, lol.

lol ya just falling back to insults because nothing worthwhile to say haha classic

Either trolls, or just donā€™t get it. There was a point where premades were heavily discouraged against sometime around Legion. But to many were bypassing the implementation with outside que systems. Whatā€™s the cherry on top is the premades that have 1 person go into the bg to make sure they arenā€™t facing another premade before everyone else goes in. Some people just get off on ruining anothers day, everyone wonders why some people occasionally snap and do dumb shizz, trolls such as these are the leading cause of the snap.

they simply need to start the bans for these exploiters honestly they clearly donā€™t care about the game or anything there just trolling and greifing

They should try and increase the cap and do the same try and match premades together as they do in random bg.

Give it time and see how it goes and adjust the size of the raid that can enter.

Increase to 15 and go up and down.

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where itā€™s at with 5 is fine they simply need to enforce that and make it so if you do go with more than just yourself you should be put with other groups

Fastest way to ā€œenforceā€ it is remove faction and just have a que button.

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how would that help?

cRy mE a rIvEr

uh oh we upset one of them XD they are going to spam report us so they can keep sucking haha

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Because they join as 5 mans, if they could randomly get placed on the other team it would split the premade up.

THEYā€™RE going to THEIR house because you are not THERE.

Itā€™s not rocket science.

How can I find premades for my NE Hunter?

Iā€™d love to do epic bg premades

From an individual reference it is pretty easy to see if players are Specific queuing, just from numbers played in those BGā€™s.
This is personified with our more modern rotation of maps.

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The problem Iā€™ve seen with voice chat in big communities is people withā€¦ excessive personalityā€¦ render them unusable. You can mute them but their mic is still keyed non-stop about whatever is on their mind right-this-second. People just stop using voice unless thereā€™s a really good reason.

Plus if you thought someone was annoying in regular chatā€¦ good grief.

wait did I mistake this for my English paper again? Wait no def not this is game forum XD dude you need to take a break and get off the internet for a while haha

You donā€™t need to write an ā€œEnglish paperā€ to figure out something we all mastered by the age of ten.

Iā€™m sorry that basic education failed you.

lol you seemed to have missed the joke but no surprise from a man child chronically online for real dude take a break go do something constructive instead of being grammar police on a video game forum smh sad

Iā€™m not seeing any punctuation in that post.

lol you really donā€™t have anything better to do huh? sad