OMG, premades

then why care what I say about premades? if it doesn’t effect you there is no reason for you to be upset about it

Probably because premades aren’t an issue that deserves complaining about since they’ve been a thing since vanilla and there are plenty of communities to join if you feel you are ‘unfairly’ being treated in pvp.

Mostly because it clogs up the forums with threads that otherwise could be spent complaining about consequential things.

Also, no one is upset. It’s more sheer amusement at this point.

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lol once again your opinion isn’t the only thing that matters in this game but you do you

Think you answered it yourself. They have honor gear and working towards conquest gear.

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SAS and SoD/GG could do it. The others likely don’t have the numbers without using LFG.

I’ve been in a few discs. The voice chat is there, but usually a small amount of people.

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Most premades do not specific queue. They queue all epics so they get conquest points.

You really need a hobby.

Interesting comment, since you were very upset about me “commenting on everything”. :slight_smile:

Most premade raids do specific queue.


wasn’t upset about it just a simple observation XD

I’m convinced they like the smell of their own farts with how naive they are.

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No they don’t.

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They actually don’t. One does specific queue, then SPM who plays one day a week.

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If you weren’t upset you wouldn’t have noticed nor replied. Nice try though. :slight_smile:

No they don’t. That’s pretty rare.

You really ought to grow up and move on from this “issue” of yours when it’s clear you don’t even know what’s going on.

so im not allowed to say anything on a forum made for saying things?


how is that weak? do you just have nothing logical to say?