OMG its happening Tuning is here

bring back frozen ammo :pray:

I only dabble in demon hunter, but isn’t throw glaive and soul scar proc’d by the 2 piece normally like 25% of the raw damage on the meters?

So thats cut by 50%, plus 10% off their burst, plus 2% from the vers loss, plus they have less hp, take more damage, take more physical damage, and take more magic damage.

Plus if people start targeting DH because of these changes since none of them run hardly any vers at all. You could see a shift of vers stacking lowering their mastery from like 105% down to a more reasonable 70%. That would be huge potential trickle affect of damage loss.

I could see the damage meter drop down to 80% of what it is now pretty easily. Mostly in sustained damage losses.

Maybe I’m missing something though. Those changes seem pretty impactful to me. Along with damage buffs to other classes.

Think of it as a 5% buff to the damage of warbreaker. Not the modifier, but the hit itself.

Lolol stop it.

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Any DH enjoyers who are gonna continue playing the spec, because it’s ya know… fun? And has been fun since it was a thing?

No? Just me? kekw

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I see soo its increasing the initial dmg and healing not buffing its overall healing after its first initial use so ancient teachings is only getting a tiny healing buff from the intial hit. any fw buff tiny or big is still bad in my eyes.

Frenzied Regeneration is no longer reduced by 37.5% for Feral and Balance Druids in PvP combat.



Lol dhs getting a slap on the wrist while nothing useful is happening.

Atleast ferals and boomies get to get like an extra 30k healing from frenzied?



Too to to to to tooo too to tooo tooo tooooo to

This buff was actually specifically a miestro buff, they just forgot to mention it.

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Absolutely awful, meme-troll-worthy changes… wow

DH changes are a joke. It will literally change nothing.
Feral survival changes are a joke. It will literally change nothing.



Sub fire would farm FW cleaves

At best you have a dampener arcane outlaw atm

Boomy mage would farm fw cleaves rn if frost is playable.

Problem is just that boomy mage would lose to any hunter or DH comp (of which both are still insane)

Find an evoker.

Frozen chicken is nutty good into cleaves as well

PVE with me ty

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Off the top of your head, do you know how much damage that is if you denounce and judge in a go?

What changes do you think are bad?

I actually think that this is a good start.
Let’s wait and see!

This is what I’ve been trying to figure out as well. I think I usually see Soulscar and Throw glaive around 15% of total damage in a match? So you’re effectively knocking that in half(assuming people aren’t spamming throw glaive and only counting on its proc from 2 set). So effectively an overall ~7.5% nerf depending on uptime of throw glaive? Sounds nice to me…

(Disclaimer: I could be way off base.)

I mean no amount of positivity will change how terrible the changes are in a grand scheme.

DHs still won’t die, will still opress you with their damage, and were just given a slap on the wrist.

Better than nothing overall, but still not enough for the 2 months of oppression.