OMG, premades

Can we please put all the threads complaining about premade BG groups in one place. A dumpster would be perfect.


Cool… dumpster diving would be awesome. :slight_smile:

Well you see when Wow came out it was made fun of for being “The casual MMO” you see the MMO community hated wow because it brought MMOs to the main stream.

Sadly the game nowadays isn’t so casual friendly like it was born to be.

Our Bgs are invaded by sweaty poop socking neck beards. They make a thing called “premade groups” so they can get their dopamine fix by 1 shotting defenseless casuals and fresh 70s. You see the neck beard survival depends on the salty tears of the average weekend warrior. The neck beard needs to assert its dominance.

So now the weekend warriors have had enough. They say “no I do not want to fight the greasy man who lives in his moms basement. I do not want to see his Mountain Dew can collection. I just want to PVP.”

So this is why you see a bunch of “No to premade” threads. The casual weekend warrior don’t wish to fight their mortal enemies “The ones who have no life”


As long as we do the same for hunter QQ threads.


That’s fine. I’ll order two dumpsters and schedule for twice a week. Or should I schedule for daily pick up?

Twice a day, just to be safe. I’ll chip in with the cost. Maybe we could start a gofundme?

Interesting. This is the same reason I group with friends.

So do I, but I don’t think a group of 3 friends needs to turn into 40 randoms in voice chat. Lol


Interesting, you only took 5 words from a 5 paragraph sentence and responded on it.

Did you read the whole post? Those were the only five words that meant anything.

“Did you read the whole post? Those were the only five words that meant anything.”

To you. :slight_smile:

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Actually I was trying to point out that Wow is considered a casual MMO. Yet people have taken it too far and think that they have to premade everything.

Not only do the neck beards have arena all sweaty with win trades but they took away casual content from the casuals.

I got no issue with a group of friends grouping up to PvP. I use to do that all the time with my IRL friends before they quit.

The issue now days is people have taken premades to the extreme. Blizzard use to put a stop to this when they cared. I recall they tried many tactics to stop people from abusing the premade system. Now it feels like blizzard has given up and is allowing premades to take advantage of the system.

Personally I don’t get why people enjoy over doing premades for wins. I don’t find it enjoyable to steam roll randoms over and over and over again. It’s not a fight at that point.

the problem is people abusing the system. Random ques are the only thing Casual PVPers have left. The level brackets are not what they use to be. So casuals are forced to be level 70 and get rofl pwned by people abusing premade system.

More and more casuals will quit wow. Not everyone likes to hang out on voice after a day of work. Some like to blast metal and PVP. Yet we can’t relax like we use to with people abusing a broken system.


Hopefully he/she will find more than 5 words that mean anything in this post. :slight_smile:

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Nope. He just rephrased his previous post. He doesn’t enjoy battle grounds because of premade groups. That’s his reason and I won’t dispute it. However, it is the same reason I do enjoy battle grounds. That’s my reason.

I enjoy and dislike BGs for many reasons.

You just have this mentality of “I fail to see the issue cause it doesn’t apply to me”


It will, when we leave who will be the fodder in the new order?

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I’d like to complain about the complainers complaining about the complaining.

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However, the one we are discussing is premade BG groups. We can discuss others if you want to.

Allow me to clarify. I’ve been on the other side of many premade matches. Getting stomped by a premade sucks. But I’m not opposed to their existence. They have just as much right to exist as you or I do individually. Which brings us to the old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” . That’s what I did and I’ve been having a blast ever since.

My question for you (and others) is why are you so opposed to joining premade groups? The couple of communities I’m in are very casual. No neck beards, we all shave. I’m pretty sure most of us live in our own homes and actually have real lives outside of WoW.

You do realize that results in an infinite loop?

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^ This.


You’re equating cheating premade raids with our IRL existence?


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