It’s not the amount of players, it’s the balance of players which blizzard ruined with free transfers. On kirtonos for example the alliance were underpopulated compared to horde and then blizz opened free transfers and the alliance all bailed. Blizz is at fault for many off these completely dead pvp servers where one faction has a super majority.
I chuckled at how on point this comment is.
Allowing paid transfers is doing basically the same thing; giving players free rein to choose to get off one server they deem is too unbalanced (backed by no evidence since Blizzard won’t publish these numbers and instead we rely on 3rd party information to determine general population) to instead go to another server where they think they have an advantage, or is better for them… creating more imbalance. And hey, some people just don’t like being outnumbered (mostly randomly killed by 5 horde and screaming imbalance) furthering their choice to move somewhere else based off hearsay because some guy said his server was better and they didn’t like their corpse run at that moment.
And you’re right, Blizzard is the cause of it by immediately falling victim to their own kneejerk reaction to create a dozen extra servers because a bunch of people didn’t like the queues. I suffered through a 25k queue, 9 hour wait on Whitemane because I knew this would happen. Blizzard would overcompensate, people would jump the gun and take the easy way out so they could play right away, just to find out their server is dead in a week because, like it or not, a lot of people who decided to try classic wow went in not knowing if they would even like the game… and then they didn’t… and then they left. Surprise, surprise. The “smart” people stuck it out, dealt with the queues, knowing that even despite the long wait, the chances of their server dying out was relatively thin, at least in the short term.
As of now, this is 63 posts long… how many do you think it takes to get Blizzard to accept they made a mistake? 200? 300? 3000? Everyone needs to be realistic, take the hard road, and go somewhere else if that’s where you want to be, because whining about it and banking on Blizzard’s good nature is a sure fire way to end up disappointed when you don’t get what you want, and face it, no one here is the center of this universe. They made a mistake. You made a mistake. Suck it up and take responsibility for it. Perhaps you’ll get your wish some day and you can dust off that forgotten character, because I guarantee; this will not happen tomorrow.
So you mean to say… it’s only been a month and a half since classic launched and folks should just go re-roll if they want to transfer. I’m actually ok with that… but I play a ton of alts.
Playing on a dead server won’t make these people any happier, so what other choice do they have? Say your piece, you want transfers… cool… now play somewhere else before you wear yourself out on a server you don’t even like. There have likely been thousands of posts on this forum of people wanting this and that and Blizzard didn’t even grace them with a response. Assume this is no different and make your own happiness.
Meh, it’s no skin off my back really.
I actually think paid services is the acti-blizz way out. Losing monetization/subscribers/dau? Let’s add a paid service! Paid service not working out as well as they want? Let’s reduce the wait time!
There are a lot of things at work here… I feel like it centers a lot on corporate greed, but whatevs. I’m just here to play, and hopefully enjoy, this game. And I’ve enjoyed classic quite a bit. I took this route through an RP server… have to admit, had my reservations about it early on but they’re the best people I’ve played with since 2004. Seriously.
Some people, like you, are in the right state of mind and just enjoy the game for what it is. Others, like OP, think they’re owed something for their time spent, when in reality, they’re getting exactly what they paid for, and legally, Blizzard owes them nothing other than the ability (promise) that, if they pay, they can play their game, which they are, and even then they can terminate that at their own discretion (by not following the rules). Free transfers wasn’t an ultimatum, it was a choice that the player readily accepted, and everything else that went along with it. If they’re lucky, Blizzard will allow paid transfers, and if not, they’ll just continue being angry instead of solving their own problem.
Yep. It’s called “re-rolling”. You can do it on any server.
But you can’t level to 60 on one server, then move that character to a different one, then move it to another one, and keep moving whenever you want.
Do you think “players should”? Why? You didn’t give any “why”, other than “because I want it”. That isn’t a good game design principle.
Yes, there are problems with OP’s suggested “should”. You remember “FOTM”. How about “realm of the month”?
Nope, that would ruin classic. Dont want another Wrath of the garbage King again with messed up communities.
It will probably happen at some point and when it does it will probably ruin classic for a lot of people. You don’t want that.
do you know what they should do instead ? They have to open like 50 more realms, so we can have more dead realms and people to cry more on the forums, I mean that solves everything right?
Alot people initially played with their friends who picked some low pop boondock where it takes 2 hours to find a dungeon.
[OMG just do it already]
You had me at “OMG”. The “already” argument was overkill. Who could possibly argue with those 2 cogent arguments?
Where is our hashtag? What is our meme? When’s the rally?
You are making a giant leap here and i am betting you didn’t play during vanilla. I had a similar conversation with a GM from Blizzard who was actually unaware that Paid Transfers were a thing and they also had Cool Downs on them.
So this whole omg the world will end stuff because people will ninja and transfer didn’t happen then and it wont happen now. Heck if someone does have enough money to transfer every week more power to them.
Thanks for playing though.
See above.
You seem kinda angry. Wanna talk about it?
I’m so perplexed at the random hostility here.
Paid CT was implemented by our current patch in Vanilla, it didn’t negatively impact communities in a noticeable way.
With mega-realms, there already isn’t a community. Where is this official blacklist for ninjas? What raids actually use /roll? Are you all actually concerned of people ninjaing in instances o.O? If there are three times or more the amount of people on a Classic server than a vanilla server then you can just go to a different group of players.
I don’t remember a community shattering mass exodus of ninjas during Vanilla when PCT was dropped.
If you were unaware of the balance until a higher level, you should be able to preserve your time. I transferred from a relatively balanced realm with large pop to a completely imba realm with medium pop. I had no idea what the actual balance was before transfering. So I should just scrap 200+ hours of my time because I made a transfer that Blizzard asked of me? 200 hours is extremely valuable to me personally and professionally, as it is to anyone.
And the answer provided is “just quit,” from the same people so concerned about their realms community? This seems dissonant.
Blizzard made a mistake, not me. I’ve been on the server I chose since launch and they ruined it after the fact. If they don’t fix the issues they made and I end up quitting that is a loss for blizzard.
My trust in blizzard is already low. I quit this game once before because of blizzard and if they mess it up again it will just result in the same outcome.
The servers have players, they just need to step in and force some semblance of balance between factions since they messed it up.
Like you said, if I don’t like it I can choose to reroll on a better server. You know what else I can choose? To just quit entirely and blizz will lose that money. Only a matter of time before this games dies if that’s how blizz is going to handle issues they create.
Might as well come phase 2 ally on my server is going to die either way at least with transfers the characters themselves won’t be wasted
How bout yes you selfish, uninformed troll.
There are still hundreds if not thousands of players seperated from their friends due to the catostrophe that was called a launch which forced friends to seperate onto different realms.
These free transfers do not allow us to move to where we need to be now that queues are settled.
Allow paid transfers. It was allowed in Vanilla so why not now? How blatantly selfish of you to say no jusy because YOU are happy with staying where you werr forced.
Get a clue.
Key word here.