OMG its happening Tuning is here

Love the way you lie bby riri on em

Welp. These changes are weak, pointless and nearly complete out of touch.

Seems like the enhance healing changes are about the only thing to be decent.

Beautiful change.

they change that but don’t change lock and priest fears.

Yeah, but warrior had an even higher threshold tho than priest or locks. It was a pseudo stun.

ret doesn’t need a nerf though? it is a relatively easy kill target. The issue with ret/war is largely fistweaver allowing for terrible gameplay. ret/war has always been a pretty mongo comp but fistweaver just makes it so much worse and somehow it got buffed. I don’t think ret or war needs to be touched at all however, both in a good spot and have weak/strong points. That is not including the overall fear change that also hit war fear, that needs to be reverted or halved so bad.

Was really hoping to see more on the DH side of nerfs though. Their survivability is ridiculous, their damage is ridiculous, their mobility is ridiculous, they have immunity and purge, reverse magic, what exactly does dh not bring?

Think about nerfing Vengeful retreat and Leech for DH, maybe a very small damage nerf on top of that. I don’t really care if dh blasts damage but something needs to give in regards to what they are capable of because they check all of the boxes currently.

all three fears are stuns right now atp well not warriors anymore atleast

I definitely don’t like the fear change that they did in general, but the warrior fear was the worst one out of all of them.

being able to get off two globals in one fear was crzy overall fear changes shoulda just been reverted fears are just stuns now with how much dmg you can take in a fear.

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Survival hits hard, the three people playing it are gonna be even more scary. Glad they buffed the other two Hunter specs.

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I think I am blind, did I miss the DK buffs?


lol no, having a good 3’s comp doesn’t mean a spec is fine overall and gets no buffs. If it that was the case boomy never would have received a buff.

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This buffs Castweaver (which needs it), not Fistweaver (beyond the IV change.) FW, as a rule, are not casting Vivify or Soothing mist unless they are jumping out of the fight.

That appears to be exactly the case, though.

? Boomy was just buffed

This +25% Smite damage is going to take Disc to the promised land over above 0% AWC representation. FOR SURE :innocent:

AWC representation doesn’t matter and you know it.

0% for a healing spec does.

That change puzzled me too.

Bad spec get minor number buff so (maybe) less bad.